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Posts posted by trutrvl

  1. Germany leaving the EURO? Whishfull thinking! It would be grate for the erozone but Germany is too selfish to do anybody any favours.

    As for the article as a whole... everyone is entitle to their opinons but when opinions are presented as facts then I draw the line and will never, from this point on, take Thanong Khanthong seriously on anything he writes.... what are his credentials as an economist anyway?

  2. Bangkok is a big city. Which areas could suffer from worst case scenario. CBD for example. She as usual is telling us nothing

    Also I find no relevant guiding instruction for residents on how to prepare for the worst.I see people block enterances with sandbags, but does it really help, when water can actually flow from toilets? Is there any source fire information on that?

    So right! Every sentance uttered is inconclusive... Dosn't any government agency got maps?!

    Instead of useless and contradictive statements why not show on a map which gates will open, which areas are below sea level and what is the flood prediction upon opening the gates.... Would also be most reassuring if someone said "gates will open during low tide and closed at high tide" some statement of this nature would make us think someone actually knows what they are doing.

    Really, Thailand has no lack of qualified hydroligists, engineers & consultents willing to help... cut the crap driven by politics and let the experts do what's needed when needed. Polititians should keep right out of this one and not be allowed to even talk, let alone make the decisions!

  3. So much talk about ecig being bad, well I say... show me the study, show the proof! nobody seems to be able. The common reason given by Gov to ban ecig is that the sweet flavours (choc, banana, etc) might appeal to children and so get them addicted to the habit... Fine I say, then regulate the sale just like the traditional cigs and don't sell to children... what a lame excuse to ban a product that compared to traditional cigs is healthier. Everiyhing that's inside the ecig juice is also found in foods, there is of course a high concentration of nic but then nic on its own is not a health risk, in fact it has many medical benefits, besides, with ecigs YOU controll the amount of nic you want.

    I tryed an ecig last December and haven't touched a regular cig since, i.e. I've been a non smoker for 7 months now, did it overnight with no effort at all... this must be good! As far as being addictive... well, I started with 18mlg nic juice, within a week I switched to 8mlg nic juice and now I only use nic juice for 1 hour in the morning, the rest of the day I vape ZERO nic juice... seems to me I'm reducing my addiction not continuing it and I feel good, the house doesn't stink and my pets don't run away! Try blowing a puff of smoke into the face of your dog then blow a puff of ecig vap, see the difference, that's your proof of which is harmful and which isn't.

    I say to all these Govmts - WAKE UP! Stop thinking about tobacco revenue and give priority to a healthier population

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