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Posts posted by Rhalovely

  1. Amazing - the most important and insightful news of the day gets no comments. That speaks volumes about TV lol. If it bleeds it leads, apparently.

    I am more suprised by the total lack of thread about the voiding of Da Torpedo,s sentence and some wikileaks of certain diplomatic cables about Thailand .

    OT, I know ...

    Given the sensitive nature of those diplomatic cables, and the LM laws (regardless of how bad they are, they are still laws), do you think TV would start a thread about them. But they were discussed in many of the wikileaks threads. I'm sure you read all of those.

    Thanks for confirming that censorship is practised by TV.

  2. ^ I post credible reports and photos from reliable sources and challenge posts that originate from misreadings of media sources or just pure guesswork from people far removed.

    You are welcome to post any news you deem fit, as well, if the news I post doesn't necessarily reflect your opinions.

    Feel free to challenge the news I relay on to the forum.

    Thank you.

    No sorry that just isn't true.You accept blindly propaganda from Thai Government sponsored sources and dispute all other reports which differ from your political line.If necessary, and I have evidence available, you slander individual reporters or bloggers.

    Do you mean "Thai Government sponsored sources" producing "blind propaganda" like Reuters, AFP, DPA, Xinhua, BBC, AP, etc. that I have used in posts? I've quoted well over two dozen different news sources over the course of my posts. Are they all under Abhisit's control?

    What reports have I disputed that weren't for valid reasons?

    What reporters from major news sources have I slandered?

    As for bloggers, we can save that for another post as they are subject to attack from an entire roster of varied posters for a variety of reasons, as well you have quite enough questions to respond to with factual and specific quotes and "evidence", rather than your unsubstantiated claims.


    No I am talking only about Thai Government sponsored sources.

    Your "valid reasons" may not be sufficient, and in many cases simply reflect your political bias.

    Your sensitivity on "major news sources" reporters and bloggers rather proves my point.I don't accept your distinctions and in any case in the modern media age all reports have the opportunity to make a contribution.

    As I said I have evidence of your track record, though you might not like what else it reveals.

    He is just another professional poster on the payroll of the Royal Thai Government.

  3. Hmmmm.

    And of course, TrueCorp being part of CP, has apparently no voice to the top of the government. I sometimes wonder why they even bother to try to investigate this type of private/government licensing agreement in Thailand.

    Just accept that it won't help the consumers, and that True will make a boat load of money out of the deal. Seems that being CEO of AIS makes you about as popular a root canal. TIT after all.

    And who happens to sit on the board of directors of TRUE ?


    Rhalovely is in fact Thaksin ..removed.. and is hoping beyond hope that the vast majority of Thai's actually remember his name WHEN it's not in the newspaper every week.

    Which hopefully will be very soon.

    Why is it that when people exppres their distate for Abhisit , they have to be labeled as Thaksin supporters ?

    Thaksin was an absolute scumbag but he had electoral legitimacy.

    Mark doesn't ( and please do not lecture me on how a parlimentary system works).

  5. I am surprised that nobody is able to think of a third party launching cluster bombs at both Cambodian and Thai troops. Maybe they are both right and neither one fired first. It could be that "someone" is having a good laugh that both countries are blaming the other and ready to start a war, which will not benefit either country.

    I have said that repeatedly. Thaksin's Black Shirts have grenades, and RPG's. I would not put it past them to fire a few off on either side of the border, to escalate tensions. He is determined to cause trouble, any way he can.

    Where have you seen Black Shirts at the border , except in your apparently limitless imagination ?

  6. Abhisit will not win the election, provided he ever calls it

    Sure he will,

    News Flash - The moment an election is called, it is "Free for All" with MP's and parties. Newin will take 20+ from PTP right away. Dems are looking at 180+, and will pick up even more party list from a 20-30 percent bump in popular vote count. Dems will be in the best position to form coalition with Newin (The devil you konw), or a fractured, splintered PTP (also the devil you know). Barnham will be there, because he is just a politcal wh$re for the highest bidder.

    Its all as clear as day, to anyone with a gift for telling which way the wind is blowing.

    Delirious delusion is a serious mental condition. You should seek treatment .

    King of the One Liners - I am smelling a "rejoin". How soon til you get banned again?

    Thank you for confirming your lack of democratic credentials by calling for someone to be banned .

  7. Abhisit will not win the election, provided he ever calls it

    Sure he will,

    News Flash - The moment an election is called, it is "Free for All" with MP's and parties. Newin will take 20+ from PTP right away. Dems are looking at 180+, and will pick up even more party list from a 20-30 percent bump in popular vote count. Dems will be in the best position to form coalition with Newin (The devil you konw), or a fractured, splintered PTP (also the devil you know). Barnham will be there, because he is just a politcal wh$re for the highest bidder.

    Its all as clear as day, to anyone with a gift for telling which way the wind is blowing.

    Delirious delusion is a serious mental condition. You should seek treatment .

  8. The PM is just playing with this, i dont think there will be an election as he is thinking of ending his term

    Let me get this right ... You don't think there will be an election because Abhisit is thinking of ending his term.

    If he was thinking of ending his term, wouldn't that mean there would be an election?

    Or are you suggesting something else will happen when he ends his term?

    I was referring to ending his term and then call for a new General Election We all have seen and heard many times he says election election election from time to time month to month but nothing happen So as for now nobody take his words seriously about election.

    An end to the protests, so normal people can get on with the business of earning a living, and your have your election post haste. But the good "Shirts" don't care, because they can't win the election anyway. They are just out to cause trouble, any way they can.

    Abhisit will not win the election, provided he ever calls it

  9. No matter who did what first this is a mindless time bomb ticking. Cambodia really has nothing to lose as it lack a great deal of credibility but Thailand stands to lose a lot. You would think that would temper some of the 'negotiations'. Leaving an army to negotiate only ever has one result. Proof of strength over the lesser and then it becomes all out war.

    FYI, with Kasit as foreign misniter Thailand already has zero credibility left on the international scene.

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