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Posts posted by petermueller

  1. hello,the last question, for close this case.just story before......in 2007 build he houses under a constructionpremit issued to foreogner the land was hold by thais,2009 land changed ownershiip to new thailandowner, but houses not registerd.so now the question..........Very Important !!!!land and hose go sold now to a company ( the transaction is already completed) the landwoener sold the land. the foreigner go register the houses at landoffice , there was a 30 day waiting time . the houses are cleared at the landofficie.so the lawyer received the money for the transaction already, now for payment and close they want the foreigner sign , for receiving the money for selling the house .here the question1. foreigner can sign only for the price issued and registerd at the landoffice and the rest is for inventorys,correct.2. could be there any formal mistake in this case , that the foreigner can come in conflict with law,,,,becauselike we hear the owner of land is owner of house even when foreigner have the consruction premit, so how can the foreigner sign for selling , he is only theregistrator of the houses.3. the lawyer said they need receipts for the payment4.if the foreigner sign, can somebody find a mistake or a form mistake in the case.he is very scarred now, and think of a formal mistake can get in problem with the law civil or crimminal and is not willing to signe the papper , but money would not passed until cleance of doocument .... have the frst owner of the land any legal rights on the houses.?????we think, during the registration process of the house, there was made some deal behind , maybe about the registration of the houses or any oher.is there an advice for a lawyer specialised in property transaction

  2. hello,question, due to many problems, we transferd away the landownership from thaiowner to company, as well we have to wait 30 days for registering house, bcs house was never registerd. now the office use a second hand company ( balancesheet clean) with whatever shareholder from the office. the land belongs now to the company. they just give a letter that after register house they promise to transfer share to us 49% foreigner and 2% and 49% thai. they said they use a secondhand company bcs . of many question from landoffice if it is a new company just non doing buissenes and just buying land with foreign shareholding. the office but told if i want i can register now 100% on girlfriend if i am scarred, but to register to me have tow ait 30 days until finalized register house ( land already registerd) . to transfer 100% share to girl temporary is risky but whats more risky a lawyer or a girlfriend. the office i know for about 15 yrs already and have good recomandation but............i know already that some people want to make sheteting me since january, so already there are problems outsideohhhh what story never again land and house in thaijust want to survive this thing without a very big or total loosgreetings

  3. 1. Forget the original landowner, he transferred ownership of the land 04/2010. As far as the land title (Chanote) goes the original owner has no claim to anything unless recorded on the back of the Chanote.

    2. There is a current, valid land lease that should be registered (recorded) on the back of the Chanote. Just whose name is on the land lease is not clear, a third-party perhaps.

    3. A building permit in a foreigner's name was issued in 2007, but he never registered house ownership with the Land Office.

    4. In 2008 a Tabien Baan or house book was issued, supposedly to the original building permit holder.

    4. House ownership separate from the land was never registered at the Land Office; therefore, the house is owned by the current landowner by default.

    5. At this point, anybody with valid sales agreement (contract) and land rights or lease can claim house ownership. This assume that the original building contractor has been fully paid and no other contractual agreements exist..

    6. To register ownership of the house today would not be in conflict with the original, pre 04/2010, landowner since he transferred the Chanot to a new owner.

    7. Work permit or visa status has nothing to do with signing documents for a house or condominium.

    8. The Land Office will check all the documents and let you know if there is a problem.

    Are you buying this house or what, you never said?

    This is all very confusing and subject to new facts coming out.

    thanks a lot

    part 1-7 is correct

    8. they let you know forst day when start register or within 30 day ,,,what can be wrong,,,so first owne ( landowner )r cannot clam , bcs transferd landtitle already

    the buildingpremitholder ( foreigner) cancelled 2010 the leaseright on the land , so in the chanote he is off , but still seller of house , that seems to be no conflict of law

    thanks the rest BM

  4. From reading the OPs story it would appear that the land has changed owners, the original land lease was canceled -----correct----

    OK, the original land lease was canceled for whatever reason. Although, by Thai law a valid land lease follows the land title (Chanote) when transferred to a new owner.

    The current house occupant does not have a valid land lease or other land rights ------yes have lease and owner thai , but only the land was registerd last year , so at the moment the lease is only on land-------

    is there a conflict of law ??????

    NO, apparently somebody made a new land lease with the current Thai landowner. The house appears to be owned by the Thai landowner by default, as nobody registered the house separate from the land.

    The house, today - present time, cannot be sold or transferred to a foreigner without that foreigner having legal permission from the landowner to occupy the land that the house is built on

    -----from wha / who .......t landownwen , the current landowne , r or the landowner at the time the houses was built ??? ------- very important question

    You claim to have a valid land lease from the current Thai landowner. All you need is a sales agreement (contract) from whoever paid for the house originally or the building contractor, to prove that you have now paid for the house. You should then be able to register ownership of the house in your foreign name on the leased land. The original landowner is gone, out of the picture having transferred the land title (Chanote) to a new owner. Look on the back of the land title (Chanote) to see if your land lease is recorded there. What does the current landowner and the land lease say about all this, is the Thai claiming ownership of the house?

    thank you, you are more helpful than 2 lawyers asked before, and the currrent lawyer malke the transaction. you cleard many question out, and seeems to be only two open.. the originaly landlease from foreigner was cancelled on the same day when transfer landwonership ( 04/2010) , on this day land change ownership and a new leaseright was set up on thainame in the chanote. the foreigner holding the constructionpremit is not in the chanote anymore.

    the question stays

    1. the new owner of land is by default ----what mean??? couldd the current landowner get into prblems ???

    2. the org. and important question , If the foreigner who build the houses go and regster the houses with the landoffice and put the 30 day notice out, CAN THE FOREIGNER get any problems with the law or in conflict with the first owner of land ( he sold the land already 04/2010, but the houses was construucted during the time when there was the first landowner, they can make any legal clame ???????????

    3. the foreigner sign the papper from house can he do without holding a workpremit ??? for not get in conflict with immigration law

    oh sorry , a very dfficult story, it was seen ,like i was out of the game, but now i have to siggn ffor transfer and i very scarred there could be something wrong , and the date on lawyer is tommorow afternoon

    thanks for the help, and if you are here , i invte you for a nice meal

    thanks so much

  5. To register a house in a foreigners name he/she needs to present to the Land Office the following documents:

    1. A building permit in their name OR a sales agreement (contract) from the builder who holds the building permit OR a sales agreement (contract) from a third-party who is the current registered house owner. All parties must be present at the Land Office.

    2. A registered long-tern lease contact for the land the house is built on OR land rights such as usufruct / supericies registered on the Chanote..

    From reading the OPs story it would appear that the land has changed owners, the original land lease was canceled, and the house changed occupants or is in the process of being sold. The current house occupant does not have a valid land lease or other land rights. The house, today - present time, cannot be sold or transferred to a foreigner without that foreigner having legal permission from the landowner to occupy the land that the house is built on; i.e., a long-term land lease etc. If I'm not reading this correctly then feel free to correct my interpretation. A lawyer would certainly help clarify the situation.

    From reading the OPs story it would appear that the land has changed owners, the original land lease was canceled -----correct----

    The current house occupant does not have a valid land lease or other land rights ------yes have lease and owner thai , but only the land was registerd last year , so at the moment the lease is only on land-------

    is there a conflict of law ??????

    The house, today - present time, cannot be sold or transferred to a foreigner without that foreigner having legal permission from the landowner to occupy the land that the house is built on

    -----from wha / who .......t landownwen , the current landowne , r or the landowner at the time the houses was built ??? ------- very important question

  6. 1. The landowner is, by default, the owner of the buildings attached to the land UNTIL a person with a building permit or sales agreement registers said building in his/her name at the Land Office. If a foreigner is involved they would need a long-term lease or usufruct etc. for the land before they could register the building (house) in their name.

    2. Who paid the money for the house to be built? Was that the same foreigner whose name is on the building permit?

    3. Who is the leaseholder for the land and is the same person who holds the building permit?

    4. The foreigner, if he holds the land lease and building permit, can register the house in his name.

    5. Was the house every registered after construction was completed?

    6. A lease survives sale and transfer of the land title.

    7. The 'houseregisterbooks' / blue or yellow book / Tabein Baan has nothing to do with who legally owns the house.


    2.foreigner payed but longtime ago 3.at this time foreigener was at lease and buildingpremit 3. not now!!! 6. never registerd 5. no undertsnad

    thank you very much for answer,,

    please can help..............

    1A. at the time of construction the lease of land belong to foreigner and the foregner asked for the premison to build , and the constructionpremit is on foreign name. later foreigner cancelled leaseright and new owner of land and leaseright is thai. so at the moment foreigner has no right on lease and land. the question is can the foreigner orginally made the premit change / transfer the pwnership of the houses when he agree to sell/register

    2A. could there be any conflict of law, like from the first landowner or others

    3A.. during 30 days what could happen????

    A4. what s the best way of make payments

    i very very thanks for answers who elp me , bcs have lawyer date on wedenesday , and 2 lawyers said no pproblem or normaly or regulary no problem, what mean normal cirrcumstances


  7. explain of the problem......in 2007 the house projekt was built with construction premit and the final,2008 the houseregisterbooks was made. in 2010 in april the land was chanceg to a new owner, but like seen now not the buildings. in september 2010 the firsy owner of the land died. the construction premit for the nuilding before is on foreigner name.. so at the moment like it seems there are 3 owners the landowner,the leaseowner and foreigner as houseowner. now the houses must go registerd wih the landoffice , and there is a 30 day tme frame.question1. can there be something wrong2. how can make paymentswhat is the normal way and what conflict can come with the law on the transfer or regisering the housesi very thanks for any useful information

  8. hello have one question, i have a 1 yr B visa from immigration. and issued multiple re entry now question i am not working an was out of thailand 80 days, can i enter on this visa again? it is valid for 50 days more or is it cancelled??? ..and than can issue new visa at embassy . is there any problem if come back with the visa in passport in case its cancelled and/or if get visaexemption stamp???

  9. if you a seroius and responsib. person with girlfirend ( max 2 people) you can have a new house with internet and tv dvd,kitchen fully ff ) in a luxury estate.

    if you can take care 2 dogs and lake care the estate ( have gardener so no need of work ) and you are staying nighttimes,

    we can give you free of rent only payable electricbill (2000 for landlights and waterpumps plus your consumtion) and pay for gardener per month 1600

    so your total costs are bellow 5000 and can use free a motorbike

    only reliable person, please reply with personal information.and tlefonnmber to BM

    house 1km off the beach , very quiet area for relaxing. supermarkets and restaurants neaarby.

  10. hello just 2 quick questions

    is there an office offering trip to sianoukville from pattaya ( complet by minibus ) and how much it cost oneway without visa and where can contact in pattaya

    how long the trip takes

    is there in sianoukville a possibility to rent an apartemnt for a month , just studio good area with kitchen in a secure area and how much they are about

    thanks for any advice


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