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Posts posted by DaveHKT

  1. Tatsujin, on 22 Dec 2014 - 07:35, said:

    "Don Mueang's Asean lane was not popular simply because Thailand was ahead of its time."

    Interesting. I've spoken to quite a few Thai's about "ASEAN" over the past few months, to a man/woman, they know the name and what the letters mean, and that's about it. They have no idea of what it's (supposed to be) all about and the impact/changes it's (supposed) to happen here. The only thing that some have said is that it will make it easier for foreign (typically Burmese) workers to come and steal their (Thai) jobs.

    Thai people can probably see what crap we have with the European Union (EU). All the migrants stealing our jobs in the UK. All low paid jobs that were starter jobs for school/ collage leavers are now done by East European, our elite / media have the audacity to say British kids are lazy. They even give companies grants to give the East Europeans work. Hope the Asian community learn from our mistakes.

    Tommy..... Thai people in the main do not even know where Europe is... They have'nt got a clue about what is happening in Bangkok never mind England. And what is it to you, You live here in Thailand. And if you did not live here, probably you would not have heard about ASEAN .. So, come on now and be honest with yourself... a small test for you Tommy-boy... Name the ten countries in ASEAN. Miserable failure .. Right ? clap2.gif

    Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, East Timor (Timor Leste), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Philippines + Australia at a later date, just show us the money!

    Oh s**t, I could have sworn Singapore was a member of ASEAN.

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  2. the only law is the Bible....

    everything else is just a mega conspiracy against human beings to turn them to milk cows...

    there is no law, unemployment, money, credit card, tax... we all have been brainwashed!

    you have been doing something illegal to a horse

    Only in some States


  3. Find a shop selling artifacts etc for the Chinese Temples, they have lots of fireworks and cheaper than the usual shops. This type of shop is normally within walking distance of a Chinese Temple.

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