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Posts posted by gazwjb1

  1. Baking Soda is amazing for healthy gums.

    I have had off and on issues with my teeth and after extensive reading and research discovered most issues with teeth starts because of unhealthy gums. There are many articles connecting this if you do some googling "baking soda for healthy gums teeth" etc. I also keep handy a bottle of water with some BS disolved in it and gargle on occasion. Fresh and clean mouth and teeth.

    I brush my teeth and gums daily now with baking soda, very lightly on the teeth tho as BS can be abraisive and hard on tooth enamal. The alternative is to just rub the BS on the gums and tongue which my Thai gf does, and she is amazed at how much gunk she spits out after and how fresh her mouth is. Healthy gums make for healthy teeth. Read some of the articles at the link above then give it a try, you will likely be amazed.

    Baking soda is also an excellent underarm cleaner. Wet a facecloth, mash up some baking soda and rub into your underarms, leave for a minute or two and presto - clean and odor fresh for days. Underarm deodorants mostly block the pores which need to operate freely to cleanse the body. Block the pores and toxins remain in the body to create all kinds of havic over time. Baking soda kills (neutralizes) the bacteria which causes odor. Ever wonder why people put baking soda in their fridge to remove odors - think about it. It works!

    Good luck!


    Doug, this sounds interesting and I am wondering where to buy some. Is it labeled in English at the supermarkets in Thailand under the name baking Soda?



  2. Referee changed the game,this article shows his record, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2288321/Manchester-United-v-Real-Madrid-referee-sent-John-Terry-Mario-Balotelli-Steven-Gerrard-Gary-Cahill-Graham-Poll.html.

    Portugal objected to him refereeing a game against Spain because of his ties with Spain.

    Another article about twitter accounts:


    Chelsea and Arsenal have suffered the hands of UEFA referees and now its United. Champions league will always suffer because of poor or corrupt refs. The truth may never come out (as in Marseilles under Belosconi) but it is not hard to see.

    • Like 1
  3. Hello

    Can you tell me the most secure way of sending my PS3 from England to Thailand. I miss it dearly, 18 months without a play is too long.

    I will pay the going rate, and presume somewhere like dhl could oblige.

    Hoping someone with knowledge can spare me 30 minutes of trawling through google..........please.


  4. hey guys

    we are just about to book our tickets and i looked at the prices here on the official formula 1 site and they are about 2100B


    then i did a quick google search, and tickets direct from sepang circuit website are 1200B


    nearly half price!! do you think these are the same tickets and i will have no problems from buying direct from sepang circuit site??

    Please let me know how purchasing these tickets goes as I may go myself.

  5. hI want to take my gf of 1 year on holiday to England next year. I am a teacher and have stayed here for 1 year now- we have travelled together to Vienam ad Laos.

    She works in a low paid job near the school and I obviously earn teachers wage, but I have no home in England or job, what are my chances of getting her a visa?

    We both want to coem back after the holiday as we are settled for now here.

    I know it is the desicion pf the ukor thai immigration agencies but just wondering if anyone has expereince of a similar sitation.

    Thanks in advance.,


  6. I came to Thailand on a non b visa I got in Hull, England as the tefl course I was doing helped me with a letter of intent to employ me.

    They did not mange to find me a job, I did have a position in Bangkok which I left as they gave me no work permit and now I am in a new school.

    My non b 12 month multiple entry visa runs out in Ocotber, can I get aother one?

    The school is still saying they are processing the work permt fo rme.



  7. If you are here on a visa entry it would only be 90 days and you have to leave. If you have extended your stay for one year you must obtain a re-entry permit prior to leaving and use that number on return and you will get the same date you currently have as your permitted to stay.

    I have just come to Thailand in September I have 12 months here, multiple entry.

    I dont understadn the visa process- do I have to leave every 90 days?

    What I want to do is go on a short holiday to lao- how will this affect me?

    Many thanks in advance

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