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Posts posted by dixy1964

  1. My wife can apply for ILR on 27/04/19. Can anyone advise if we can start the online application now before submitting it at the right time and what supporting documents will be required for the application so that I can have them ready to upload? I have looked on Gov website but cannot find any info without doing the application.

    Any info about the process will be gratefully received.


  2. I am marrying my gf next month and she will return to Thailand on 1st September, can anyone tell me what type of visa she will need to apply for to come back to England and settle here?. I have read about leave to remain and indefinite leave to remain but I am not sure about the differences. also can she work when she comes back to England if she gets her visa?

    many thanks

  3. my girlfriend obtained her tourist visa at the second attempt and she has been to the UK twice ( once for 5 weeks and the second time for 8 weeks), this visa expires 2/4/13, 2 days after we travel back to Thailand.

    can anyone advise if we can apply for a second tourist visa while we are in Thailand or do we need to wait a few months? also how easy is it to get a second tourist visa?

    many thanks

  4. This is what the reply states

    The Decicsion

    You state that you have been employed as a waitress since July 2012 and that you earn 12000baht per month. I acknowledge that you have submitted a letter from your employment dated 30/07/2012, that confirms you commenced employment on 02/07/12. However I must note that this letter does not confirm taht you can have 8 weeks leave. I do not find it credible that a role you have had for 1 month wouldallow you 8 weeks leave. I must also note that you have notsubmitted any evidence of your bank statementor any evidence of your circumstances here in Thailand. This lack of evedence leads me to doubt that your circumstances are as described which leads me to questionyour reason for travelling to the UK and your intentions to leave. In light of this I am not satisfied on a balance of probabilitiesthat you are genuinelyseeking entry to the UK as a visitor or that you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit

    The rest of the letter is to do with my finances and can be resolved when I take my savings a/c statement. My gf intends to take her bank statements next time and has another letter from her employer but this only state that she is employed as the will not give her holidays


  5. Update From Original Post

    My girlfriend applied for her visa with all the documentation required using advice given previously in this thread and with some help from some PM,s (thanks to all) but unfortunately her visa was refused for 2 reasons

    First reason is that UKBA did not think I had sufficient funds to cover the cost of my girlfriends travel and stay in the UK, this was an error on my part as I only sent statements for my current bank account, I can solve this because I can supply statements from my savings account which does have sufficient funds to cover all costs of her stay.

    The second reason is not so easy and is where I could use some advice, because she supplied a letter from her employer stating that had worked in her job for 1 month (at time of application) the UKBA stated that they did not find it credible that she could get 8 weeks leave.

    I am going to Thailand in September and we will try again for a visa, this time for her to visit for 4 weeks and not 8 weeks as we stated in the first visa application.

    I would be grateful for any help or ideas towards providing evidence of "Reason to Return" as this seems to be the only problem we now have for the application.

  6. I think the main problem will be her employment status because when I visit her in September she does not intend to work as she wants to spend all her time with me, therefore unless I can persuade her otherwise she will not have a job as she is unlikely to be granted 19 days holiday when I visit. As she intends to come to England in October I think this could be a major stumbling block.

  7. I would be grateful for any advice about applying for a general visa fo my Thai girlfriend so she can visist me in Uk,

    I have known her for 21 months and we have been together for about 16 months, I have been to Thailand 6 times during this period and will be going back in September.

    I can supply 6 months phone records of calls I have made to her, we have many photos of us together and I can provide copies of the immigration stamps in my passport.

    I will be paying for her flights and she wiil stay at my home which is owned by my mother, I will pay all her expenses and costs while she is here.

    My girlfriend wants to apply for her visa before I arrive so she will need the above documents,

    1; Can she use copies of my bank statements if I e-mail them to her or does she need originals? the same applies to phone records.

    Another problem could be 'reason to return' as she has just started a new job and is unlikely to get permission to holiday for 1 or 2 months by her employer.

    2; Would it be better to wait until I arrive in September before we apply?

    I hope this makes sense!!!

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