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Posts posted by jackers

  1. Do they also carry Darkie toothpaste by any chance?


    so funny... I thought we had left all that PC crap behind... obviously not

    I recall seeing "Darkie Brand" toothpaste, when running an international product-library back in the 1970s, but surely it was renamed "Darlie-Brand" many years ago, for obvious reasons. UG may have dug this image up from some archive ?

    I would like to know the source of these photos - as in most countries these products are called "Darley" now - I would say still pretty much as offensive as the picture remains.

    One suspects that these are "made up versions? Based on the old name of the product?

    The pics come from ebaumsworld http://www.ebaumsworld.com/pictures/view/234333/

  2. I had a black friend over the other day - one of the 20 or so in town - and he wanted a drink while helping solve a computer problem. I had Sangsom, an all-around favorite, but his eyes lit up when I offered him a vodka tonic made with some of my Uncle Tom's vodka. He was grinning so big he insisted I take a pic or two of him with the bottle for Facebook. He was fine with it. That's old news and so outdated it's kitsch. If my friend the black man was cool, why should I, the brown guy get my panties in a bind on his behalf?

    The message was - We can all loosen up.

    No, the message is that you and your black friend weren't offended and had a drink and that's it. It doesn't mean that other black or white people wouldn't be offended.

  3. Makes you realise how vulnerable we are and how precious life is. It was scary enough tonight I'd really be shitting myself if we had an earthquake like the one in Japan or new Zealand.

    This one was more powerful than the one that killed my friends/clients/colleagues last month in New Zealand.

    Wow! we got off lightly, very lightly.

  4. Makes you realise how vulnerable we are and how precious life is. It was scary enough tonight I'd really be shitting myself if we had an earthquake like the one in Japan or new Zealand.

  5. This thread is like some kind of 1950's time warp.

    I don't know, somehow I don't think folks in the 1950's would "get" this thread.

    Well then I guess they would have a lot in common with the majority of posters in this thread.

    cummun we are just kidding

    Ah yes, banter...at the OPs expense. Excellent

  6. This thread is like some kind of 1950's time warp.

    I don't know, somehow I don't think folks in the 1950's would "get" this thread.

    Well then I guess they would have a lot in common with the majority of posters in this thread.

  7. Many of the posts smell like B.S to me.

    Err is that 'brown' bullshit or we cannot describe it as such in the new santitised PC world? bit like not calling black people black? and white boards 'white'?

    I wouldn't believe these daily mail stories that get blown out of proportion if I were you. Callng black people black and white people white is not a problem.

    Calling black people gollywogs, niggers, darkies or white people honkies or crackers is a problem.

    It's just common sense really.

  8. As I said on another thread I don't think Chiang Mai is anything special for the tourist, but it is appealing for people like myself who want to live here for a while. Maybe Chiang Mai just needs to repackage itself a bit.

    Yes. I suggest flooding half the country to create a beach just South of town.

    Good idea, the undesirable expats can stay there.

  9. AND what about the 'WHITENING' products??? I feel insulted! angry! and abused as a white man - take them away!!!

    I demand that we all write to our Embassy's about this - it's insufferable!

    Well in an ideal world they would be banned many of these whitening, skin bleaching products are dangerous as some contain mercury.

  10. As for you, weren't you on here just last week lapping up lots of good advice?

    Hmm yes I was, so what?

    Stop trolling

    I fail to see what trolling I've done, but if you really think I'm trolling please do report it to the mods.

  11. This is an interesting topic for me. Although the OP seems to be mostly concerned with older/broke people. I moved here because of medical disability ...although I don't get any government payments for that, never tried to apply. But being American, I am unable to get medical insurance, without a full time, rather good job, which I was too sick to keep on a regular basis. (I have SLE Lupus.)

    I am, more or less, sick all the time, and this makes me unable to keep up with any sort of social life, or hobbies, etc. I am often, unable to drive, too sick to leave my house for long periods, have to depend on Thai people to work for me/help me, (which always costs me ridiculous amounts, mostly due to the commission system for everything here, and lack of being able to trust anyone).

    It is a very isolating lifestyle, and we don't have support groups here, at least in English, unless you need AA ...that seems to be about it. I gave up trying to have Thai friends, as they only seem to be opportunists looking to exploit me (not saying everyone here is like that, but the people who are not like that, seem to take very little interest in foreigners) ...and the ones who do take an interest, are looking for payments. Which is okay ... I was willing to pay for help and was very generous ...that backfired, with people who start out helpful, but are not honest and once they feel they have some power, become totally unreliable in every way. Actually some of them become downright evil in my opinion.

    I rarely get out enought to meet other farangs, and well since I am a woman, many of you farang men, are not so friendly towards us, some are truly obnoxious with their anti-Western woman feelings, and I can't say I feel welcome anywhere. For example, there have been posts on TV, where Western men say things like " I had a good experience at ABC spa, the only problem was that I had to see some white whales there and that totally ruined my day." That is just shocking to me ...the fact that you even had to view a farang woman, ruined your DAY??

    It is very easy to see on TV that many posters, really attack female posters here, there are always some very aggressive responses, usually hitting below the belt, starting with "Sweetheart ...blah, blah, blah, and accusing us of being disgruntled, bitter women who can't get a date here and generally just discounting our opinions. I didn't move here for a love life, am okay not to have that, don't have the energy to maintain that ...I am barley able to take care of my daughter in a normal way, and actually she is quite isolated too, due to me.

    Anyway, I am far from broke, although since I am rather young, I need to be sure I have enough money to last for more decades than most here, and I have a kid to educate and try to give a nice life. So let's say I need to be careful and not pay double for everything , when people I am paying to work for me, feel that raping me finacially is totally acceptable and necessary, along with feeling almost a compulsive need to do the opposite of whatever I ask, well it is more than frustrating, causes a lot of anger, that can't be expressed usually, etc.

    And as most of us know, showing any vulnerabilty on TV, causes several posters to attack you ...there are virtually NO subjects you can write about, without getting some very personal attacks. Because this in my only social interaction with people here, farangs here, that is very distressing. Usually I write here when I am very frustrated, and I am not my most diplomatic self, however, I have been through a lot of things in Thailand, and my rather negative view of things here, are not unjustified. We all can have different experiences here, depending on luck, depending on what you came here for, etc.

    I thought that since I wasn't here for sex, wasn't here for men, wasn't here for any nefarious reasons, that I didn't need to heed the same warnings that people give you when getting involved with BGs for example. Well and when I moved here, there wasn't any TV, and I wasn't spending time on the internet, researching things, as there wasn't much out there back then.

    Sometimes, many times, maybe every day, I am horrified, by the posters who call eveyone a troll, say you deserve to be screwed, or just dispute peoples' opinions, which are based on OUR experiences here. YOU might have a great Thai family, man, woman, whatever, but many of us, do not have this experience. Some of those people, haven't figured out YET, what is going on here. Some of you, might actually have good lives, but that doesn't mean some of us, don't have totally f@cked lives, due to our specific Thai people that we have to deal with.

    And for those of you who want to say "why don't you just leave" well that is rather pathetic, as some of use have kids, have homes, have pets, have things we are not willing/able to leave the first time we are pissed off. I WILL be leaving, and can't wait for that day ...but I have some things other than myself, that I need to care for. Some of us, who don't like it here, might be here because we are trying to take care of others, take responsibilty, and aren't totally needing to do whatever is best for us/me at this very moment.

    Anyway, I think people are concentrating on broke people, when there are actually some needs here, that don't include being broke.

    An excellent post.

    I think it's an absolute disgrace that the US, UK government can't look after their own and are essentially forcing people to emigrate.

  12. Post if you want to post Brommers, this is a forum for discussion. Just be aware your very unlikely to change the stick in the mud racist attitudes of many posters here.

  13. In would like to recognise that the store has now withdrawn these offensive items, and I commend their swift response.

    Try living under Apartheid and see what negative stereotyping feels like. It has permanently damaged the economic success of the majority of South Africans and poisoned relationships between races. To harbour such attitudes on the personal level is one thing but for a commercial enterprise to promote it through branding is another and must be stamped out.

    To those who find my attitude difficult to swallow, so be it. I have endured much worse than your words when I worked against the system in South Africa. I will continue to espouse tolerance of race, of gender, of orientation, ageism etc no matter where it manifests itself.

    Well fair play to you. What made them withdraw? Was it pressure from the South Africa embassy? Yes it is a small drop in the ocean compared to what is around in around Asia, I'd have at a guess many stores still stock these products and the darkie toothpaste which is apparently popular, but it's better than nothing. Such products wouldn't be allowed nowadays in England or U.S and many other places.

    Hey if you thought some of the replies in this thread were bad, just look at this thread below. It's a shocker.


    Like I say many expats are much more racist than the natives. With Thai's and other Asian's I feel that with many their racism comes from more of from a position of ignorance due lack of exposure to black people and a lack of race education with the expats the majority know that these products are wrong and wouldn't be allowed in their home country, their intend is much more nasty, they really mean to offend..as you can see from the threads.

  14. I use simpler methods like is it safe to drink tap water? or are there open sewers? or do more than 10% of the population stand around the street all day doing nothing?

    The real test for me though is the quality of the beer. If that's awful then I know I'm in a first world country and need to get on the next flight to Cambodia...;)

    Ok, Cambodia has unsafe tap water, open sewers, 10% crippled or idle in the streets, ok...but good beer compared to Western countries? Cambodian beer isn't better than in any Western country

    I wouldn't use tap water as a barometer, everybody I come across in England seems to be drinking bottled water!.

  15. Well Brommers I applaud you for your stance but I think

    1. Your fighting a losing battle from the word go. Thailand and many other countries in the region are very backward on race issues and it's not going to change any time soon. Dark skin bad, light skin good, no doubt someone will say it has nothing to do racism with at all, it's to do with wealth and poverty rather than race but that's just being blind. I think you're better off fighting the battle somewhere else.
    2. Kind of a waste of time posting this here as you can seen from some of the replies, there are some posters who wouldn't know what racism was if it kicked them in the face and many don't give toss anyway. Some of these expats are far more racist than your average Thai.

  16. I found 5 before I saw your replies, none outside my guest house but there is one 5 minutes down the road. Oh and none of them were big and blue they were medium sized and creamy white with instructions in thai. So more spending 26 -30 baht on water for me.

    You couldn't read the instructions so you gave up? Stiick 3 1 baht coins in. Put your 6 litre bottle under the tap. Press the green button. Don't worry, it'll only give you 6 litres, unless you find an expensive one in which case you'll need to add a few more Baht. Don't worry, if it overflows press the red button.

    I only use this water for cooking, and sometimes boil it for a cup of coffee. If you're in a house, water can be delivered for 30-40B a crate.

    Final piece of advice - the new 1 baht coins don't work, only use the older, dull and slightly fatter ones.

    Its really not that hard....

    No, I filled 4 bottles, it's really not rocket science, it was just finding a machine that I had a problem with.

  17. I found 5 before I saw your replies, none outside my guest house but there is one 5 minutes down the road. Oh and none of them were big and blue they were medium sized and creamy white with instructions in thai. So more spending 26 -30 baht on water for me.

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