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Posts posted by anon467848

  1. 1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

    I have always  mailed my 90 day report to the airport office ,

    until the last 2 times when i have done it online, which

    i found to be very easy,approved later the same day.

    regards worgeordie

    Hi Geordie, could you please give me the link for the online 90 day reporting? I hope it's as easy as you say. Will save me a trip to Promenada.


  2. 5 hours ago, EL159 said:

    Worgeordie...."Dont I know anything"? Well, yes, I know EVERYTHING about Fish n Chips. I come from the West Riding of Yorkshire where by far the best Fish n Chips on the entire planet come from, and there isnt a single self respecting proper Yorkshireman who would put Curry Sauce on chips! Salt n Vinegar ONLY !!!


    Come on, Worgeordie, stick to what you know best....the cultural contribution to the world of food from your native area being Pease Puddding and Newcy Brown.....blimey, no wonder you think its OK to put Curry on Fish n Chips!!


    Next you ll be telling us Newcastle United ( havent won a single thing for best part of 60 years) are a top football club!

    Geordie, I'll stick up for you, lol... Newcastle European honours. It hasn't quite been 60 years since they won anything.



    • Thanks 1
  3. On 7/29/2018 at 10:44 AM, OJAS said:

    I do, however, wonder whether people in this position might be better off applying for OA visas, each of which they could keep going for up to 2 years - with the assistance of re-entry permits in the second year. In that way their only interraction with a local immigration office will be with obtaining re-entry permits (unless this is done this on departure at the airport) and 90-day reports (for longer individual stays). Although the likelihood of being asked by Immigration to provide evidence in support of a British Embassy income confirmation letter at annual extension of stay time is exceedingly remote, it would IMHO still be better to eliminate the risk of attracting unwelcome Immigration attention altogether.

    How do you get up to 2 years?... surely the max you can get is 15 months... before your visa expires you exit/re-enter and get another 3 months .....so I year plus 3 months giving 15 months?

  4. So the budget for 2018 is circa USD 7 Billion .... considering that Thailand has a dilapidated, Navy, Air Force, Army; after deducting funds for a couple of subs, tanks, luxury watches where is all the money being spent? 


    For comparison I found this on Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures

    • Like 2
  5. 8 hours ago, musiclover said:

    I can only get the programme guide (as before) but not the programme itself...just the spinning load up circle.  It never connects

    This on ipad, phone and computer (Firefox)

    Any advice???

    I'm having the same problem. As you say Geordie, I would happily pay for the service.


    I just signed up with HDPrime, constant buffering, wish I hadn't bothered now...

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