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Posts posted by crendonman

  1. After spending a year travelling throughout Thailand, I found it amazing that in a country that advertizes itself as a tourists paradise, I did not find one stream, river or body of water that was safe to drink from. Come to think of it, I did not visit one city or village where it was safe to drink tap water.

    I only spent one week in Pattaya, and 2 weeks in Patong (Phuket), and found the smell of both those places reminded me of the times I helped family or friends back in Canada drain their septic tanks.

    My first tuk tuk drive ended up with me being punched out by the driver after I hesitated paying the 300 baht he asked for, after he initially agreed on a price of 200 bht. (This occured on the 10th day of my holiday, which was my first night in Patong. I never took another tuk tuk in Thailand after that experience.) The next day I reported the incident to the police and had the tuk tuk's liscence plate number, and 2 eye witnesses to the crime, one of them observant enough to write down the liscence plate. Rather than taking down the information and pursuing my assaulter, as would have been done in every other country I have vacationed in, the police took me for a 1 hour ride throughout Patong, asking me to identify the tuk tuk. After about 50 minutes I realized this was probably the 2nd stupidest thing I had agreed to do in my life, and that the police had no intent to prosecute the tuk tuk driver, and could actually be placing me in jeopardy. That if we had found the driver, he could identify me and knew where I lived.

    After relating this incident to my best friend back home who had been travelling to Thailand regularly for 8 years, and owned property in Hua Hin. He told me to get the h-ll out of Patong, and go to Hua Hin. I took his advice, moved to Hua Hin where I rented a house near the King's summer palace, and very close to the beach. Less than a week later my wonderful neighbour Alan Quicke was murdered in his own home. A few days after this my landlord's friend was murdered by his wife of 12 years, her brother and her lover. Even though she and her accomplices were caught, the wife was allowed to keep all she inherited from the husband she had conspired to murder to get his money, business and property. A few days after this an Australian tourist was murdered by a pair of ladies or ladyboys (to my knowledge the case was never solved) who had slipped something in his drink in one of the late night Karaoke bars with the intent to rob him once he passed out. Unfortunately the drug he was given was too much for his system and age, and he fell dead 200 feet from the Karaoke bar, after he left to go home claiming he felt woozy. Three foreigners murdered in Hua Hin in 10 days.

    I had originally intended to buy land and retire in Thailand like my best friend. I owned shares in an oil company operating in Thailand, and mining companies in neighbouring countries. After my visit to Thailand and my experiences there, I sold off all my shares in the oil company I owned. I am sure there are foreigners who have lived many years in Thailand without negative incidents, but I did not meet any person who once I had related my personal experiences to them did not shower me with stories even more gruesome and disconcerting.

    After my experience in Thailand, I would recommend that rather than spending money on trying to simply increase yearly tourism quotas, that Thailand focus its monies and resources on making Thailand a safer place for tourists to visit and foreigners to live and invest. That Thailand do something to clean up its ecology and corruption, and educate its population not to discriminate against foreigners by charging them double to visit museums and aquariums and the like, and its police force to not target people based on their skin color.

    One thing my time in Thailand has taught me is to truly appreciate my home province of British Columbia, its governments mandate to preserve and improve its ecology. Where the lakes rivers and streams I would not hesitate to drink from or eat the fish I catch therein. To appreciate its diverse population where discrimination is criminal and strongly enforced. Where a police officer who accepts a bribe would swiftly be fired and face jail time.

    I have no plans to ever return to Thailand, and have dissuaded many friends from vacationing there.

    Excellent post Canexpat!

    I am currently in Dubai

    I have been a regular visitor to Thailand for the past 8 years and from an outsiders viewpoint very little has changed over that period.

    For all of you guys who are living in Thailand, all I would say is, that I would suspect Thailand was like it is now when you arrived and will still be the same when you leave.

    It is after all a third world country punching above its weight .. Yes I agree that there are all of the issues you have identified in many posts: Tuc Tucs, Jet Skis , Pick Pockets etc etc.

    However, all I can say is that if you dont like it, then leave.

    I was considering retiring in Thailand (with a local girl), but in the end opted for the Philippines and yes before you say it, Phils is also suffering from a lot of scams (if not all of the above) , there is corruption

    abound at every level but at least the majority speak fluent english!

    I will eventually settle there in about 2 - 3 years but I go there with my eyes wide open and well aware of the shortfalls. Having made that decision, I cannot then keep complaining about the shortfalls and problems

    that I will encounter. I will have two choices . Put up and shut up or get out ....it will be my choice.

    Vote with your feet guys before its too late or just accept LOS for what it is.


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