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Posts posted by nurofiend

  1. So 3 Independant investigations couldn't find any link between Thaksin and the alleged extrajudicial killings of innocent people by the police yet you in your wisdom state that as an MP Thaksin sent a directive to all police chiefs telling them to "disappear" or "get rid of" these people. Where were you when the powers that be were investigating, Sherlock?


    No, not a directive to disappear or get rid of, the directive was to shoot them dead.

    Thaksin's Speech Launching the War on Drugs:

    Chiang Rai is another example of a province which was serious about suppression and rehabilitation, including using some police stations for rehab, and seizing assets. Sometimes people were shot dead and had their assets seized as well. I think we have to be equally ruthless. The drug sellers have been ruthless with the Thai people, with our children, so if we are ruthless with them it is not a big deal.

    Spin away...

    easy for him to say he meant in shootouts with police, hardly concrete evidence of orders to kill, and unfortunetly you need evidence for such things

    my belief is that thaksin didn't care less when people were getting killed as long as his goal was being achieved.

    my belief is that abhisit didn't care less when people were getting killed as long as his goal was being achieved.

  2. May I remind you of what you wrote

    "so why don't you do us all a favour and just crawl back down that moral black hole and keep blaming the parents of an innocent orphan kid for getting shot and just continue blaming everyone you can besides the army."

    Whether or not my posts disgust you is immaterial. You accuse me of 'blaming the parents of an innocent orphaned child'. For one if the child was orphaned he probably wouldn't have parents anymore, and two we only have gKid's say-so Kunaporn "was in the care of a children's aid group, He had no parents. The chlld was described as having learning disabilities, and was given to wandering off", but no reference to be found. At least not by me. So do you want to go on disgustingly avoiding valid questions or will you help finding more details about the victim of an unfortunate incident?

    am, that was my point if he was an orphan, you can't really 'blame the parents' can you?!

    as i said regardless of whether geriatrickid's info is correct or not.... ie. regardless of whether he's an orphan or not, your comments sounded sick to me.

    so just take the word 'orphan' out of the part you quoted me on just there and my feeling remains the same... blaming the parents is <deleted> ridiculous.

    obviously your buds think your comments were intelligent.

    i don't, i think it was a disgraceful thing to say.

    so go and find out if he's an orphan or not, because that will certainly make your comments and blame for everyone but the army justified. sick.gif

    bye now.

  3. My comrade? The only reason I replied was that you still had my post in the quote, otherwise I would have ignored both crawlers.

    Now that you start with the 'blame game', did you find references to gKid's remarks on Kunakorn being an orphan?wai.gif

    yes love, no love, whatever love.

    May I take that as a 'why bother', 'who cares', simply as an "I don't know", or just an "I'll crawl back now" ?

    take it that i find your input in this thread has been disgusting at times, regardless of whether he was an orphan or not.

  4. Blame the parents ???

    Spin away..........

    The army should have been in the barracks, not roaming the streets shooting Thai citizens going about their lawful business.

    And another one crawls out.

    And another one crawls out.

    No need to announce yourself, dear fiend. Now do us all a favour, crawl back or post some meaningful stuff.

    i'm simply mirroring one of your comrades idiotic comments, so why don't you do us all a favour and just crawl back down that moral black hole and keep blaming the parents of an innocent orphan kid for getting shot and just continue blaming everyone you can besides the army.

    • Like 1
  5. Kunakorn was said to be in the vicinity of taxi driver Phan Kamkong

    Sad, parental guidance failed. The boy should have been at home, not wandering about in a danger zone.

    BTW May, 15th.? Was this in the 'live fire' zone on Ratchaprarop ?

    Blame the parents ???

    Spin away..........

    The army should have been in the barracks, not roaming the streets shooting Thai citizens going about their lawful business.

    And another one crawls out.

    And another one crawls out.

  6. if you can't beat it, shun it

    so basically the 'democrats' will urge people not to use their democratic right to vote, to throw away their vote

    the minority trying to get their way based on technicalities, rather than 'democrat'ic means.. fantastic.

    if you can't coup it, shun it.

    shunning a vote they know they won't win, now where do i remember this from.

    Have the Democrats actually said that is what they will do. It doesn't appear so from the OP although it is from the Nation so perhaps you know better.

    from the other thread:

    "The most effective way [against the charter rewrite move] is not to turn out to vote. When the turnout is high, it is unlikely there will be more No votes than Yes votes," Wiratana said."

    he's the democrat legal expert

    "Everybody can help by aborting the referendum. … Let's come together to abort the referendum that will allow constitutional amendment for a fugitive. Let's move past Thaksin and bring the country forward," Abhisit said."

    now you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what they are both saying, some people may just need to take their bias hat off for just a brief moment and look at it with a logical, open mind.

    if you want to get into technicalities : have they said this is actually what they'll definitely do? no......

    but the seeds are most definitely well and truly planted already from their above comments.

  7. >If the complaints described in this article of those who challenged the NHRC are valid, then it follows, that their actions are justified, when one sees this organization proceeding with 'business as usual'.

    >There has been a lot of disregard and 'minimizing' in action and deed by many significant political elements, for those who suffered the loss of family members for political reasons that could have been avoided, with politically mature, negotiating actions.

    >Obviously the mother of a nurse slain in a temple is most egregious in this regard.

    In a very strange coincidence, Chalerm, who has already snubbed invitations from the NHRC to attend and explain the police aggression at the Putak Siam rally, was also due to attend yesterday and snubbed the organization once again.....

    you're bringing it off topic but police aggression? nah, police reaction.

    In 2010 it was police cowardice.

    did the police forces not fight with red shirts at all in 2010?

  8. >If the complaints described in this article of those who challenged the NHRC are valid, then it follows, that their actions are justified, when one sees this organization proceeding with 'business as usual'.

    >There has been a lot of disregard and 'minimizing' in action and deed by many significant political elements, for those who suffered the loss of family members for political reasons that could have been avoided, with politically mature, negotiating actions.

    >Obviously the mother of a nurse slain in a temple is most egregious in this regard.

    In a very strange coincidence, Chalerm, who has already snubbed invitations from the NHRC to attend and explain the police aggression at the Putak Siam rally, was also due to attend yesterday and snubbed the organization once again.....

    you're bringing it off topic but police aggression? nah, police reaction.

    Not if they arrested and beat reporters and confiscated the evidence and then lied about it....

    and what anti-government news source or website did you gather this info from?

  9. for the people jumping on the word 'vow'... it's clearly colourful nation language, not yingluck languge.

    anyhow, no matter how she worded it, the point is that she is saying that they are going to raise security for teachers, highlighting that at the moment the security at schools is inadequate and adding that they will also now provide security for them at their homes.

    that is not the same as promising - oh i should say 'vowing', that there won't be any more teachers killed or that there will be no more terrorism, what would ye of such knowledge/bashing have her say?

    i don't read anything that she has said here that's deserving of ridicule, but some people just can't help themselves, we're only on page two and we're onto her looks...

  10. "They should draft the constitutional changes and hold a referendum to allow the electorate a say on keeping or rejecting them."

    ok, and what do you think the previous plan was?

    This win win plan is the only one I have ever subscribed to. Its the same thing the military coup government did but do it in a more democratic manner.

    I believe Thaksins plan was to railroad the constitutional changes in and the only opportunity for the electrate to vote on it will be at the next general election. With Thaksin as PM and PTP leader. However, what I think is academic.


    what's the second last paragraph in this all about then?

  11. I don't think anyone would disagree with a change in the constitution

    Primary Targets for change should be -

    anti corruption

    strengthening the bodies/agencies that investigate corruption

    Dumping the defamation laws

    Dumping MP's immunity from the law (everyone should be answerable to the law no matter)

    Introducing forced declaration of assets for all members of political parties including transfers of funds to family members and the gardener (every 6 months)

    Changes to how government agencies are formed such as the DSI and the ACC (possibly similar to how Judges are appointed) to ensure unanimity and total independence of any government or political party

    I'm sure there are many more but you get the idea

    but, but i thought you said in another topic... oh nevermind.

    this is absolutely ridiculous and a waste of money... a blank referendum, simply to stall legal proceedings.

    do you want the constitution changed? vote yes or no

    but what are any of the changes?

    oh we haven't even wrote them yet, c'mon, yes or no you fool!

    ridiculous, waste of time and money, but it shows that democrats throwing hissy fits will get them everywhere, the future's bright.

    OMG, I find myself agreeing with you. They should draft the constitutional changes and hold a referendum to allow the electorate a say on keeping or rejecting them. That would be far more democratic than voting on giving the PTP a blank check.

    "They should draft the constitutional changes and hold a referendum to allow the electorate a say on keeping or rejecting them."

    ok, and what do you think the previous plan was?

  12. I don't think anyone would disagree with a change in the constitution

    Primary Targets for change should be -

    anti corruption

    strengthening the bodies/agencies that investigate corruption

    Dumping the defamation laws

    Dumping MP's immunity from the law (everyone should be answerable to the law no matter)

    Introducing forced declaration of assets for all members of political parties including transfers of funds to family members and the gardener (every 6 months)

    Changes to how government agencies are formed such as the DSI and the ACC (possibly similar to how Judges are appointed) to ensure unanimity and total independence of any government or political party

    I'm sure there are many more but you get the idea

    but, but i thought you said in another topic... oh nevermind.

    this is absolutely ridiculous and a waste of money... a blank referendum, simply to stall legal proceedings.

    do you want the constitution changed? vote yes or no

    but what are any of the changes?

    oh we haven't even wrote them yet, c'mon, yes or no you fool!

    ridiculous, waste of time and money, but it shows that democrats throwing hissy fits will get them everywhere, the future's bright.

  13. Oh PLEASE!

    Sueing the government over this? Come on! I suppose when the BBC or CNN play a tape of an an afgani terrorist - they should be shut down too!

    Just cause some people hate a guy - taking it to this extreme is a waste of time, effort, and money.

    Can't something more constructive be done by the opposition?

    You have missed the point entirely,Thaksin went out live on State Television,which shows Political Bias towards him, and condoned by the present Government, PTP,and the BBC report the News, not make it,as in this case.

    oh, the BBC seem to be making the news lately and jim can't fix it.

    In bad taste,even for you!

    even for me! does my reputation precede me? lol

    it's not really in bad taste either unless you're offended for a dead pedo!

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