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Posts posted by cheshiregent

  1. Im not sure about the sausages but their butter croissants cooked fresh every hour would be a treat with a bit of bacon/sausage in them

    you would but bacon and sausage in a croissant ?

    you have been in thailand to long my friend lol dont you think that might be a bit sweet thats like butting sugger on toast yuk

  2. i was in macro recently looking around the freezer section and found they now sell british style sausages and bacon did not expect to much from them

    but gave them a try and was very surprised just how good they are the bacon is in large packs more suited to a restaurant than for home use

    but good value and very tasty not something i eat a great deal of but its nice to have them in the freezer when im in the mood

    but ill stick to sausage kings black pudding way better than the others on offer

  3. im a big fan of bake and bite but learnt that the shop near pantip plaza had closed i use the other one normally

    but a new shop had opened in its place think its called butter is better or something along those lines so me and a friend went to try it out

    they only had one french bagget left so being a gent lol i let my friend have it so i looked around and spotted a small white loaf 45 bht small 85 bht large

    so i picked one up thinking buy the size of it was a small and was shocked to find that she wanted 85 bht for this

    the same thing in bake and bite is half the price and i love bread so i know a good loaf when i eat one and they are very good

    am i being an old fart thinking that thats expensive iv lived here for years so not sure the price of bread in the uk anymore

    but seems steep to me ? i say if you have not tried bake and bite yet and you like bread cakes and so on go take a look they have a coffee shop as well

    well worth a visit sorry if this has been covered before but i think credit were credit is due

  4. i think most of us that have lived in thailand have come to learn that thais have very little or no compassion for animals

    tiger temples elephants walking the streets and so on the way they slaughter animals is very cruel it also has an effect of the taste of the meat

    when an animal is under stress and can see or hear animals being slaughtered it has a rush of adrenalin which taints the meat

    its called dark cutting the only way thais will ever change there slaughter methods is if they learn that they can get a good price for export if they kill

    in a humane way as the quality of the meat will be better as always thais only do what profits them so hers hoping they learn this fact

    but i wont hold my breath

  5. I remember reading someting saying that the bigger the scorpian the less dangerous it is, so it's the little uns you need to beware!

    if a scorpion has large pincers like the one in the photo they have a weak sting as they use the pincers as there mane way to hunt and kill

    its the small ones with small pincers that are dangerous i dont think we have any like that in thailand so no need to kill them

    i find them interesting so i just keep still and watch them much better than ubc anyway

  6. hi im thinking of changing my car i have a truck been a good car but time to upgrade i have seen a few land rover rang rovers about chiang mai

    but have not as yet seen a dealership does anyone know of one as i dont fancy a trip to bkk to get it serviced or repaired

    and only want to use a real dealership as don't want to spoil the service history record

    any info would be great

    looking for second hand buy the way not new

  7. iv lived in thailand about 6 years the last 5 in cm and iv been offered every kind of drug and sexual pleasure you can think of but never an under age child

    i never had the first idea that there was so much of this goin on in the north thought it was in bkk pattaya phuket and so on

    maybe i was kidding myself but im a little shocked theres so much of it here

    i love thailand but the longer im here the less i like the people selling a child into the sex trade for a few baht

    and monks being involved my eyes have been opened to just how morally corrupt this place is and the kids that have contracted aids heart breaking

    the world is watching you thailand pull your act together not that thailand has ever given a toss what every one els thinks

    and i wounder what happed to that guy in cm in the video with all those kids in his house i hope he got locked up and not given the famous get out of jail free card

    if you pay i never drink in the day but think ill have one now

  8. theres no such thing as a good thai builder talk to Kensington owned buy an english guy graham

    they have a web site look them up forget thais there just farmers with a hammer

    That is a lot of crap. There are many skilled Thais in all areas of construction. Most of the best houses in Chiang Mai are 100% Thai built.

    well the 20 or so i looked at when i was thinking of buying one was not one of them shabby rubbish knocked up by farmers damp ill fitting doors

    tilling that a drunk monkey would be ashamed of the plumping has more silicone on it than homepro has on its shelfs because they dont use plumper tape just

    over tighten everything so its cracks and leaks so i dont take back what i said at all

    they could not build a dog kennel fit for a soi dog

    talk to Kensington the only building company in chiang mai thats has the first idea of what there doing if you want something from 5 mill up

    and dont want a swimming pool in you living room every wet season that is you get what you pay for buy cheep buy twice

    Who do suppose actually builds the homes for Kensington? Sure as hell isn't a Falang! It is Thai construction workers with Thai supervision..... Inasmuch as your criteria for a quality home is the foreign ownership of the developer, then try Jasmine (Very high quality) and there are quite a few more companies around town.

    A previous post recommended a Falang supervisor, won't happen, construction & engineering are prohibited fields for Falangs.

    the guy is english hes from Cornwall hes name is graham i know him and he does over see every thing spends most of his days driving from job to job

    checking everything

  9. theres no such thing as a good thai builder talk to Kensington owned buy an english guy graham

    they have a web site look them up forget thais there just farmers with a hammer

    That is a lot of crap. There are many skilled Thais in all areas of construction. Most of the best houses in Chiang Mai are 100% Thai built.

    well the 20 or so i looked at when i was thinking of buying one was not one of them shabby rubbish knocked up by farmers damp ill fitting doors

    tilling that a drunk monkey would be ashamed of the plumping has more silicone on it than homepro has on its shelfs because they dont use plumper tape just

    over tighten everything so its cracks and leaks so i dont take back what i said at all

    they could not build a dog kennel fit for a soi dog

    talk to Kensington the only building company in chiang mai thats has the first idea of what there doing if you want something from 5 mill up

    and dont want a swimming pool in you living room every wet season that is you get what you pay for buy cheep buy twice

  10. why any one listens to this joker is beyond me hes promising all these wounder full things that he could of done when he was here

    the war on drugs yes you cant argue with that im all for it but how many pore people that sold a little bit of weed are goin to get killed because

    of the trigger happy police death squads

    i wish thai people would understand what hes really up to you got rid of an deluded ego maniac once now they want him back

    he will not do 90 percent of the things he says its stole hes wealth by using hes position hes a jumped up little napoleonic evil sod

    hes only concern is for himself and his bank accounts the very second he lands here he should be but in chains if he thinks for one second that

    will happen he wont come that will prove just how committed he is

  11. legal and business at hill side 4 ask for nok bar far the best iv ever used here and in other country's shes not the most friendly lady you will ever meet but she will not

    let you get stitched up also the m d of the company did hes law degree in the uk so hes a real lawyer not a pretend one like most here seem to be

  12. i hope is does well and gets lots of readers anything is better than the chiang mai mail no news in it to speak of just photos of the same old people

    getting there name in the paper every week cos they pay for advertising space

  13. well the high season is all but finished back to normal so will be a little bit slow for a while

    good for xpats not so good for the economy depends what side of the fence you are retired or working most depend on it so lets hope they made hey while the sun shined

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