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Class C

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Posts posted by Class C

  1. It's in Wikipedia too:

    On April 7, 2016, the Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood in Aleppo was shelled with mortars containing chemical agents.[83] On April 8, a spokesman for the rebel group admitted that “forbidden” weapons had been used against Kurdish militia and civilians in Aleppo. He stated that “One of our commanders has unlawfully used a type of weapon that is not included in our list”. He did not specify what substances were used but, according to Red Crescent, the symptoms are consistent with the use of chlorine gas or other agents.

    Use of chemical weapons by Jaysh al-Islam in Aleppo


  2. I purchased the GS52D from DashcamThailand in Bangkok.



    It's a great cam and the company speak good english and offer a 1 year warranty.


    What I have learned about dash cam's: Like all electronic equipment, dash cam's don't like to get too hot. In Thailand I would recommend having window tinting film in the car and the aircon on or, if possible, to install the cam on the rear view mirror to take it away from the direct sunlight on the windscreen. 

  3. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    Big jump in number of Zika cases in Thailand


    BANGKOK - The number of detected Zika infections in Thailand has jumped significantly this year compared to recent years.



    We have noticed a big drop in the number of mosquitoes in our immediate area both in the house and outside since installing a 100 litre GUPPY FISH POND in a pot. The fish eat the mosquito larvae.




  4. 22 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

    french Democracy and Personal Freedoms are really being put to the test these days by Islamic Radicalism and Islamic motivated violence. 


    You could make a good case for arguing that France is inciting the whole situation by allowing ‘charlie hebdo’ cartoons that are totally disrespectful. 


    Where is the logic in fanning the flames ?


    charlie hebdo cartoons

  5. It appears someone tried to break into the Embassy of Ecuador last night.


    Which leads to the question, why did the British authorities only arrive at the embassy 2+ hours after the incident took place?


    One would have thought they could have been there within a few minutes at most.


    "The Government of Ecuador regrets that, despite the enormous resources that the British government has undertaken to prevent Julian Assange leaving the Ecuadorian embassy, the authorities did not respond more quickly to this extremely serious attempt an unauthorized entry."


  6. Quote

    Can anyone explain to me,in simple terms, why interest rates are so low,


    I can try.

    Interest rates are the inverse of bond prices. It's like a seesaw, bond prices up = interest rates down or bond prices down = interest rates up.

    Since the GFC in 2008 the central banks have been pumping lots of new money into the system. The mechanism how they do this (also called quantitative easing) is by buying bonds with new money. This pushes bond prices UP and interest rates DOWN. Their problem is that the market knows that they will do 'a lot of bond buying', so the market starts buying bonds too and soon enough more and more banks etc are buying bonds which keep going higher and higher pushing interest rates lower and lower. We now have the 'mother of all bond bubbles' and the lowest interest rates ever in recorded history.

    Another problem is that with soooooo much money in the bond market, the rest of the global economy has insufficient resources and this is causing deflation which is exactly the opposite of the central bank intention. And the savers are utterly screwed which also adds to the deflationary bias. How will it end, no one really knows but it would be naive to think that everything is ok. It's far from ok. Exceptionally intelligent mathematicians, and there are a few in the world, don't think it will end well.   


    The World is seeing ‘the greatest monetary policy experiment in history’ - Rothschild 


  7. "The war in the south flared 12 years ago (while Thaksin was PM) after security forces shot dead seven Thai Muslims during an anti-government protest in Tak Bai in Narathiwat province, and hauled away 78 others packed so tightly they died of asphyxiation.
    Muslims in the south say they don't feel like full members of Thailand's majority Buddhist society and complain of discrimination, rights abuses and arbitrary detention. The provinces in the south once belonged to a Malay sultanate which Thailand annexed in 1902."


    Thailand needs to do some very deep soul searching here to fix this open wound.

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