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About riclag

  • Birthday 04/19/1960

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  1. Thats a triple bingo! After firing Comey ( setting up Trumps transition team). Trump needed a replacement , who does he go to for advice , Chris Christy, who Trump had trusted low & behold Christy is another Swamp creature! Pompao was against releasing the Jfk files in its entirety.
  2. The left pardons tax evaders and goes through great lengths to cover it up.
  3. The President is the commander and chief, leader of the Executive Branch. 77 million voted for Trump Change! In comes a Trump loyalists, author Of Government Gangsters. Kash with the help of others uncovered during Trumps first administration Obama, Biden, Brennan , Comey & others plotting to obstruct The new incoming administration . https://oig.justice.gov/node/636 https://oig.justice.gov/news/testimony/statement-michael-e-horowitz-inspector-general-us-department-justice-us-house-3 Kash said only half of the malfeasance has been publicly exposed! Trump saved the only Inspector General worth saving to expose the malfeasance, Horowitz.
  4. Its a way to make a living, Sex work.Just keep it away from the kids under 18 and don’t advertise. imop
  5. Only HC could get away with deleting 33,000 subpoena emails!
  6. They / them can’t give you a answer without diving into the anti Trump leftest propaganda playbook! Brilliant counterpoints
  7. All we are saying is give peace a chance! When 45 was in office Putin was in check! When Obama & Biden were in office , Putin pushed forward with his agenda to stop the advancement east ! Ukraine & Europe will appease Peace!
  8. Miller gives a civics lesson to the packed White House lefty reporters. 2:33 clip !
  9. Common Sense! Its sad that normalcy has to be retaught and reprogrammed into the cultural marxist & progressive left. Brilliant post Thanks
  10. I agree and The first comment on my x feed:
  11. 37 million views and 42 thousand comments and counting. The Author of Government Gangsters has been confirmed by the Senate! He has joined X , his first comment was to thank the President & AG Bondi. He later went on to say, ”To those who seek to harm Americans consider this is your warning . We will hunt you down in every corner of this planet”.
  12. Thank you , its so true! The socialist are all burdened by Trump ,especially the non citizens .
  13. Ex lefty Government Bureaucrats , think like this! Bureaucrats gig is up.
  14. 3 weeks , It took 3 weeks ! Do ya think like minded European’s are jealous? Im lovin seeing all the left in a tizzy! Starmer is coming to bend the knee at the White House.
  15. I’ll have to check! I know about the hundreds of signatures and never saw what you’re referring to, Im not denying what you say !

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