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Everything posted by riclag

  1. No use my friend , no matter how many times you paint the picture that Trump and his family are innocent of wrong doing ,the left refuses to to acknowledge it was another loss in the ,we got him now narrative! Two entities were found to be libel and the prosecutors couldn’t find evidence that tied the family to knowing of the wrong doing. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/trump-organization-entities-found-guilty-all-counts-tax-fraud
  2. Thanks for your service!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Oops wrong dc district court judge! Bet they won’t go to her again! Imop Time for garlands goons to go judge shopping! Maybe Judge Amy Berman jackson . Imop https://www.foxnews.com/politics/federal-judge-declines-hold-former-president-trump-contempt-court-classified-material-battle
  4. “Despite offering no proof, Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, along with many in the media, dismissed the laptop story as being a Russian-disinformation operation”. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/cia-veteran-who-signed-hunter-biden-laptop-letter-says-he-sarcastically-claimed-credit-for-2020-election The laptop contents wasn't properly investigated and exposed by the gop.,so other matters such as you suggest will be pursued no doubts about it. I would go out on a limb to say many on the left don’t even know about the disgusting contents, knowing how fervently it lay silent to the mighty msm and fbi activists .imop Some find it very suspicious that 50 intel agents , some working with the media, such as brennan and clapper, had signed off that it was Russian disinformation without having evidence to support their claims. Some sources reported that because the Hunter laptop story from the NY Post was so ridiculously censored by big tech platforms and other msm news it effected a percentage of the voters decision in choosing a candidate during the final days leading up to the 2020 election. The gop reps have their hands full exposing the suppression of that October surprise and the effects it had on the vote imop. https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000175-4393-d7aa-af77-579f9b330000 https://nypost.com/2022/08/26/2020-election-outcome-would-differ-with-hunter-biden-laptop-coverage-poll/
  5. “The extraordinary revelation for the first time lays bare how the FBI was involved in pre-bunking the story of the laptop, which had been in the bureau’s possession for almost a year”. https://nypost.com/2022/12/04/fbi-warned-twitter-of-hunter-biden-hack-before-censoring-the-post/ which reminds me The intel agencies have six ways to Sunday to get back at you , part of the contexts was mentioned by 1 of the members of the Intel committees gang of 8 ,in a interview a few years ago. Me thinks the gop are gonna have much political fodder come after the new year, rightfully so ! Imop
  6. Must admit I dont know much about my SA friends governance.Sounds like a big political struggle, their quasi democratic republic ,with selecting 6 presidents in 5 years. Leave it to the people to decide whats right ,their congress cant according to the freedom article, this isnt the first time they deep six a President! Sounds like something should be look at ,starting with their congress! https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20221207-pedro-castillo-peru-s-first-poor-president-ousted-on-corruption-charges https://newsonair.gov.in/News?title=Peru%3A-Dina-Boluarte-assumes-office-as-first-female-President&id=451990 https://freedomhouse.org/country/peru/freedom-world/2021
  7. The young lady of my house says Sisiket ladies have good magic!
  8. Tats, wife beaters shirt and a drop dead looking young sao som noi would make it understandable ,me thinks.
  9. 1.5 mill is a drop in the bucket , its the headline that the activist media are drooling over! The Trump umpire is worth billions and they got nothing on him while the real threat are making laws for the corporate lobbyists to continue their global establishment imop
  10. Political immunity is a curse ! No end in sight, while the establishment holds the keys to the justice system! “As a longstanding and nearly universal concept, diplomatic immunity has long been considered customary law; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomatic_immunity
  11. Sickening to see this story. While checking out Patong videos on YT , I noticed many stalls with Cannabis signs ! It boggles the mind !
  12. 1982 at the Centrum , to a sold out crowd “Dont stop believing” and the drums , boom boom boom boom ,base sounds bouncing off my chest! 1972 Fleetwood Mc,Umass Amherst outside venue , amongst thousands of space cadets! Rip
  13. On the same soi as Apple’s is Steve’s Corner bar he’s from Singapore. I dont know if either will be having a Christmas celebration ! If I hear of anything I’ll be sure to post ! I never go to Chili Bar since they moved, so I can’t say . Apples has celebrated the holiday in the past when Dan was there but he’s gone to Hawaii , for good. Jom runs it now . Very good western and Thai food imop
  14. Flicking head lights 1000 meters to say they are coming and you must not impede their path! 555 In the states its the opposite ( the flickering is to acknowledge the other vehicle can go . This is understood but its use is officially frowned upon .
  15. Western countries rules of the road especially for pedestrians safety far succeeds Asian countries ! That pedestrian should of looked both ways. It will be interesting to hear the excuse coming from the vehicles driver if and when…….
  16. Maduro’s number one ally , vlad is. The hypocrisy reeks! “Venezuela’s socialist leader, Nicolás Maduro, is Russian President Vladimir Putin’s top ally in Latin America. But reducing the world’s dependance on one autocrat’s energy supplies could mean turning to another’s instead”. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/08/politics/joe-biden-saudi-arabia-venezuela-iran-russia-oil/index.html
  17. Me suspects they / he is counting on the ignorance of the masses to swallow the assault weapons narrative ! To many laws on the books for the criminal and the mentally disturbed to follow. Unfortunately nobody addressing this. Imop
  18. Sure as long as all merchants except it and I don’t have to pay extra such as a fee to use it such as some charge for using a credit card
  19. You will need that translated to Thai but you probably know that!
  20. Englanders are favored to win this match! No surprise! Ill be watching ! It was a rather one sided match Brazil dominated . Wales was lucky to have a tie with the Usa ! It was determined by a controversial foul which resulted in a penalty shot! No worries about soccer and football . Keep politics out of sports !
  21. I don’t care what this govt does about the drug cannabis,other than keeping the THC( that alters the mind )levels minimal if possible ! Cant have the population high driving around senseless . https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/cannabis-marijuana#:~:text=Marijuana is the most commonly used addictive drug after tobacco and alcohol.&text=Its use is widespread among,marijuana in the past year.
  22. You hit it on the nail! Ive done everything known to man ,except for Ice! Weed and the byproducts of it ,is mind boggling and altering . Should be restricted and kept away from kids.
  23. Same problem , The Mrs seems to think we need a box! But Yalla shoot live works great on the computer. Hooked up the hdmi cable to the smart big tv and its good to go.
  24. Another mental illness candidate who imop escaped all prior local warnings! The incident wasnt pressed by the mom , so the matter was sealed which for all intents . avoid red flag indications! But now the DA gonna take up the bomb threat together with the murders ! Omg Law enforcement failed again to protect people from the scourge of mental illness imop! “Anderson Lee Aldrich — who was recovering in a hospital after the attack — had been arrested and charged with menacing and first-degree kidnapping in June 2021 for allegedly making a threat to detonate an explosive, according to police records”. https://nypost.com/2022/11/21/alleged-colorado-gunman-anderson-lee-aldrich-evaded-red-flag-law/
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