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Posts posted by timewilltell

  1. Really no surprise. The Thai mentality is to siphon off as much as possible from every possible source into the hands of those who have paid to be in power. Screwing over foreigners is a national pastime despite laws that supposedly protect but in reality are interpreted wholly differently to how they are written and never a question maybe asked - contempt it called and as strong as defamation in application.


    Totally twisted xenophobic country once you get beyond the ordinary local but even those have their mindset colored

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  2. And still they can't really be clear apparently. All types of Visa is ambiguous and UbonJoe to whom I defer believes this to mean not those on extensions. Could immigration not just set out something that is clear and unambigous? I'll just go because unless I hear it from Immigration themselves I'll have no confidence - even then I am not confident really since all the IO seem to have their own slightly different views on what the laws mean. It is pretty frustrating - which maybe is the idea anyway - who knows.

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  3. 10pm to 4am - who is it going to affect? People out drinking late in bars and restaurants that are already forced closed? Or nightclubs that also are not open?

    I am not quite sure what this does to help really unless it is just an attempt to make poltiical mileage out of the situation.


    Around where I am the Thais do not seem to understand that they should not stand close to each other and of course take offence if you try to move away as they approach coughing.


    A lot more education needed on what to do and if they want a curfew then make it early evening until early morning 6pm until 2am would make better sense off the top of my head. People would not be able to go out to socialise in the evening and so hopefully say at home rather than party mindlessly partying together. People who run the markets for food and delivery vehicles could keep the country fed and supplied.


    Of course I realise I am not Thai and so my ideas area ll meaningless and stupid anyway!

  4. I hate the immigration rules with a passion but taking it out on the local immigration staff is just blinkered.


    Yes some if them can be difficult but none of then want to be there. People need to direct their contempt and disgust at the people who make the rules rather than the poor blighters having to impose them and probably recognising the idiocy of a lot of the rules.


    Thais are not great thinkers except to take advantage and the people at the top are there because of corruption more than brains. Direct your ire there better.

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  5. People might begin to understand soon that the UK Foreign Office is not there for, nor have any intention of, being there for the facilitation of British Citizens. They are there to defect any problem you might cause to the host nation in order to ensure no one gets upset and causes trade disruption. It's all about money and keeping the peace and <deleted> all to do with helping you.


    If you are banged up or there is enough media attention then bums get off seats to show a face to promulgate the idea that they actually gave a purpose to the average citizen.

    • Like 2
  6. Great - just what they want - less school, less education and you can get they won't forgo the flag saluting, nation according and other general nonsense to foster nationalism for at least 1 hour per day as prescribed by the Ministry if Miseducation.


    All essentials to enable a stirring of the people to counter every mishap, corrupt sensation or acts of lunatic nepotism as finger pointing at thise exposing it are denounced as hurting Thailand. It is the biggest smoke up your ass national excuse in the world 

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  7. It should he the law everywhere that women are free to work as they wish. They need protection though as do other workers.


    The repression of sex in society generally, the abhorancd and feigned shock at nudity and prudishness is a ludicrous absurdity that makes the natural, unnatural and suppressed natural urges can explode with the wrong personalities. Just look at Thais and the dichotomy of polite people waiing each other one minute and trying their best to kill each other, push in and generally act in a truly barbaric, selfish, undisciplined, rude and dangerous manner as soon as they turn the key of a motor vehicle. The results of suppressed emotions easy to see.


    The logic that flows from that in a country where prostitution is illegal may well be right in that it might reduce rape. But Thailand is a huge brothel already so making legal what is incredibly available will do bug all.


    Educate Thais and teach them respect for other and their role in society would be a far better way to start working toward a solution.

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  8. Well if the Thai Retailer Association really meant business it would hve incentivised people by offering free cloth bags for purchases in excess of a certain amount instead of teh stamps, coupons and other <deleted> they use to keep you coming back to them.

    This is not a real effort just another idea to make 'me' look good without any real foundation. I am all for reducing plastic but this is really shallow and pathetic.


    And where are the efforts to force manufacturers to reduce the amount of <deleted> they cover their ever shrinking sized products in - more deception and lies from the retail industry. It really gets my goat. 

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