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Posts posted by Nickiboy03

  1. There is no accountability... you can drive on these roads with government insurance what does that cover?> nothing it is only revenue... Insurance Companies are not in a uproar because the majority of the population doesn't have insurance so you don't hear from them.... Now if government insurance was made to pay out for death, property damage,. rehabilitation then possibly there might be a real concern of the road carnage and death till then samo samo...no change in attitude what soever :shock1::post-4641-1156694005:

  2. The packs of dogs around pratumnak are really intimidating. On Soi Katsesin there is a dog belonging to a hotel on the corner of Soi 1. It has bitten me and other people. The owners deny it is theirs but it is. Further down the road by the first 7/11 and motosai taxi stand there is another pack of feral street dogs. It can be quite nerve wracking if they in a pack and the leader is barking at you. Of course children suffer the worse injuries because of their size and height . Irresponsible owners should be punished, stray dogs rounded up and dogs that attack should be put down at the owners expense.

    I know exactly what dogs you are talking about. There is 2 full black dogs 1 brown & a black & white one, these dogs are yapping different hours night after night. The ringleader is one of the Blacks.

    I see this dog I go after it when I am going on my morning bicycle ride,hopefully someday soon I manage to run this mutt over, but he is wily....

  3. Nuttets and theorists....please stop posting until you examinw real evidence. They found plane parts at all 3 sites. The planes, their pilots and the passengers are all still missing according to you but you ognore hard evidence to the contrary. You are an embarrassment. Stop

    The Commission on 9/11 knew that there was a massive cover up, 4 planes flying around in the most protected airspace in the world and not one of them gets an Airforce escort ya right.... Professional pilots that have thousands of hrs flying these type of planes, said they couldn't of did the same maneuvers that 19 arabs who couldn't even fly a Cessna 150 were capable of doing at 500 MPH lol

    I suppose the real hard evidence you speak of comes from the government that committed the crime.............. OK signing off.......

  4. Conspiracy Theory......The claim is more that the CIA "popularized" it, as a dismissive term.


    1870 the phrase was used in a Journal of mental science....


    More of the thinking population is starting to figure out, that what was a Conspiracy Theory is becoming Conspiracy Fact. All Governments lie to their debt slaves.....

    Government> definition, Govern=Control ,Ment= Mind

  5. The man is thinking outside the box. Not common here....

    No, he's not thinking at all.

    Conspiracy theorists fantasize, they don't think.

    Conspiracy Theory was coined by the CIA in 1964 so anyone not agreeing with the official story> Kennedy's Death< would be considered a tin foil wearing hat nut job. Conspiracy Theorists are searching for the truth and most put a lot of time into researching to find out what really happened.. The People that don't and cant think,(the majority) believe what governments and media tell them.

    You are entitled to your own opinion,but not your own facts...

    Dr Judy Wood : Where did the Towers Go


  6. Western culture like half-naked lady boys, Walking Street, Pattaya...

    ... or the karaoke singers and dancers at Thai weddings.

    I think I've seen more "provocative" clothing and dancers at upcountry Thai weddings and festivals, and not a single farang for miles.

    I agree...... I was in Pitchit when a travelling troubadour style group went through,they had young girls gyrating against stage polls that Walking Street Honeys would be put to shame trying to mimic. These Girls were maybe 12 years old Max

  7. The Crimex/Comex now has 293 ounces of gold sold in future contracts for every gold ounce they have to deliver. It is against the law for the Crimex/Comex to determine the physical price of gold, but when you have a criminal organization running the US Treasury ,Fed, Commodity Futures Trading Commission & Justice Department, manipulation of gold can only be expected. USA main exports are the Dollar and War & Chaos> since WW2.


  8. The Fed will never be able to raise interest rates! Ben Bernake said interest rates wouldn't be raised in his life time.

    The Fed is doing what they do best>> speak with fork tongue, double speak call it what you want they are liars. Cheap easy money is keeping the criminal element afloat Banks & .Gov.

    Gold is the dollars enemy. Gold is .Gov's enemy, Gold is the Banker's enemy if not in their vaults. and as was posted earlier the Comex & the Chicago Mercantile Exchange use paper estimated to be minimum 100 to 1 ratio to keep gold price down. Thats why it is treated as a commodity and not real money.

    Every market is fixed not a free market left. There is no real price discovery hasn't been for years.

    History shows tho Physical gold will eventually displace worthless paper.

    The whole world is in a paper ponzi scheme that every central bank is in collusion to perpetuate.

    If you don't hold it you don't own it >>>> Gold........ Gold is insurance against political crisis,economic crisis and war. We there yet, been ongoing since 2008

    Yellen even admitted the dollar wasn't a safe place to store wealth. Bet this quote wasn't heard on MSM CNN ETC

    JP Morgan Qoute: "Gold is the only money period" He didnt leave any room for debate. Paper bills of any country is currency, not money.

    Good Day

  9. A post using all caps has been removed. Turn off your Caps Lock button when posting.

    Seriously if Caps offend you how can you be in a position to censor. This is the problem we have government taking away freedom of speech an now we have moderators who with their bias feel they can also take our right to freedom of speech its pathetic what we have lowered ourselves too, Mod does this give you a feel of power which you can justify your pathetic life.... sigh

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  10. It's overheating. The fan has probably failed or is bunged up with crap.

    Fans can be cleaned or replaced and this can be easy or hard depending on the make and model.

    If it keeps overheating at some point permanent damage will be done to other parts.

    Some sort of stand like this may help:


    This happened to me on a Acer 64 bit Ferrari turns out it was overheating some of the blades on the cooling fan broke off.

  11. Thailand wants to blame a couple countries for this so called use of chemicals by Assad on his own citizens why don't they start with USA & Saudi Arabia. It is these 2 countries supplying weapons and so called freedom fighters.

    So you think the US and Saudi Arabia supplied the poison gas to Assad, which he agrees he has and has agreed to turn over to international forces? Where do you place Russia in supplying Assad with weapons? How about Iran?

    It is well known that USA & Saudi are supplying the so called freedom fighters in Syria with weapons.

    Thailand is playing it safe by going along with the rest of the western countries so they don't get the crap bombed out of them for not following the consensus issued by the bankster gangsters.

    You can't be serious and if you are... You are actually believing that Thailand would get the crap bombed out of it if it didn't issue the proper statement? Isn't that a little over the top?

    Thailand is part of the anglo saxon( Rothchild) banking system so it is safe for now and any country not part of it Libya,Iraq,Afghanistan next Syria & Iran but this looks like warmongers(banker controlled lunatics) are not getting there way at this time.

    USA business model, is a central bank war model. I am 60, this lawless rogue nation(USA) has been at war all of my life

    Four things.

    First, do you think Assad would be agreeing to turn over his poison gas to international forces if the US hadn't threatened to bomb him?

    Second, what's going on in the Middle East, whether right and good or not, is proof positive that you don't bomb the US's World Trade Center without getting hunted down for the rest of your life ala Bin Laden.

    Third, The people of the US are also sick and tired of wars and if you're paying attention, Obama got his ears boxed and had to back down on his stupid "red line" remark because of the people including Congress.

    Fourth, If you are British or Australian, your country has been fully involved in the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. G. Briton supplied about 1/3 of the troops which invaded Iraq and took out Hussein.

    The PM of GB wanted to bomb Syria too but couldn't get approval. Same for Obama. The people are getting tired of this chit.

    Why would Assad use poison gas on his own people knowing what the world opinion would be,doesn't make any sense at all. Oh and by the way why do the military use Depleted Uranium Munitions this is highly radioactive poisons, water, land,causes hideous birth defects and the men that use it this ammo are also poisoned,nothing is mentioned about this war crime. Oh that's right the infotainment news media also owned by the warmongers.

    World Trade Center men in caves did this right and Obama killed Bin Laden you need to do some research on this. More lies from a corporate fascist governments owned by the Bankster Gangster's & this includes Canada, UK.Australia,New Zealand and any other country condemning this so called attack by Assad on his people.

    I agree the worlds people are getting sick & tired of these endless wars the taxpayer is paying for, to enrich the military industrial complex & banks and the paid for politicians that are supposed to represent us.

  12. Thailand wants to blame a couple countries for this so called use of chemicals by Assad on his own citizens why don't they start with USA & Saudi Arabia. It is these 2 countries supplying weapons and so called freedom fighters.

    Thailand is playing it safe by going along with the rest of the western countries so they don't get the crap bombed out of them for not following the consensus issued by the bankster gangsters.

    USA business model, is a central bank war model. I am 60, this lawless rogue nation(USA) has been at war all of my life

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