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Posts posted by ronz28

  1. Debunking The Banksters Big Lies blaming US Government lending for the Financial Crisis.


    In fact the cause was the worldwide private banksters making ultra low interest rate mortgage loans relative to risk, lack of any real lending standards making subprime and liar loans to people who couldn't afford to repay, packaged/securitized the subprime and liar loans and deceptively marketed them to unsuspecting investors because they rated the securities "AAA" with the help of the paid credit rating agency co-conspirators and leveraged the securities with derivatives. I haven't heard of these people being jailed yet.

  2. Give it up! Most of the Thai people like the Prime Minister and a female representing her party and overcoming the establishment for the good of the people is inspirational. She has been dealt a tough hand with the flooding situation but that is a long term deficiency in planning long before her watch. Let's see if she can lead the country with flood control improvements.

    Obama has led the US to better health coverage for more people and has moved the country forward in finishing the wars the opposition started just in time to automatically reduce funding for Defense and end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. The opposition's dirty politics and willingness to sell out 99% of Americans is to further benefit the top 1%. The opposition has succeeded in their propaganda campaign in the past but it's obvious to most Americans now where the problem lies and certain elite's puppets will fail in the next Congressional elections.

  3. Home cold fusion device to sell for about 3500 Euros + 1500 Euros if you want to produce electricity as well as heat. see item 1.33 at


    Recover your cost in about one year from much lower energy bills and then very low energy bills thereafter.

    Edit=Link doesn't seem to work at times through TV but works ok for me outside of TV.

    I think it is too long an address for paste to work...

    Perhaps this?

    Ronz link

    Saw this too...

    1 MW E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful

    Yes, that's it. Thanks. I guess it won't hit major media until its available for sale to the public. Perhaps the Greeks will get to buy it first in their 300,000 units per year production facility.

  4. Home cold fusion device to sell for about 3500 Euros + 1500 Euros if you want to produce electricity as well as heat. see item 1.33 at


    Recover your cost in about one year from much lower energy bills and then very low energy bills thereafter.

    Edit=Link doesn't seem to work at times through TV but works ok for me outside of TV.

  5. It sounds like the cat is out of the bag with with Cold Fusion or Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) possibly based on nanomagnetism but there is still debate on the explanation for the observations. Rossi sold 13 more units to the military and other companies have products under development too.. Some of what is being observed in the cold fusion devices is:

    1. the components that give rise to the process are nickel and hydrogen;

    2. reaction produces copper in the heart of which is obtained by adding a proton (hydrogen nucleus) the nucleus of nickel;

    3. the amount of energy released in the process is much higher than the energy of chemical reactions that have occurred and requires a nuclear process ;

    4. during the process, the system emits gamma rays (shieldable with small thicknesses of lead) that are the signature of a nuclear process.
      This and the new found cheaper supplies of natural gas through fracking should lower the overall cost of energy and help economies recover worldwide. However, every crook that got us into the crisis still needs to be prosecuted or any recovery will be short lived if they continue to steal from depositors and investors.

  6. I don't understand how Nancy Pelosi ends up making $100,000 in one day and keeps enjoying the limelight

    while Martha Stewart for doing the same thing exactly ended up in a room with no light ?:blink:

    I don't see how Newt Gingrich can get paid $1.8 million from Freddie Mac as a "historian" giving advice that can not be recalled/confirmed by them (Why the big bucks? Was he just the bagman for Republican Congressmen to lighten up on Freddie Mac at the time?). Since Freddie Mac continues to be bailed out by taxpayers, Newt's special deal was effectively billed and paid for by the US taxpayers. Just another example of lack of integrity that resulted in the mis-allocation of resources that enriched the crooks and contributed to the financial crisis for the rest of us.


  7. Yes, I wondered about that too. I avoid nitrates and nitrites in food but am not sure what this is. I guess it may not be ready for prime time or someone wants to mislead potential competitors for awhile. I suspect someone with the right expertise should be able to figure this out soon.

  8. University of California, Berkeley, scientists have shown that ionized plasmas like those in neon lights and plasma TVs not only can sterilize water, but make it antimicrobial – able to kill bacteria – for as long as a week after treatment. Devices able to produce such plasmas are cheap, which means they could be life-savers in developing countries, disaster areas...


    Looks like a timely business opportunity here.

  9. I think the best accountants and economists have come up with a few criminals that mostly haven't been prosecuted and are still living the good life on everyone else's hard earned money. Some of the thefts are still being exposed like who has the $600 million that recently disappeared from MF Global customer accounts? With all the records around they should be able to more quickly identify and recover the money and throw the bums who stole it in jail and return the money or take away all of the thief's assets if they gambled their clients' money away on bets they had no right to make. As long as the criminals get away with it, they will likely continue to commit their crimes and harm the rest of us.

    I can say some bankers are banksters but I know most are not so I try to remember to say certain bankers, etc. or just refer to the crooks as banksters not bankers.

  10. I hear you Naam, I am just too unfamiliar with the physics of this process to know what he is thinking regarding desalination, perhaps only partially supported by cold fusion and also supported by another power source so that the overall costs are far less than current processes.

    Rossi appears to want to crank up production of his heating devices ASAP. His scientific discoveries should spread as reverse engineering figures out what he is doing and other brains get involved in extending his work so we may see all sorts of new and better products from his work rapidly spread throughout the world.

    I am skeptical that its enough of a cost saver to cure the financial crisis since that appears to be a crisis of integrity and lack of controls, but every bit helps. I too would like to have one of his devices perhaps to replace the energy source for my home air heater and hot water heater if the total cost can beat the cost of natural gas which I am not sure about at this point.

  11. I had higher hopes for Rossi's invention thinking the steam might be concentrated enough to turn a low power electric generator with the proper nozzle, etc. but maybe not. Cold fusion heating devices that save energy are still an advance to mankind and I believe Rossi is talking about desalination products too. Its apparently just not as big a cost saver as I was hoping for.

  12. There is always something that can turn markets around overnight and require complete revisions in the best of plans. Even slower disruptive changes like fracking changed the natural gas markets may not be initially recognized.

    I wonder if the Andrea Rossi E-Cat cold fusion device is such and will make energy one tenth the current cost, supercharging the rest of the economy but killing off a big part of nuclear power and other alternative energy industries? Still questioned by many as an unsubstantiated possible fraud but he just released more info of his claimed discovery at http://www.leonardo-ecat.com/fp/

    Other info at http://nextbigfuture.com/2011/11/catalyzer-description-at-new-leonardo.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2Fadvancednano+%28nextbigfuture%29

    and elsewhere with a Google search. I am not sure this would solve the financial crisis as certain banksters will still figure out a way to steal wealth and get taxpayer bailouts but as Churchill says it may help.

  13. Because the people that are trained and know the production processes are in Thailand ready to get back to work. Factory management knew floods were possible and had some time to move things to the second floor or above, etc. Cleanup and setup is a lot easier than building a factory and training workers elsewhere. Pain in the rear but not insurmountable.

  14. I live alone in a six bedroom house with my maid in her maid's house in the garden. I told him to <deleted> off and gave a month's notice to leave to sweeten the pill. Plenty of empty houses in the same mooban for the same or less money.

    Good for you! :thumbsup:

    +1 Good man !

  15. I had to drive through a thunderstorm with hail once and drove through an area where the sky was light green and a lot of hail. I later leaned I was driving about 5 miles away from a tornado. Maybe the tornado near Pattaya is causing the unusual color in the sky.

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