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Posts posted by vanbobble

  1. Hi happylarry, thanks very much for the response.


    I will try and check with the Amphur before heading out.. a quick google search has thrown up a telephone number 02-982-2081-2


    I am not suggesting your wife is a phone book - but if this is not the correct number for Lak Si District office, and she can put forward the correct one that would be great!

  2. Hi it is my understanding that if you get divorced at the same amphur / Khet at which you were married then the foreign partner does not need to again get passport translated and verified.


    Can anyone shed any light as to whether this still applies if the foreign partner has had to renew their passport since getting married?

  3. 6 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    I think your wife has some nerve. The kid lived almost all her live with a family who have been paying for everything too. Now she wants to take her away not to take care of her but let someone else take care of her again. If she can't be bothered to take care of her kid the least she has to do is pay for the school. 

    I did not ask for your opinion of my wife, who you do not know. I did not ask for your negative and incorrect summary of my post. I asked if anyone has any knowledge of the custody issue, which apparently you don't have. I really hope that some of your 4980 posts are a bit more informative / nicer than the one above.

  4. I think I perhaps gave the wrong impression when stating my wife thinks it would be unfair to pay for the schooling, she would be more than willing to pay. What upsets her is that she had to make a very difficult choice when her daughter was 2 years old to keep her daughter and be solely financially responsible (something her and her family could not afford at the time) or to just be able to see her during her school holidays (with the father being financially responsible) and she now thinks the father is not keeping up his end of the bargain. Unfortunately now and for the last few years at least the daughter would have been much better cared for living with my wifes family, circumstances changed.


    Anyways.. thanks for the comments 'cooked' will bear all that in mind. I hope an amicable resolution can be found.

  5. Hi all.. I am trying to get my head around a bit of a problem and wonder if anyone has any knowledge regarding this type of thing.

    My wife Pam has a 14 year old daughter, who since she was 2 or 3 years old has lived with her ex partners family (thai). Pam and her former partner were both working in Rayong, they split up she went home to Surin and took her daughter, he went home to Sattahip. A few weeks later she received some sort of court papers.. I believe some legal advice (possibly) was taken and an agreement was reached and possibly settled in court (or similar) or via some type of formal mediation, that the daughter would live with her father who would be financially responsible for her, including schooling etc.. and her daughter would be able to go and stay with Pam and her family during school holidays. 

    The father has a new girlfriend and additional children and is now reluctant to pay for Pam's daughters schooling - I think was planning on going to some language school in Chonburi.

    Pam thinks that he would be in breach of the terms of the agreement entered into at the time and wants to explore whether she can get her daughter to now be able to live with her family in Surin (where apparently there are many schools she would be happy at..!)

    Of course, worst case scenario we could just pay for the schooling, but the wife thinks this would be unfair. 

    I have explained that given Pam is currently here in England with me (we usually go back to Thailand in April for her daughters school holidays) that she may want to get her sister and mum to try and find out what the options are before going back.

    Not had much experience with lawyers etc in Thailand - does anyone have any advice on where to start or the hopes of anything succeeding? Apparently the family does have the papers from the original mediation/agreement.

    Many thanks 


  6. Hi need some advice quick please

    First issue, due to very recently moving house, waiting to get some fresh correspondence to the new address and plain overlooking the dates, I only sent the wifes FLRm application this morning by Special Delivery which will arrive tomorrow.. her visa expires today.. is this an issue??

    Secondly.. not sure whether this is an issue or not.. I sent my passport in with her application, I did not also send a full copy of my passport (every page it says).. I take it that it is one or the other?

  7. Hi Ladies from Thailand!

    Can anyone tell me how much a thai massage course would be for a thai girl in bangkok??

    I assume as with most things.. it will not be as expensive as if a farang wanted to do :)

    It doesnt need to be advanvced, but she has been offered a job here in the UK when she comes here on settlement visa with some training but needs to learn basics. If its not too expensive to do an advancved course then that would be better.

    Any ideas on price/location????????????

  8. Hi all.. am writing from the UK.. i have finally convinced my thai partner to speak to a doctor/psychiatrist.. or whatever the thai equivalent is, as she is noticably depressed, worries her arse off and suffers from low self esteem.

    Can anyone tell me where in surin she could go to speak to some one.. and how much it would likely cost?

    I want her to be happy so much, but nothing i can do seems to have a lasting effect.. and unfortunately i am not rich!

  9. Hi all.. here is the link


    you dont need excel but could import spreadsheet files for learning anything if you can find them..

    I agree i need to get away from transliteration asap.. however for most people just visiting thailand that really want to try and speak some thai i think this is a good way..

    Also learn thai podcast really does teach you well.. it tends to overexplain some grammar usage which i dont think hurts either if you are the type of person that likes to understand stuff well

  10. Hi all.. i am kind of new here but i thought i would share a couple of tips of how i began to learn to speak thai..

    Firstly i think everybody has a different method of learning things but here's what worked for me, please note that this doesnt envolve reading thai script which still puzzles me..

    Firstly i looked on the internet for a decent course and settled on Learn Thai Podcast which has a years worth of instruction lessons on adjectives/verbs, grammar lessons and review lesson. Its not the cheapest but the site is well layed out and i prefer their romanized translations than others (ie: sa-wat-dii as opposed to sawasdee) they also teach you to read and write thai but i have not got onto that yet.

    The lessons are available in a number of formats.. to watch from the site, download, download to iphone and pdf's for example.

    The grammar lessons are great, incorporating a number of new words into mostly everyday sentences..

    however what really worked for me was a free program called cue card (i think available from download.com) which enables you to copy and paste romanized translations and english words into a kind of spreasdsheet and then learn as cue cards.. you can even swap questions and answers (if you follow what i mean) and also it has 3 styles of teaching you to learn..

    It enabled me to learn 10-15 adjectives/verbs in 20-30 mins just by using repetition but they actually stay in your head.. i now have a number of spreadsheets and if i havent been studying for a while just go through them to refresh everything!!

    Hope this helps someone


  11. Thanks 7by7 i appreciate the response, i have read through all the stickies and my eyes now hurt!!

    Basically i have been in a relationship with my girl now for only 3 months on a "long distance basis" due to work commitments. I have been to thailand twice in this time and will probably be going again in the next 6 weeks or so i feel that i could provide necessary evidence to show a relationship realise we have probably not been together long enough for it to be granted..

    How long would you wait in my situation? are we talking about it being feasible after 6 months or 9 months? I just want to be with her :)

  12. Hi all.. i am new here and am looking to find out about obtaining a UK tourist visa for my Thai Girlfriend..

    Im not sure if its the done thing to just blurt out the situation and ask opinions of whether a submitted application would be successful so i will try and break it down!

    1. In order not to submit an application that would be rejected for not being in a relationship with her for long enough what is the minimum amount of time you should have known her based on first meeting?(i.e. not over internet)

    2. If you are not fortunate enough to be able to stay in thailand very long at anyone time (10 day trips due to dam_n work) then how often do you need to visit in this minimum time?

    I realise there would be a need to supply as much evidence of relationship as possible and that possibly some applicants in long relationships may be denied for not submitting this evidence

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