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Posts posted by Logician

  1. I just read the interview on the other site and yet I still see no mention of the price being agreed before the journey started. Will someone tell me exactly where this information is please.

    The wife also said that she didn't see anything, except maybe some shirt grabbing. :o How exactly do you see nothing except maybe something?

    She also confirmed that the driver wasn't involved, so who says the attackers were tuk tuk drivers, and not just people hanging around?

    The truth is, the only reliable info we have is the account from the brother in law, who you would assume isn't bias. He clearly says the German refused to let him settle the matter peacefully.

  2. Funny enough in another thread he says he's here 9 months/year, but in this thread it's almost 180 days per year. Which is it BTB/Illogician?

    Who says both can't be true?

    What if some one spent 9 months a year here for the last few years, but only spent 5 months a year here 4 years ago, and a few years before that only spent a couple of months a year here. What if that all added up to an average of about 180 days per year?

    Check my post, I bet the word 'average' was used. ;)

    Anyway, keeping it on topic, I bet I've spent more time here than the average of all contributers to this thread. And been in more tuk tuks.

  3. So in your words BTB, you're a tourist, rarely take a tuk tuk, bu't don't want to have a friend drive you, and have never experienced a problem with a tuk tuk because you negotiated with the driver for the extortionate fare that was asked. Good onya mate. Phuket tuk tuks need more quality tourists like you. I guess what you're saying is you've got minimal friends, don't go out muchand can't deal with the outside world, that's why you never attend any TV get togethers.

    I have minimal friends on Phuket by choice. I go out a healthy amount for a married man with a family that doesn't feel the need to visit girlie bars as so many do. I go out every day and have no problems dealing with anybody or anything. It's not me who can't use tuk tuks without being scared of getting beaten up. I never attend any of the TV get togethers and it would seem nor does anybody else, going on the turn out of the last one.

    The fact is, I would bet a lot of money I have more experience with using TT's than the vast majority of people on this thread. The likes of the people that called that long list of links all leading to the same article, genius, and undeniable proof.

    The vast majority of people use TT's with out a problem FACT. If you can't then that's your problem to deal with.

  4. Of course he's BTB. What other phuket shill will defend feebly the tuk tuk thugs. Funny enough in another thread he says he's here 9 months/year, but in this thread it's almost 180 days per year. Which is it BTB/Illogician?

    I know you would like to think that everyone on this forum is the norm, and moaning about every last thing is cool. The fact of the matter is my opinion is much more the norm than you will ever realise, it's just that his forum is breeding ground for people with no experience of Phuket, and lots of old residents that love to moan about everything. All the people that agree with me can't be assed to come on a forum and say so. You take out the people who have never been to phuket, and the group of regular moaners, and the thread would look very different.

  5. I guess you missed the post below, but totally acceptable for a tuk tuk shill. Every side needs to have a dog in the fight eh?

    Ermm OK, I do have my own car. Who likes being a designated driver :bah: . Money isn't an issue. I didn't say I took tuk tuks every day for 10 years, you made that up. Yes I'm technically a tourist.

    Is that all your very clever questions answered? I think it is.

  6. Perhaps you are lucky. What is your authority that "tens of thousands of people" can use them without a problem?

    The number of tourists that flood through the airport every day and leave 2 weeks later with a big grin on their faces, making plans for their holiday here next year.

    Compared to the 5 or 6 well known cases of assault by TT drivers, half of which were probably instigated by a belligerent Farang.

  7. Does that about sum it up or have you spent more than 180 days here per year for the past 10 years?

    On average it won't be far short of 180 days per year. ;)

    How do you think that compares to the average person contributing on this thread? More time in Phuket and in TT's than them or less?

    Seeing as most people probably haven't even been to Phuket, and a some won't have even been to Thailand before, :D I would say I'm OK to have an opinion, don't you?

  8. Yours is post no 260 on this subject and the best post so far and you are very right sir and I salute you :jap:

    As soon as one incedent happens, people goes off like a rocket. Ohh what a dangerous place I better stay home and bla bla. Okay this is bad but not something you see every day (or year maybe?).

    I lived 3 years on the beautiful Phuket some 5 years ago and used them now and again, no problems.

    Thank you. You will be in the vast minority agreeing with me though. People decide what they want to believe and then they run with it, not matter what the truth is, and regardless of there lack of first hand experience. That long list is a perfect example of an exaggerated, irrational, hatred for a problem that just isn't as bad as people want it to be. I would love to know the true numbers about how many people on this thread have actually been to Phuket, and how many people are regurgitating the same nonsence they've been fed, like a demented sheep. I think the numbers would tell us every thing we needed to know.

    For some people that list was conclusive evidence, yet they didn't even bother to open a single link and read it for themselves. :(

  9. Then please explain to me why after more than a decade of using Tuk tuks, I have never had a single problem. Never a cross word, never an attempt at bumping up the price after we've got there? Why is it tens of thousands of people can use them without a problem, but once or twice a year someone will get a whack? Explain please.

    If you've lived here a decade, why don't you have your own car? Surely you or someone you know can be the designated driver if you're not capable of driving. It would be much cheaper to have your own car than to pay for a tuk tuk to and fro each day. BTW, how do you get around every day besides taking a tuk tuk seeing as how you said you have taken tuk tuks for 10 years? That must be expensive hiring a tuk tuk for 10 years day in and day out. Surely you're not a tourist based on your responses of taking these safe, air conditioned fully licensed vehicles for 10 years running.

    In regards to the once or twice a year whack, change that to per week ( per reported incident)s and you will be closer to the actual truth. Don't tell me you're BTB reincarnanted :).

    >>Why is it tens of thousands of people can use them without a problem,

    Are you kidding? I am in front of a tuk tuk stand a few days a week after enjoying the beach and there are problems with a quite a few people daily, it's only the serious incidents that get reported.

    More than a decade of using Tuk tuks, does in no way imply I have used them every day. The English language is a beautiful thing when understood. ;)

    Have you ever had a problem with them personally?

  10. Who would have ever thought the Taxi mafia in Phuket could afford a public relations rep? You honestly believe there is only a small amount of crime committed against farang? Every single person I know who has lived here over a year has had one or another bad thing happen to them(stabbed,robbed,attempted rape,assault strong arm robbery,accidents,hit and runs,shake downs) These are normal people not hooligans or idiots. A lot of the people I meet traveling are duped by the Tuk-tuks near the grand palace I feel like a broken record when I talk to them Free tuk tuk ride "check" palace closed until noon "check" overpriced suit "check" charming river cruise to see slummy houses for 1k a person "check" I have met at least 5 different groups of people and individuals that have had at least one of those things happen.

    Every body you know has been raped, robbed, stabbed etc etc? Are you sure you want to stick to that story? You don't know anyone that hasn't had a trouble free experience in Phuket? You sound just like 'Livin LOS'. his friends used to get guns pulled on them every day. :o

    So why in that very long list you thought was genius, was there only 3 or 4 incidents mentioned in over 50 links? Why was 4 of the first 9 links, the exact same article about the same story. Which happened to be the most famous and violent attack ever, back in 2009?

  11. I have been here 2 yrs and learnt very quickly never to get involved with Thai's on the roads, just smile and let it go, these people do not care about you and would leave you on the side of the road dead or injured, they would not look back with any remorse!! I am sure all Thai's are not like this but I am thinking a very high percentage are!!

    A very high percentage of Thais would leave you by the side of the road dead?

    How could you live among people that you believed that was the case about? I couldn't.

    I would say the percentage is very very small. :)

  12. How many people on this thread have actually been to Phuket and used Tuk tuks? I bet it's way less than half. So what does that mean. It means we have a huge amount of people that have nothing to go on but what they hear on forums like this. They then swallow it all up, and regurgitate back on to forums like this.

    For all you people who applauded this post and automatically assumed it was hard evidence that proved beyond doubt how bad the tuk tuks are, here is a more accurate look at the list.

    Link 1 is a story that mentions a well known case about a french man, and a well publicised case about a canadian. Both attacked, one very badly.

    Link 2 is a question from someone who has never been to phuket, and gets some good advice as to how to avoid problems.

    Link 3 Is a link to the same article in Link 1. :whistling:

    Link 4 is a link to the same article in Link 1 & Link 3. :whistling:

    Link 5 is a petition based on the attack on the French man mentioned in Link 1, Link 3 & Link 4. :whistling:

    Link 6 is about how good taxis are in Singapore. :blink:

    Links 7 & 8 are just general articles about how they plan on improving Tuk Tuks. No stories of particular events.

    Link 9 is a link to a TV thread about the French attack mentioned in Link 1, Link 3, Link 4 and Link 5 :lol: . The story is dated from 2009 by the way.

    I'm bored now, so you will have to take my word that the theme continues. A few more of the well known incicents but mainly just old TV threads about nothing, some dating back to 2005. :o There has only ever been a small handfull of serious, news worthy attacks on tourists by Tuk tuk drivers, I would say between 5 and 10 but probably nearer 5. Tell me any tourist destination in the world that wouldn't have the same handfull of horror stories.

    The truth about tuk tuks, as the list above shows, (9 links, 4 of them about the same story from 2009), is that the nasty attacks are very few and far between. It is true to say that they are far from perfect. They are expensive compared to the rest of Thailand, but not compared to other tourist destinations that have as many visiters as Phuket does. They do stop the running of a bus service which is a shame for the people who would like and use one. They will beat the crap out of you if you are drunk, violent and refuse to pay.

    The truth is that most people who come on to forums to moan about them have never stepped foot inside Phuket. They just swallow every piece of crap that's fed to them like this nonsence list above.

    If you don't have the brains to come to Phuket and use tuk tuks without getting in to a fight, like most of us do, then stay at home. ;)

  13. OK well if you choose to believe it or not.. it happens and not as some once in a blue moon chance either.

    Have an unusual or out of the way destination, and no matter how clear the discussion. They just demand more.. Or your dumped in the dark... And still expect full agreed payment.

    The thing is 'LivinLOS', you knew from experience that they didn't want to drive you up that hill, yet you never did anything clever to fix the problem, instead choosing to wake all your neighbours up fighting in the street at 4am. :annoyed: All you had to do is negotiate a price to the bottom of the hill, and then negotiate another 50/100 baht to the top once you had got there. It would cost you the same price give or take, and it would remove any chance the driver had to go back on his deal to take you to the top.

    For some people the easy, peacefull solution to problems is of no interest. After all, what would you have to moan about if you did every thing the easy way. ;)

  14. Tuktuks: agree on a price beforehand, pay the agreed price, and there are no problems.

    Except when the want to jack the price up before the agreed destination of the journey.

    Sadly this is often the case. I have read so many posts advising 'agree the price before starting the journey', that's sound advice, but what do you do when then price is much more than you agreed on arrival. That's a tricky situation, as seems to have happened to the unfortunate German man. I have read reports on another web site that he agreed to the 100 baht price, then 200 baht was demanded. I have no idea if that report is true, but it's often the case that the agreed price turns into price per person.

    I seriously don't believe this happens, except to LivinLOS going up the hill 10 years ago. I have also heard that the agreed upon price in the case of the unfortunate German was 200 Baht, but on destination he refused to pay the agreed upon price.

    :D I just mentioned that, didn't realise someone had already brought it up. I agree with you fully. If you are sober enough to make the driver 100% sure that you have agreed a price, he is very unlikely to change it. The fact the bloke wouldn't let someone else pay the extra money, proves to me he was playing up and didn't want a peacefull solution to the problem. He wanted to pay what he thought was a fair price and that's not how it works.

  15. How do you know this guy knocked the tuktuk guy down ?? Because the tuktuks said so ?? Because the Pol Major made such a big deal about it (how is it the pol major knows with such certainty what happened the first time, so much so that they intend it seems to charge the German, yet has no CCTV / witness / or other data at all to what happened moments later in the same place ?? Odd that).

    We now have the wife on record as saying she paid.. And she had the miss understanding and gave a thai type price.. And that she didnt witness the guy push the driver down..

    So you're going to right off everybody elses account of what happened, and put all your faith in to what the bokes wife said. :D She won't be bias much will she. :whistling: I remember you telling stories about you and your mates being drunk and fighting with tuk tuk drivers, because they wouldn't take you to the top of the big hill you lived on, so I will reiterate my opinion. If you are not drunk, and you aren't a <deleted>, then you will never have any problems with tuk tuks. In fact the drunk bit has got nothing to do with it, just not being a <deleted> is enough. ;)

  16. I can't believe you guys are hanging it on the German simply because he was drunk. What are you a bunch of social engineers? The Thai tuk tuk driver and his mad weapon wielding gang hold the majority of the responsibility for this incident surely. Sound like a bunch of bloody *****. Root cause is the tuk tuk mafia clear and clean.

    Then please explain to me why after more than a decade of using Tuk tuks, I have never had a single problem. Never a cross word, never an attempt at bumping up the price after we've got there? Why is it tens of thousands of people can use them without a problem, but once or twice a year someone will get a whack? Explain please.

  17. So you admit you can't read Thai... nah, only joking. My point was that the updated story came from a Thai newspaper.

    Its ok - keep up with your fantasy that the German guy caused all this, its what the Phuket police would have you believe.

    You keep harping on about evidence, yet you seem just as quick to make your mind up as I am. :) A drunk farang is nearly always at the centre of these stories. I've seen their behaviour first hand more times than I care to remember. Added to that I don't have an irrational, frothing at the mouth hatred for them as every body else does, and the fact that this Thailand and everyone should be on their best behaviour in other peoples country, I will lean toward blaming the German. Baring in mind at no time have I condoned him being beaten.

  18. the post was there. it was there for an hour or so. it described a statement from the wife. why TV removed it I don't know. they can answer that.

    no problems dude, you believe what you want, if you can't read a Thai newspaper, that's fine ....

    :lol: Wow you're a sore loser. Pointing out my typos and now critisising my inability to read Thai. :D If you can't see what a plonker that post makes you then....... well it's probably just as well you can't. ;)

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