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Posts posted by SAffer

  1. What an odd headline... "SRT wants to take over from BMA, raises rent"...

    Pretty misleading.

    The past situation has been that SRT leased the land to BMA (at a certain cost, I could not be bothered quoting figures right now), then BMA set up the Market Management, organised stall areas and streets, then (adding about 50%) leased almost all the stall areas to 6 families. Those families then added about 200% (per sq. mtre) and leased to individual stall owners.

    The whole thing was set up in the past just to funnel money to 6 families. In reality, SRT taking over (if it leases directly to the stall owners, which seems to be the intention) cuts out both the middlemen (BMA and the 6 families), *possibly* lowers the rent to the stall operators, and increases the amount received by SRT, which they can use to offset their losses in offering the free train services.

    The only losers are the 6 families who sub-let the space from the BMA.

    Sounds like you haven't really got any proof of the 6 family allegation... so be it.

    If, and this is a big 'if', what you say is true- I am sure it would improve the situation, and hopefully allow small stall owners to make a better living. I hope this is the case, and that the little people will benefit.

    Knowing Thailand, and knowing the world; I sincerely doubt it.

  2. He would have gotten the death penalty anyway. No wonder he popped himself. Don't people ever think of what really happens to them after they die. Like what was this guy thinking before he killed himself? The pain with just all go away?? No,no,no,no. I'm sure the pain has just started for him. Get a clue, come back.

    Feeling bad for the families though.

    He would have gotten the death penalty anyway. No wonder he popped himself. Don't people ever think of what really happens to them after they die. Like what was this guy thinking before he killed himself? The pain with just all go away?? No,no,no,no. I'm sure the pain has just started for him. Get a clue, come back.

    Feeling bad for the families though.

    I wouldn't bet the rice paddies on him getting the death penalty. More than likely he'd pretty much "beat the rap", with the judges handing down a sentence of "accidental death by alcohol", saying he was drunk at the time and didn't mean to do it.

    Why, is he a HISO cop?

  3. "The gunman's body was found some 200 metres (yards) from the scene after he killed himself with the same assault rifle he used against his colleagues, Prasit said."

    That's a pretty nifty little trick: shooting oneself dead with an assault-riffle . . . . . . . Maybe there's a lot more to this story: better get the CSI involved and do some serious investigating, hey ? ?

    One who believes nothing he reads !

    People shoot themselves with full-sized rifles all of the time.

    Kurt Cobain

  4. First thing one should ask, what is the reason for any1 becoming a cop in Thailand?

    1. Too stupid to do something else.

    2. I get to shoot people, which is always fun.

    3. I don't get any salary, but can make a fortune from bribes and extortion, forget about policing.

    even people dead and this is the best shit this forum can come out with

    no wonder Thaivisa is considered to be a joke and an absolute disgrace

    Uhm... who exactly considers it a joke and a disgrace?

    I have have pretty fair treatment from police in Thailand, but I do know that many police are corrupt... so I have also been involved in paying a bribe to get out of traffic fines or whatever... I know cops who take bribes for all manner of reasons. These cops are pretty nice guys, the ones I know personally... but the poster is right about their motivations to join the police in the first place. I would add 1 additional point which is: job security. Many Thais like to work for government institutions purely because it's virtually impossible to get fired, and there is very little chance of an institution like the police force being shut down (consider the industrial workers who lost jobs after the floods).

  5. Social fascism is marching forward.

    While India marches backward?

    India has a bureaucracy, environment hostile to foreign investors and a choking net of corruption that makes Thailand seem idyllic

    " a bureaucracy, environment hostile to foreign investors and a choking net of corruption " is this not a description of most Asian and Southeast Asian nations?


  6. I am still not sure if the US had any right to be there in the first place, and I really doubt that the situation is any better now than before.

    They have left Iraq, but did they achieve anything there?

    Only history will decide whether anything was achieved. In the short term, it appears not. In the long term, that may change, but I very, very much doubt it.

    As far as having the right to be there in the first place, I agree with you. It was a very dubious invasion.

    I wouldn't mind them sorting out Zimbabwe, on the other hand.

  7. There's a farang tangent to the Sek Loso 'drama' now. Some farang came out claiming that Sek Loso's mia noi is his ex-wife and that she swindled him out of some random amount of financial assets.


    You have a nerve talking about farangs like that - 'some farang'.

    You happen to be, as a Thai person, a minority on this webforum for expats.

    Keep your derision for farang to one of your Thai forums.

    Hahaa... Some of Us farang don't really like the tag anyway.

    I mean... if farang means foreigner,. why aren't Chinese or Japanese farang too?

    What about Africans and Indians...?

    No, no... farang is like 'nigger', you can only use the phrase if you are one yourself.

    I personally don't like to be referred to as a farang, be it 'some farang' or whatever.

    I would hate to tell you what names we have for Thais, or the reason most of us are actually here... and you should know that Thai men have a reputation for being wife beaters, unlike us 'farang'.

    Also, Thai women have a reputation for being...####

    So, maybe a bit more restraint when talking about us??

  8. See, that's the problem with you PC people.

    I am free to have my own opinion as long as you like it?

    It makes me uncomfortable, me myself... it is my feeling.

    Why do I like to drink coffee with milk and 2 sugars?

    Why don't I like certain foods, or pop music?

    C'mon man... people can like or dislike whatever they want to.

    I agree with you. Free association as people like in personal matters. That's freedom. When it comes to public policies, however, such as discrimination in hiring, housing, etc., that's different.

    Dead right JT... just because I don't like carrots doesn't mean you can't eat them.

  9. Why do you feel anyone on an airline might approach you in a sexual manner?

    All flights that I know of for any airline always have a gay chief flight attendant for some reason.

    For the trannies I dont have anything against them, just dont bother me with sexual approaches.

    That is EXACTLY the point!

    As so many say: I don't mind gays- as long as they don't hit on me!

    Is EVERY hetero sexual woman hitting on you?

    Why woul anyone assume, gays or katoeys have standards that are that low, they would hit on everybody?

    Get a life, guys!

    Hardly ever been hit on by Thai ladies (overtly), but the Ladyboys hit on just about every man who makes eye contact with them.

    I don't think this story should even make the news. If people are qualified and keen to do their best, give them the job.

    Personally I am uncomfortable around trans-gender people. But, that's me... my right as a person to like what I like and not like what I don't.

  10. Amazing world we live in...although it worked for me when I was young, I even listened sometimes after a good spank. Never bothered me though, I knew I deserved it ....till I was strong enough to spank back.

    Yeah, it certainly worked as a deterrent to me. I think the most I ever got in 1 session was 4 strokes. Didn't die from it, or need medical/psychiatric help... but those bruises on me arse were something to behold.

    If kids are out of line a caning works wonders. But in my school such canings had to be recorded: reason, number of lashes and so-on. I kinda like corporal punishment, kids are naughty sometimes and don't need some psycho analist to interview them... just a good caning and it's done with.

    I don't know what these boys did wrong, but I know when I got caned I was guilty every time!

    It is disturbing when a teacher appears to relish handing out the canings though, doesn't it.

    Not PC I know, but I don't really mind it all too much.

  11. The 1967 borders would be a good starting point for good faith negotiations. But the reality is now it is no longer 1967 and Israel has different security concerns than she did back then. There is in theory a place where people of good faith on both sides could come together. The trouble is there are way too many Israeli right wingers and way too many Palestinians who won't give up the dream of kicking all the Jews out. A formula for peace that ain't.

    This is why in my first post on the thread I put there is no solution. I would not say that anyone on this thread is a 'fanatic'. We can't agree and to be honest if most of us met down the pub we would get on famously despite our entrenched views on here where part of our alter ego can flex. However in both Israel and Palestine there are people who are frighteningly fanatical, there ego is not something that emerges on an anonymous internet site, it is real. These people are violent and will never relent or compromise under any circumstance. the net result is that it is doubtful there will ever be peace in the region in our lifetimes. sad.gif

    However, in Israel there are various factions represented in their society, and the full political spectrum has a voice. In Palestine the situation is different, there is no allowance for different view points.

    The Arabs have the whole of the middle East, and no-one cared about this tiny piece of land until Israelis actually made a success where the Palestinians lived in squalor before.

    When I am surrounded by enemies who wish to destroy me, and my back is to the wall (or sea in this case) you may excuse me for trying to ensure my survival.

    The settlements are being hotly disputed in Israel by Israelis, and as I said... they have very different and opposing views internally. Debate continues... whilst in Palestinian areas there is no such allowance for the people- hate Israel or else!

    I have been in personal contact with both sides, and have never heard hate speech from the Israelis, yet; I have never heard the Palestinians say anything about Israel which is not hateful, and this is something they are taught at home, school, and mosque- to hate Israelis is sanctioned by the Koran. Hating Israel is a duty of all Arabs!

    Those who blindly support the Arabs have no compassion for a nation which is surrounded by foes.

    Peace in the region: no chance, and we all know it.

  12. What a load of bolloc-- it is his body and and he is free to do put what he likes in it.

    True. But he's buying the drugs from who? Answer: a drug dealer who will sell to anyone, even kids. So, he's as guilty as the dealer or anyone else that buys drugs. It's the same as buying anything illegal. If you're caught, you should be punished according to the law.

    Whatever man... who get's to decide that I can't buy recreational drugs legally??

    You surely never had a hit of a joint, did you?


  13. It seem's Australians are getting a bit dirty in fighting these days,dirty or should i say cowards.

    Happened here on Koh phanhan almost 3 years ago,yes full moon party night.I was sitting on the beach with a friend,went to go and get a couple of beers,the all of three minutes i was gone came back to where i had been sitting but 3 Australians were fighting my friend.

    As i approached one of them smashed a bottle straight over his head,that's 3 on 1 and still has to use a bottle.

    I had Two bottles in my hand,did i use them NO!!... went over and smashed beat all 3 of them using hands,knees,head and yes the one who bottled him came off worse.

    Not got a lot of sympathy for these Aussie guys involved in this fight with Junie,yes from the videos i have seen Junie has problems,mostly drink related,but i say hats off to him for beating 10 of them. Taking on 3 with weapons is not easy,10 jap.gif But junie lay off the beer thumbsup.gif

    True Aussies do not fight with weapons. It's a one on one with fists and at the end of the fight it's beers all round. Those that represent themselves as aussies fighting with weapons and gang up are your 1st and second generation aussies who have kept the original mother land's customs and traditions.

    I agree; in general the Aussies I have been in contact with are keen to have a rumble, and when it's done, it's done.

    No wait; actually they generally haven't been the fighting kind. Aussies are not bad blokes.

  14. Comical how the Yingluck/Suu Kyi meeting doesn't compute with the usual suspects.They are either silent or reduced to make some foolish remark as in the quote above.

    Fact is that Yingluck has taken a step that Abhisit?Suthep/Kasdit and the rest of that gang wouldn't.Understandable with a little twerp like Kasit or a thug like Suthep, but no excuse for Abhisit who has the same educated and upper middle class background as Suu Kyi, and au fond - though pushed around like a puppet by the unelected elite - shares the same civilised values.

    When was the last time a Thai leader (or any politician) visit Suu-Kyi? You make it sound like Abhisit *could* have visited her.

    I think he makes it sound like Abhisit *should* have visited her; such an odd post.wacko.gif

  15. Great thoughts. Wouldn't you just love to see it happen? Thailand would go straight down the crapper.

    Well, I kinda hate to say it... but yes.

    Actually, I really would like the tables to turn. My girlfriend is Burmese, and I hate they way she is treated by Thais, as if she is lower class. Yet she did well at Uni, speaks good English (Toastmasters), and is just generally quite smart (for a woman)whistling.gif

    Anyhow, I would say the difference between the Yingluck and Suu Kyi, is in fact representative of the difference between Thai and Burmese women.

    Let's face it; Yingluck is better looking ermm.gif

  16. The sisterhood of women is a powerful thing so it's good in the dirty world of politics to see a great female leader offering advice and support to another who is struggling against the odds. Well done, Daw Suu.

    Who is the Great Female leader you are talking about.... Yinluck has no right to be in the same room as this other Great Woman... its why the meeting only lasted half an hour.. Aun Suu Kyi has something called DIGNITY...... severely lacking in this new Thai Prime Minister... She would not know DIGNITY if it was staring her in the face..

    They are in a different league altogether, dead right.

    I think that Aung San Suu Kyi is the BIGGEST threat to Thai economy right now.


    Because if she becomes the next leader of Myanmar, all investment is heading to Burma, not Thailand.

    Watch Myanmar prosper if she becomes the leader.

  17. I do not think great effort needs to be spent on teaching kids to speak English. I think the time needs to be spent on teaching them to read and understand written english and to write it to some extent. The focus should be on reading.

    Spoken english is very hard to learn without exposure to good spoken english contantly.

    The ability to read English enables access to a wide world of material a it is one of the international languages for bussiness and science.

    What people are forgetting here is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to learn a second language without mastery over a first one. How many Thai students speak, read and write Thai properly?

    You can't learn English grammar unless you have a competent understanding of your mother tongue's grammar; and the way Thai students are taught language (thai) in school is a big impediment; they are taught rote and only know the rules of Thai from memorization; no understanding of the concepts and structures present. No encouragement to be expressive in vocabulary spoken or written.

    In addition; in order to transfer your thoughts and ideas into English it takes creativity in thinking; you can't just translate word for word what you want to say.

    Beyond that; I hear all the time Thais saying things like the "s" sound in plurals in English is not important for Thais because Thai doesn't have these structures.

    Bottom line is Thais will continue to speak the gobblety gook they mindlessly sputter and call it English; and if the rest of the world doesn't like it; screw em; we do it Thai style. TIT

    I am not sure I agree with you. In South Africa, there are people who can't read or write any language (so certainly not masters of it), yet they are pretty good at speaking up to 5 languages, including English. I think 'Jack of all languages' is ok.

  18. "The language class should be fun and fresh. And importantly, the teachers must understand that each student is different," she said. "Teachers must know how best to develop the potential of each student."

    Of course, you can't learn anything if it's not 'fun'. Every lesson at school and university for me was so much fun. If it hadn't been fun, I would have lost concentration and failed.

    Maybe the 'fun police' could come in and observe English classes. If the classes are not 'fun', they can make fun police arrests.

    In Israel you can learn to speak and write Hebrew in 3 months... it's a course called Ulpan. It is not fun at all, but it works.

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