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Posts posted by siamruby

  1. I do wonder what happen to farang who marry a thai ?It s very well when the farang die the Thai got all the inheritance but hence the law say that farangs cannot own land and property except the condo or own it in the company's name. If the Thai dies I understand the farang can inherit the land but not more than 1 rai or even keep the house as a farang can own it by inheritance but what really happen in practical? I am worried as I am a Thai woman who got some property in Thailand and I don't want my partner to end up getting nothing and getting kicked out of the country if anything ever happen to me :D I have been thinking about making a will plus life insurance to make sure he will be ok. ..yeah haven't got time round to do it yet :D This might sound funny to you as it seems to be the other way round for a farang and Thai wife!!! but really I am not a troll :o

  2. I have been reading up here about the living expenses in Thailand as I intend to move back there with my family next year. Most people say you need about 30,000 bth a month to maintain the expat lifestyle that included rent,I believe? Yes some people say you can live less than that but again you will not have that 'expat lifestyle'. What exactly is the expat lifestyle? lot of beers,lot of bars,girls, good food, or all those electrical gadgets you used to have aboard like washing machine,diswasher etc. or cars or what?

    The reality is the Thais don't normally earn 30,000 baths a month. 15,000 bths I believe is a very good salary in Thailand. Looking around a job classfied in Thailand, manager - 15,000. computer programmer -12,000, secretary-10,000 , a supermarket worker- 6,000 , driver- 7,000.

    Now these people still need to feed their family,sending their kids to school,paying the rent etc. But I understand that estimate 30,000 is for a single person! So how can they survive? And talking about the high earners in Thailand they probably drive the similar car to you,live in similar house to you,go to the same restaurants,pubs,clubs etc ,go on holiday, have all their modern convenience gadgets at home,internet cable tv or getting drunk stupid every Friday just like some of you do :o so what is the difference?

  3. Thanks Scottie. I have seen most of those websites and to be honest I have never been to Chiang Mai yet!! :o Well, I myself come from Bkk. But I know given the chance most of Thai people would love to live in CM, nice weather and nice people there.

    I have a rough idea what I want regarding the house

    1. Security is my first priority,so a house in a compound should be nice.

    2. Size of land must be minimum 100 sqw so my kids can play football to their heart content :D

    3. Not too far away from market or supermarkets in case we have no car (broken down etc.)

    Yes CTG I have read your post before and remember you alway say that,rent rent,rent. I will definitely have to rent first because I am not sure if we will be happy there in CM or to be precise in Thailand.

  4. Watch out!! When I was a kid the history lesson in Thai school about the origin of Thai people alway started with.. The Thais came from the Altile moutain ..{not sure if i spell that right...} in...wait for it.Mongolia!!! then we all traveled down all the way to the Indo china cape and some of us stopped and stayed during the way down and some travelled right all the way to where Thailand is nowaday. So I wonder if it will be any comfort to Rod to know that we Thais are all from the same area!! :o

  5. In relation to this topic, doesn't it make you cringe when tourists start waiing everybody they see, the waitress, gardener, taxi driver, housekeeper, the kids in the school bus...and they do it Indian style as well.....with the palms together at the chest level..... :o

    Do not waii at every moving object you see, and try to blend in!  :D

    Don't tell 'em that. It's always worth a hoot watching the awkwardness of the whole affair. Short, younger Thai person wondering, 'Why farang want me dead? What I do wrong?' whilst farang thinks, 'I am indeed a member of the international community.'

    I love it! :D

    Seen some English royal family did that to Thai kids too,cringe!! :D

  6. May be you can start up a new thread in the next few month what do you think about life in Chiang Mai,Dietmar? Me and my family are moving to Chiang Mai next year. Yes just like you Scottie we have it all to do next year! Don't know how we are going to cope,having 4 kids tag along to hunt for a house :o. And it took you 5 days to get a decent one!

    I wonder if you mind telling us which agents you used? I have been looking around on line and seem to me that I have seen all the agents who got online websites.

    Thanks. :D

  7. Another 2 thing that could land your in prison for a long time.

    1. Thai flag represents the King (blue colour), religion (pure so it s white colour) and the nation (red colour as the nation's blood). So anything to do with insulting or deface the flag will mean you insult the 3 things as mention.

    2. Age of consent in Thailand is 18. Anyone has sex with a person under 18 will be classed as rape by law disregard of whether they are willing or not as the person under 18 cannot give consent to sex! But you can have sex with someone from 15 if their parents give consent. Imagine that! :o No,this law is for when parents want to marry their daughter off at 15, usually this is quite common in the past.

    By the way I heard that age of consent in Columbia is 14 for the boys and 12 for the girls!!!

  8. My kids also have dual Nationality, British and Thai. Recently, I have phoned the Thai embassy in London up because I wanted to get the Thai passports for my kids. I also asked them about the dual nationality and they said they can keep their Thai nationality until they are 21 after that they have to choose which one they want to be. Thailand also not allow dual nationality but by Thai law once you have Thai nationality no one can take that away from you nobody at all not even the government. If the person choose not to give up Thai nationality then no one can force them to do so. And yet as someone here once pointed it out. The Thai government also can't force the person to give up other nationality because there is nothing to do with them!!

    Anyway,one word of warning from the embassy hence I told them all my kids are boys. They said if they want to keep their Thai nationality then they will be liable for national service at 21. And which the situation down south is getting worse I am really not sure about that one :o

  9. I met my fiance on line,it wasn't a cyber dating as such. He just chatted me up like most of the guys on line do :o. Some guy here once said to me that they just type in the keyword Thai woman and search msn,aol or yahoo for Thai girl to chat up!! Anyway, we have been together for nearly 4 yrs and planning a wedding in Thailand next year after we immigrate there.

  10. Yes,Guy Fawkes night or what we call Bonfire night here in the Uk, still not sure how did he die? someone said he got execution by being blown up by the fireworks :o

    Kanchanaburi sound and light festival, I have been there it was brilliant. Do they still doing that show of the second world war? noises of the prisoners who built the bridge,the bombs,the steam engine etc.

  11. Loy Krathong is alway on the first full moon night of November. You have to have a Lunar calendar. What people normally do is floatting those beautiful Krathongs, lighting some fireworks or watch the firework display and having good food and drink.

    November 5? aren't you guys talking about the Guy Fawkes festival in UK? The celebration of some guy (Guy Fawkes) trying to blow the british parliament up but got caught.

  12. It s really a good idea starting this thread,as I am planning to homeschool our kids when we move to Thailand next year. The eldest is 14 and will be doing English GCSE soon and the youngest is only 5. I am not worry about what to teach and how as I have been reading up about it and bought a lot of books,cd etc but the problem with their socialising, how can they make friends without going to school? I searched on the net for the Thai homeschooling group and didn't find any.

    Whereas,in the Uk we have a lot of groups, local groups,meetings etc. It's a shame that you are in BKK as we are moving to Chiang Mai. Unless any of you want to set up a group in Chiang Mai?

  13. Traditionally in Thailand boyfriends and girlfriends or fiancees don't sleep together unless you have been living together as man and wife. so in that case the Thais will call your partner husband/wife no matter you are married or not. But the common law husband/wife in Thailand has no legal right unlike in UK.

    Anyway,it depends on if you have been living with her as man and wife or not. You can get her to tell her mum that you both actually been living together as man and wife and are waiting for a good day to get married etc, but again it depends on how old fashioned her mum is. When I took my fiancee from Uk to visit my family in bkk, my sister was preparing a seperate bedroom for him until I told her that we actually been living together in the Uk and just saving up to have a proper marriage. She then stop fussing and everyone in my family and all my friends alway refer to my fiancee as my husband! and my (snobbish) sister even said that why waste money getting married :o

  14. I think every unmarried women in Thailand will claim they are virgins as it s a disgrace in Thai 's sociaty to have sex before marry. This is as opposed to the Farang's land as girls seem to feel inadequate because they are virgins! Yes,Girlfrombar,All my unmarried thai girl friends too said they are all virgins :o

    And indeed you can have the virginity done in Thailand by plastic surgery for around 3000 bath (no not me! my friend have it done).

    Muay-Lao, you have nothing to lose just go for it and enjoy yourself but just don't fall for any story she ever comes up with regarding asking for your money and don't believe that she loves you because that take time. Who know you two might end up live happily ever after :D

  15. I think your gf can go to evening class at one of the local high schools. I think it 's worth finding out if they run an evening class for adults. My brother finished his high school education this way because he ran away from home so didn't have a chance to finish his education the normal way. He only went there a few hours in the evening after work. I am not sure where you live but we were living in BKK at the time. Anyway, after your gf finishs her high school she can carry on with the open university like Ramkamhaeng Uni. She can choose to go there and study or she can study from home if she wishes. But she still has to turn up for the exam.I got my degree by study at home from Ram, too lazy to be bother to go there :o.

    This is Ram Uni's website www.ru.ac.th

  16. You forgot the traffic wardens! they might not get much money but I understand that they will try to give out the parking tickets as many as possible in order to reach their target, never mind if you are pregnant ( don't think you are :o ), elderly, disabled or dying on the road side with the heart attack!! ( well, may be they are not that cruel) And also how many average people in Uk have to deal with the police,solicitors or accountants in everyday life? But the traffice wardens!!

  17. You are right there Blueta about the cultural differences. I have been living in the UK for the last 15 years before I met my fiance and he had been to Thailand so many times. Yet sometime he can do or say something that offend me but if that happens I just tell him why and how and so on. Well as I am alway in the right so it quite difficult for him to tell me if I ever offend him :D

    The good thing about my farang partner is he has no problem with me being older than him (I can hear you guys say poor sod! :o ) and also being a size 12 which consider fat in Thailand but slim in the UK. Well, he did mentioned about the under 45kg girls he used to go out with in TL but huh that's life!

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