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Posts posted by terrychris

  1. I. Hate that, I Used to live in Hastings, UK, we had a huge problem with drunks on the promenade, one day my wife came home and told me they had accosted her when she was with our 2 daughters, they asked for money then ranted and raved at her when she walked away.

    I done whatever a man would have done, I went straight down to where they were and offered them to fight me, I called them everything, still not one of them would get up, luckily for them.

    I had the same <deleted> in Charing Cross railway station with the aggressive Scottish drunks trying to sponge money, I did a roundhouse kick that just missed his head, then he was a dribbling drunken Scottish blubbering fool, " i'm sorry mate, I didnae mean to offend, I was only jokin" yeah right.

    I was 30 years old and in my prime, that's the only reason they were sorry, if I was and OAP, they wouldn't give a toss.

    If I see this tosser in Patts, I will get out of my truck if he accosts anyone within my vicinity, and lay him down.

    I hate people like this with a passion.

    you going to bash the elderly man,you sound like a tough guy.

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  2. Im flying Business Class into BKK this week,last time i flew there was no FASTTRACK card on arrival,i had to line up.

    I rang Emirates to ask,they said maybe in Dubai,but dont know BKK.

    i dont know whether to buy a fast track service or see if Emirates will give them out on arrival in bkk.

    Anyone flew Emirates Business Class into Bangkok lately and got a fast track card from them on arrival?

  3. James,i suppose when my job gets privatised by your ex mob ,i can call myself a security guard rather than my current occupational title ,since thats all they really are, on 15 dollars an hour and lose all my penalty rates.

  4. My mother 80yo is on blood pressure tabs...........300 mg of Avapro a day. 1 a day

    Her blood pressure was 180 over i think 80 and since she started 3 months ago ago its now 160.. but still too high.

    I told her to go back to the Doctor.../however im unsure what they can do for her ,she is on 300 mg a day,a lot in my opinion.

    Is there stronger ones? What else could the doctor do?

  5. Yes OAP, old age pension is easy to get at 65yo currentlywill behave to be 67 in a few years.to get it though,actually they dont call it old age pension now anyway.AND then you have the right to live overseas after telling centrelink/dept social security.you dont get rent allowance though if you move overseas.

    BUT you must of been living in Australia the past 2 years, to apply for it though so thats why you see blokes pissing off back to OZ at 63 to await the 2 years.living in Australia THEN apply for old age pension,which by the way is not called that now.

    As for the DSP ,which is disability pension it pays about 750 dollars a fortnight 40,000 45k b roughly a month and despite what some tell you on here,it aint easy to get no more.you must have 20 point impairment.AND unlike the OAP you MUST get permission to live overseas.IF they centrelink /social security dept says your condition is permanent and you cant work even 3 hours a week.

    And listen you never ever had to work to receive the OAP at 65yo,you could of been on the Dole all your life,once you hit 65yo you have the right to get it.

  6. It's very difficult to get the Disability Pension in Australia,just recently a man with kidney failure took the dept of social security to Court and lost.

    This man the OP talks about was under the "old" system,now its very difficult to get .

    They rate you on a 20 points medical scale AND if they think you can work at least 4 hours a week then you have to.

    As i said i know of cases where a man had 1/ Kidney Failure ,applied for Disability pension,refused by centrelink/social security,took it to the Tribunal and lost.

    They said it can be treated".,so in other words he can work at least part time.

    Case number 2 was a guy who had Szpherinea and was in a mental hospital but they refused him because he was being treated,yes they said,take your meds and you will be ok,so when he took his meds he was under the 20 point impairment scale,so he lost in Court and now has to look for a job.

    So please dont think getting Disability pension is easy,you have to have 20 points impairment AND then they still assess if you can work up to 3 to 20 hours a week.There are many many cases even 1 guy who had 2 knees missing who couldnt get it.

    I recently,last year had a friend called back from Cambodia,aussie guy ,who had been living there on a disability pension,they called him back to be "assessed" for his condition,they sent him to a private contractor job service who some 21yo girl assessed him as can work 4 hours a week and so he had to live in australia until he could try to get it full time again.

    i know of another case where this guy got refused Disability pension and he had Psychiatric,diabetes,hypertensipn,muscular problems and ASThma too but still they refused him,took it to court and LOST

    aND I KNOW another case where this lady from Queensland in Australia had psych problems and back problem,centrelink/dss refused her disability pension so she took it to court and lost,they said you can work at least 8 hours a week.and keep taking your meds and you will be under the 20 points impairment scale.

    So dont think its easy to get .

  7. Well i guess he's an Australian citizen.........i imagine being a DR and the fact he would of probaly being working in hospitals in Australia......he would of got it easy.........not tthat i really care actually/

    Any Thai GP'S around........?

  8. I think its the same Thai guy who threw a stone at me ,at my back actually about 2 weeks ago in Walking Street.

    He has a mental illness im sure of it.,he threw it hard ,it hurt like hell too,but when i turned he started to run,the motorbike taxi drivers were laughing.

    i still have the bruise,

    He is known by the Police,problem is they would have to go to a lot of trouble to arrest him.

    I did see him asking for money earlier on but never did approach me.

    Im also told he defecates and throws it.

    He really has to be careful because eventually a farang or group of farangs will chase him......and he will get the wrong farang.

  9. Yes thanks,I use 2 pillows actually,i may try to get a new matress.

    Im not really sure if i really suffer from sleep apnea,thats according to the doctor at the sleep clinic that i went to and slept in his very expensive overnight clinic and he said yes you have it and it will be cured with a machine to sleep with.

    I was referred to him by my GP,who i went to because i was feeling very tired during the day and woke up with headaches.

    My flatmate told me he could hear a loud snore and choking type sounds when i sleep so i probaly do have it.

    When i didnt buy the specialist doctors machine i found out later that i needed a prescription from him to buy elsewhere ,unfortanetly he says he will not as he has them for sale.

    So hopefully i can buy in Thailand ,im not sure if i need a doctors presription though.

    Has anyone done a overnight sleep clinic in Pattaya? Is there one?

  10. My Doctor here in farangland has diagonised me with sleep apnea.

    I went to his overnight sleep clinic and he said i woke up several times and had stopped breathing.

    He suggested i buy a sleep apnea machine from him and i noticed he was charging bigger money than others.

    I will be back in Pattaya soon,does anyone else here have sleep apnea and was you able to buy a machine in Pattaya or would i have to go to Bangkok.

    THAnks for your help.

  11. This xmas I will be again visiting Udon,coming over from Australia.

    I just went to see my Dr over here in Australia who I told that I was looking forward to my trip ,after he heard thishe demanded I get a Rabies shot ,

    Now I have been to Thailand ,and Udon every year for the past few years and didnt bother with them.

    The Doctor here starts telling me that Rabies is rampant in North East Thailand and I SHOULD get Rabies shots from him.

    I wondered how he knew that rabies was rampant as he had a Indian background,anyway he wanted to send me off to his specialist friend another Doctor who specialises apparently in these shots.

    I was qouted $650 and I need 3 apparently.

    Now im worried ,but my question ,do you notice animals in Udon with rabies?

    Now i mostly plan to go into Udon Thani,Sakon nakon etc.

    Do you think it will be cheaper to get the rabies vaccine in ThAILAND?

  12. Yes big thankyou to you guys.

    I have decided to assist him to look for a proper agent.

    You are very knowledgable ebridge , I appreciate your help.

    I will try to assist him to get to Australia,i suppose we will just have to see.

    If anyone can pm me about visa agents to avoid or use please do so.

    I will include a 'letter of invitation'.

    A recent land rates letter for my home.

    A letter to say I will financially support him her on his stay.

    A copy of my bank Account.

    my payslips

    A letter from my employer.

    copies of telephone accounts that i have used to call him.


    copy of my passport pages

    he will get copy of his bank account.

    a letter from his employer even though the job is casual.

    anything else i should get to send to the visa agent, when i find one that is.

  13. What perccentage chance do you give my Thai friend re his application for a Tourist Visa to Australia.

    He's 32yo,works as a casual Bus conductor , on long distance buses to Cambodia etc,he has 200,000 baht in his Bank Account.

    He earn's average with overtime 15k a month,but gets paid a majority of this in cash,thus no records,according to him,however the Company he works for will give him a Employment letter detailing his casual status.

    His family do have a lot of Land ownership,but for some reason this is all in the Father's name including a shophouse,so this will im sure not help.

    He has asked me for a 'sponsorship' type letter,I told him I would have to go more into this,im unsure how to do this.

    I have known him for 4 years and his english is very good.

    He wished at first to apply for a 'student visa' but foundhe had to have at least 15,000 AUD in his account so he has opted to apply for a Tourist Visa.

    I do have stable full time employment in Australia as well as a home he can stay whilst here,for free,however whether this will be taken into consideration I am unsure.

    He has contacted a Thai Travel Agent who promised him a Visa for 10,000 baht,he was very excited at this and told me if I sent/faxed the 'sponsership' letter to the Travel Agent she could have him on a flight to Australia next week.

    She requested by email a copy of my 1/ Bank Balance with a support letter from the Bank.

    2/A letter inviting him to stay free of charge to my home .

    3/A letter stating that i have sufficient funds to support him on a Tourist Visa

    4/She stated 'home ownership certificate',im unsure what she actually means by this.

    5/ A letter from my employer.

    She also requests photos of my house here in Australia,rather unusual.

    I certainly do not like to send copies of my Bank Account to complete strangers.

    Obviously his excitement has caused him to be rather gulliable and I told him to forget paying the Thai agent and go to a Farang,sounds rather racist but for some reason I would feel more comfortable if he used a 'reputable' visa agent rather than a thai travel agent.

    She the Travel/Visa agent is now trying to sell him the Airfare to Australia,this is before he has even lodged his application for a visa.

    I would rather he see a reputable Visa Agent, preferably a farang, so however I do have my doubts about his success.

    I would like to get in touch with a Visa Agent if anyone can assist.

  14. 1. dont withhold payment from a Thai if you are a farang. find another way to solve the dispute.

    2. never use vulgar language or raise your voice with Thai people.

    3. if you cant follow Thai ways, dont live here because you will get f-ed up sooner or later.

    i should add, if u want paradise, go to the beaches for vacation. dont build there. i dont see these kinds of attacks happening in Isaan. when we want paradise, we take a beach trip. we dont try to build a house down where all of Thailand gangsters, thugs, and politicians live.

    Your joking.arent you.

    Mods can I post links to a 2010 murder of a Australian young man stabbed and robbed in a Isaan area.by passing motorbike young hoodlums who got a lousy 4 year jail sentence.

    OR the Elderly farang who was shot dead walking down the street in 2009 because as the muderers said,they wanted to go farang hunting.


  15. Would be great to have some sort of interview with him where we send him a list of questions and he answers, we need to learn more about this mysterious man!

    Stickman done a interview with him,look at the Stickman site.

  16. Does this just happen to me.

    I sit occassionaly on Jomtien Beach,usually with Thai or Farang friends.

    Depending who im with,we eat Thai food or farang food ,snacks,cheeses etc with Wine ,sort of like a picnic you could say.

    Usually not always but most times we have some sort of uninvited visitor just plonk himself down,I would say they were all Thai guys,BUT the last one was a European farang who decided to sit on the blanket I had spread out and help himself.

    I must admit,unlike the previous Thai 'intruders' he did say thankyou and was sharing his stories.

    I did not say anything to the Thai men,except in offering them food once they were seated and ALREADY helping themselves.

    I did expect a thankyou at least from them or a wai,but no they just ate away and drank away even ignoring my Thai friend's conversation.,some even grabbing a bottle to depart with.

    Does it happen to others.

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