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Posts posted by tonika

  1. Securities Commission Malaysia has a warning list of "List of unauthorised websites / investment products / companies / individuals"

    Guess who made the list:



    Don't worry though; they have backing from a bank in Guinea (http://bdg-guinea.com 'chairman' of ufun is also the 'Directeur Generale' for this "bank")...

    (P.S. The banks domain is registered to some guy from Nigeria)

    Look even an upstanding citizen such as this general is getting in on the action...so now we can be sure there is no corruption involved:


    Well I am really shocked about this ( although as far as I'm aware UFun has nothing to do with any of these). But I think you MUST get in touch at ONCE, with the Royal Palace, and warn HRH Princess CHULABHORN, who was at UFun Convention only recently. Perhaps you'll get a reward.

    • Like 1
  2. If it is too good to be true, it probably is not.

    All I'm saying is check out the videos. Their latest investor the Chinese mining company, invested US $ 22 Billion Dollars last week, so I don't expect it to go broke overnight . Like you I was very sceptical, but it's how the venture is funded ( so you know where the money comes from to pay you), that convinced me. And the Thai Government sent Auditors to check it out, who then gave it a clean bill of health.

    Obviously, you haven't looked at the presentational videos, so I'll give an example;

    I invest the equivalent of $ 500 dollars, I automatically, get 2 benefits, (a) I get the same value, as I invested in UFun, in shopping points, each valued at 1 dollar ($ 500), that means tomorrow I can buy at any of their outlets (Rolex, Gucci, Hyundai, etc,). So even if it went bust next week, and I used my $ 500 Dollar shopping points before then, I've got my original investment worth.

    (cool.png The investment money is turned into UToken (something like Bit Coin), which changes value. The value is in US Dollars.( since I joined the price has gone up twice). So as far as I'm concerned I can't really loose out, unless it goes bust tonight.

    What I intend spending my shopping points on is at one of their holiday resorts, will let you know the outcome.

  3. I haven't seen anyone comment on this business venture, on the forum, I think it's an investment well worth looking at ( It's made more millionaires in 10 months than Bit Coin has in 5 years).

    I joined last week after doing some research, and visiting the company headquarters in Bangkok. It's been well thought out, and more importantly, very well funded. Besides having their own subsidiaries, UFun Gold, Properties, Mining etc., a TV channel, and shopping malls, they also have numerous big name companies on board ( Rolex, Hyundai, Gucci etc.). I joined on Friday, and on Saturday, I had made US $ 102, on my investment, I couldn't believe it. The aim to go onto Nasdaq Stock Exchange in 2016.

    I'd advise anyone looking for an investment, to take a look at some of the videos, on the web, all you've got to loose is your time.

    The videos that I looked at, for anyone interested was on You Tube - 'Ayshez UFun/UToken'.

  4. IMO: This is an absurd and daft law created at some point as a knee jerk reaction to students getting drunk....

    In the UK we had an equally absurd and daft law preventing the sale of Alcohol in a pub after 11pm - this law has now been abolished and licensing hours are subject to individual licence and licensee discretion.

    Thinking that the staff enforcement is overzealous is perhaps little extreme, I'd suggest its simply poor timing keeping and nothing more too it. On many occasions staff have attempted to run through a bottle or cans of alcohol not realising the time.

    This is not a negative or Machiavellian nature present in the staff, its simply absentmindedness at a frequency we as Westerners are not used to.

    Richard, obviously you're not from Scotland. The law (courtesy of the SNP) there says you can only purchase alcohol in shops, supermarkets etc., from 10.00 am til 10.00 pm, 7 days a week. And in Pub's 11.00 am til 11.00 pm, Monday til Saturday. Sunday from 12.30 pm til 10.00 pm. Unless a special licence is granted by the Local Authority. They also stopped promotions by supermarkets, like 3 bottles of wine for £ 10.00 etc. What sane person would vote for this lot ?.

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    In the case of protecting their territorial waters from encroachments by the Russians and anyone else, the independent Scots would do what Ireland or Taiwan or any other small country would do: they would make alliances, perhaps with the UK in exchange perhaps for harboring the Royal Fleet, or with the US, or join NATO. Not necessary to sacrifice their sovereignty to make a military alliance, although junior partners always have less say in such matters.

    They won't find the English in the mood for alliances if they default on their debt. That's the point.

    As Slamonds a big fan of Putin, I don't see him having a problem with the Russkies. Indeed i wouldn't put it past him to let them have Faslane, as a Russian base, once he's got rid of the Royal Navy. Mind you he could always make an alliance with Kim Jong- Un, as they share the same political views.

  6. Little is mentioned of the rest of the UK being partly governed by 49 very left wing Scottish MPs.

    Should the 'Yes' movement actually get their independence Scotland would be governed to a wholly left wing agenda inevitably suppressing the remaining businesses with higher taxes and bigger spending, rather like the French under president Hollande. We all know where that is leading.

    Meanwhile the rest of the UK would be relieved of this leftish yoke and be free to recover from this awful mess.

    However I believe when they get to 'the wire' reason will prevail over mindless nationalism.

    You have hit the nail on the head. Why do think the likes of Tommy Sheridan(Left Wing Socialist Solidarity Party)is promoting a YES vote, because he and Salmond are about as Left Wing, as you can get. Can't call themselves Communist, even the Scots wouldn't put up with that. But if they get Independence, you'll see a raft of Socialist policies.

    Just look at what Humza Yousaf (wonder what clan he's from ?), SNP Minister for External Affairs and International Development has to say about the amount of Overseas Aid, they intend to give away annually. He says they intend to increase the amount the present UK Government gives(£12 Billion). Where does he intend getting the money to pay for the likes of this project, as well as increasing the State Pension etc. I really think they live in the realms of fantasy. And anyone who takes the SNP at face value, should give themselves a shake.

  7. Re post paddyjenkis

    Fully agree 100% with the economist. I too, doubt that the majority of Scots really understand the financial implications of voting for Independence. When I read some of the comments by fellow Scots on this forum, I can only shake my head. I only hope the majority of Scots have the sense to vote NO, as Salmond, and his cohorts, haven't got a clue.

    Regarding the above comment about Ireland, 'being happy, and love our Independence'. Independence, most of your laws come from Brussles. Wasn't it only a a couple of years ago Ireland had to go cap in hand for a bailout to the EU. And, as far as I'm aware you haven't paid it back fully, yet. Yes, just what we in Scotland need.

    • Like 2
  8. About 4 days ago a new message appeared on my laptop (I use Internet Explorer 10 and Yahoo). The message was from 'webpage', saying 'Your Adobe Flash Player maybe out of date, please update'. I tried to delete it, but instead the page opened up. There are two click on's, Install/Remind me later, I chose the latter. But I couldn't get rid of it. I have antivirus McAfee, and Malware bytes, which blocked it, saying it was a Trojan. But the message was still there, and because I couldn't delete it, my laptop was blocked.

    I am not computer literate, as such. But I managed to get to 'computer recovery', and set the date at the beginning of April, thinking I'd be rid of it, unfortunately it was still there. I have Strong VPN, when I tried my laptop, although the message was still there, when I clicked 'remind me later', this time a yahoo message came up, sorry this page can't be reached. But it also had a 'yahoo homepage' click on, which I tried and it worked. I then made Google my homepage, and although the message sometimes comes up, I can cancel it. Now a new 'message from webpage' has appeared, saying 'Your Java Script maybe out of date, please update. I've contacted both McAfee and Malware bytes, but I'm getting no help from them. Anyone with any idea's, how to get rid of these annoying 'messages', before I take it in for repair ?.

  9. Can anyone tell me where I can buy a 12v dc Security Light with a PIR,. We are having problems with vandalism, and need a security light. Unfortunately, there is no power supply nearby, so the light would have to run of a car battery.


  10. My car Insurance is due for renewal. Can you get a policy that will cover you in case of an accident with a person who has no licence, or Insurance ?. Are there any other pertinent questions I should ask the Insurance Company ( Example, I see from postings on this forum saying you should make clear which company you want your vehicle repaired, in case of an accident ).


  11. Hi Guys

    Just received this message from the Korean company.

    ' G - sensor can record XY & Z during driving.

    X : Right and left changed during acceleration

    Y : Before and after change during acceleration

    Z : Up and down change during acceleration

    G - sensor is able to know clearly direction ( such as overtaking collision ) and then auto record the accidents when happened at 10s and 20s after, and won't be deleted by cycle recording. '

    I'm still not 100% clear how these figures would help in an accident. The model for those that asked, is a Sony Panorama 2, with Exmor sensor.


    • Like 1
  12. I recently bought a Sony Dash Cam on ebay, from a Korean company. Everything is working great with the Dash Cam. But the I have a query. At the bottom of the video screen as it's recording, it shows fiqures that don't make any sense to me. To give an example ;

    km/h x : - 0.031 y : + 0.063 z : + 1. 039 ( these figures change all the time as I'm driving )

    The Korean company emailed me instructions with the cam, but they don't give any explanation to do with the above. I have tried to email the company for an answer, but they haven't replied so far. I was wondering if anyone on the forum could enlighten me on this.


  13. I'm in the UK at present. I came back to sell my property about 3 months ago. Went to my local doctor the first week I came back for a check up. Also had the nurse take a blood and urine samples. The doctor knows I ' live ' in Thailand. Infact, I've just came back from her surgery about an hour ago, I told her I'm coming back to Thailand in November. She's getting the receptionist to phone the Hospital where I'm supposed to have minor surgery done in 2 months time, to ask if I can get it seen too, before I come back to Thailand. Absolutely no problem with her.

  14. I've lost contact with a friend of mine, and was hoping someone on the Isaan forum might know him. His name is Andrew Ritchie, he's in his late sixties, from near Glasgow in Scotland. The last time we spoke he'd just married a lady from Ubon Ratchatani, by the name of Noi. He told me also, that he'd built a house in Ubon (2010). Noi, his wife, has a Thai son from a previous marriage. If any one does know him can they get in touch with me, through the forum.


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