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Mister Fixit

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Everything posted by Mister Fixit

  1. Rest of the world here - we've known that for decades. Trump is just the culmination of what we already knew.
  2. I use Wise to transfer from my UK bank (Santander) to Kasikorn and transactions are always between 3 and 10 seconds. Bangkok Bank has a bad reputation for holding on to funds until the next day, as I suspect as someone else said, to maximise profits.
  3. Has anyone on here had to complete the complex documentation for an AMLO (Anti Money Laundering Office) enquiry? I'm finding it almost impossible to comprehend and in Thailand, impossible to do as it seems to be designed for people who have never lived abroad and refers to organisations which don't exist here. It all started when I decided to close one of my Santander bank accounts and use only the debit card account and asked my bank, DWP and 2 other pension providers to change the details to the debit card account. Every other bank or organisation just did without any problem, except for Phoenix Life who have been real b@st@rds about it, and there's a Facebook group devoted to their appalling customer service. I have already made 2 complaints due to their utter inability to get things right. And we are only talking of £153 a month! They have bullied and harrassed customers, including me, demanding a quite onerous set of documentation to be provided, translated and registered by various organisations. I don't know how I would be able to comply. I won't go into the complexities of it all now, but I would be very interested to hear from anyone who has been involved in completing one of these AMLO requests from any organisation (bank etc), not just Phoenix Life. If anyone has, did they do it themselves or were they able to find an agency who could do it for them? I can do some of what they ask for but I really could do with some help with this, because they have now started withholding one of my meagre pensions until they feel I have complied. Any help or advice greatly appreciated.
  4. Yes, I do that as I have a pituitary adenoma (cyst) and need regular injections of testosterone. I buy a 3-ampoule pack of testosterone enanthate for 550 baht from a pharmacy next to the petrol station at Nana crossroads which my local clinic charges me 80 baht to inject every 18 days. It's usually 21 days for most people but the doc and I titrated the does as an experiment and we found that 18 days was best to achieve an optimum level, mainly because I'm approaching 76 now. I don't inject myself because the nice lady doctor at my local clinic only charges 80 baht (including syringe) and is so skilled I never feel any discomfort. Although you can buy the 3-pack from Nana, your problem is that you'd need to find a doctor who will be prepared to inject you and you'd need to convince them with a history that it would be safe. NOTE - the 3-pack at 550 baht is from India but there is a single ampoule pack costing 200 baht (which some consider 'better') which is sourced from Austria. I have found no difference except that buying three single amp packs here in Nonthaburi saves me a fairly long traipse down to Nana, although costing me the 20-something baht extra per amp but not having to pay the MRT fare and a walk up from Sukhumvit station to just past Nana crossroads as I have stage 3 to 4 arthritic knees.
  5. I'm English, but had the same response when I got involved with an Englishwoman. Got out as fast as I could, especially when I realised she had a family history of mental illness (Only discovered too late) Her mother died locked up in a mental hospital (Springfield) in London where she'd been for almost 30 years. That did it, I sprouted wings.
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