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Posts posted by TomTom55

  1. Your thread about cannabis?

    Your thread about cannabis?

    No, primarily it was about Cubensis Mushrooms and Grow Kits, shows the ignorance involved. I already have some cannabis connects after 4yearsm reliable too. Speaking Thai helps A LOT. But this was about mushrooms, I could go picking but seeing as there it little rain this time of year it is hard to come by. Why so harsh, mushrooms even hallucinogenic ones have no medical side effects unless you pick poisonous ones due to ignorance. They are more healthy for you than a pint of beer, a cigarette or a joint.

  2. Seriously who the hell is going to buy that? You would have to be really quite stupid to buy that. I have before thought of what I could sell on ebay from here to make money, the VERY LAST thing that would have ever crossed my mind would have been 100baht notes.

  3. Cool thanks. Well I also have two 10baht notes in fine condition, I am going to get this 1฿ note laminated anyway, and considering I am only 24 and it already being over 60 years old, why not?

    And why not.

    I have quite a few old notes as well as the 60 Baht notes that I have because i find them interesting. I'm not interested in them as an investment. just something a bit different smile.png

    That is the first reason that sprung to mind for why I wanted to have it from my girlfriend, also the 10฿ note that I have. It is a bit of history and when I am older still (if I get to be much older, who knows what's around the corner), it will be even more interesting.

  4. It looks like the 9th series, so from somewhere between 1954 and 1957.

    I have no idea if it's rare or not, but even if it is it will be practically worthless in the condition it's in.


    Yea it is not in great condition but the foil and the photo itself doesn't do it much justice trust me. It looks a lot better IRL. Still, not great condition.

  5. Hello everybody, hope your weekend is going well.

    My partner gave me this a while ago, well she has kept it in fact for ages and I asked if I could have it and she said yea ok. It is kept in a plastic wrapper and it is a 1 Thai baht note. I can speak Thai so I have asked a few people I know how old it is and how much it may be worth, nobody could give me a good answer lol. So I have three questions here if you may be able to help me, and if a mod moves the thread, let me know where because it'll probably take me a year to find it again.

    Q1. Where in Hua Hin could I take this to get it laminated and would that be a good idea?

    Q2. How old do you think it is? The Kind looks to be between 18-25 and somebody said it isn't even the current king..

    Q3. How much would it be worth and will it increase in value if I were to keep it?

    The condition isn't as bad as the phot makes out, the wrapping makes it hard to get a good photo due to it reflecting light and what not.

    Thanks in advance people,



  6. I have been in Thailand for several years now and have been bitten by a mosquito maybe 2-3 times. I am one of those people who does not get bitten, so to me this is not so much of a worry directly, but of course it could end up turning into a huge disaster which would still affect my life and people I care about. We are due for a major culling anyway, the influenza virus mutates often and roughly every 90 or so years it mutates to cause a deadly epidemic. The last time this happened was the Spanish Flu, so whatever will be will be...

    What a dumb statement. Whatever will be? When it's your child or family member dying from it, just tell them that on thier death bad.

    Meanwhile others that care about people are doing whatever then can to help, even if it's donating to science.

    I will repeat, whatever will be will be. It is something pretty much beyond my control and most of our control, why give such worry and suffering to something that A. has not happened yet, B. is out of your control and C. is not a sure thing? I have had loved ones die before so I am no stranger to death, it is just as much a part of life as breathing or being born is. What good is it going to do running around like headless chickens squabbling about what to do? if you have clarity and peace of mind, you can come to clear and direct decision making.

    • Like 1
  7. I have been in Thailand for several years now and have been bitten by a mosquito maybe 2-3 times. I am one of those people who does not get bitten, so to me this is not so much of a worry directly, but of course it could end up turning into a huge disaster which would still affect my life and people I care about. We are due for a major culling anyway, the influenza virus mutates often and roughly every 90 or so years it mutates to cause a deadly epidemic. The last time this happened was the Spanish Flu, so whatever will be will be...

  8. Major head fracture from hitting his head on a table,.... I don't think so!

    Although it does sound odd, things like this do happen. Had a strange accident in my hometown a few years back where a well known club owner was trying to break up a fight out in front of his club (he just happened to be there, along with club security people), slipped on the wet pavement and hit his head just right on the curb... he died then and there.

    Best advice, if it's possible, avoid potentially violent situations or places. You might be a tough guy, you might be in the right, but bad things happen in situations like that. Far better to walk away.

    This happened in my town too, but it was a bouncer who fell and hit his head. When I read that somebody did not believe that one could die by hitting their head on a table I felt I had to say something, glad somebody did before me. People don't realise that when you are in a fight like that, it is all too easy to kill somebody without meaning too. Martial arts will teach you how to defend yourself with dicipline, now bubu if caught is looking at life in prison or death row because of probably one punch or blow of some kind.

  9. It will take 17 storms? What kind? How do they know how much water will be poured by one storm, let alone by 17?Checking average values?

    And of course they know that this is not going to happen.

    I already feel so much better knowing that it scientifically demonstrated that we are not going to face the same sh*t as last year...

    But, let's talk again in December, just to confirm.

    This is exactly what I thought and was the first of quite a few cracks in this guys words.How can someone sit there and know how much water a single storm will dump on the land, storms are not the same size and do not have the same amount of moisture etc. So how the hell can someone sit down and then go on to say "yea it will take 17 storms"... It seems to me that number may have just been plucked out of the air as it sounds big and improbable. Craziness.

  10. It's about time us Westerners fight back against these medieval minded people, the sad fact is that we are spoiled think all will go away. All around the world Muslims are creating problems.... and Why ? Because we choose not to be like them, choose not to pray 5 times per day, choose to live in peace, choose to accept modern times......... fuc_king freaks they are annoyed.gifannoyed.gif

    All around the world people are creating problems, the deadliest city in the world by statistics is just across the border of the US... Do you not understand that by going to these middle eastern countries over the years it is kind of making them a little angry? You know, dropping bombs on them, killing innocent people, taking their resources, trying to put in motion a different way to run the show? That is only going to cause problems further down the line, and hello welcome to today.

    Not very good at geography but I believe you are talking about Detroit. Is Dearborn close to it I know it is a Muslim city

    No I am talking about Juárez which is literally on the border, a stones throw from the US and is the deadliest city by stats.

  11. ]

    You can't just lump a whole religion of people into a group like that, it is just utterly ignorant and stupid. I know two muslims personally, they both live in the UK. One was born there with parents from Indnesia and one was born in Iraq but her family had to flee due to innocent deaths around the time of the war. Both girls are amazing people and I have a lot of respect for them, more than many people on this site that is for sure. So before you start using such dualistic words to put an entire relgion of people across the world in one boat like that, yes take a look in that mirror of yours.

    You know just two Muslims personally and because they're nice and respectable people, they're representative of all the 'peaceful' Muslims in the world? Okayyyy.

    By personally I mean that I have known them for most of my life and are actually good friends of mine, I have met and talked with many others, spent time with some of their friends and they are just people. Throwing around the word 'muslims' is stupid like I said, there are people who are dedicated to that religion across the world who are very respectable and people from that religion who are not, like with Christianity and Buddhism etc. The US or whatever western country going to war and killing a bunch of people, innocent people in the process as well is still killing people. There may be a 'cause' for it and if you look at why these people around the world now are pissed there are many reasons above this movie. I am pretty sure if I lived in Iraq my entire life trying to get by, I would be fuc_king pissed at the west as well.

    I too know some great peaceful muslims. The other guy was talking about the extreme ones who want violence against people who DON"T believe in the Islamic way.

    You only have to see some of the footage of these riots and what my friend witnessed in Australia, where many of them were shouting "Behead those responsible"; how in any walk of life can anyone stick up for an extreme minority who want to kill people because they've been offended. It's sick.

    I agree with many people being p**sed with the West big time; but to want people dead just because they don't follow the same religion as you is ****ed up and it's justified why many people around the globe voice their disbelief and anger towards these extremists.

    Given nobody should have the right to take away lives for not following a religion, but 'the other guy' did not point out that he/she was refering to only a small percent of the worlds Muslim population, but put them all into a group as if they have the same mindset. There are Christians in the bible belt of America that I am sure if given the chance would commit some pretty horrid acts if they all bannded together against people from another religion, the only things stopping them really is the fact that America is more developed and therefore there is more in the way of law in that sense. But I have heard and felt so much anger from some people that would match that of someone from the Taliban I am quite sure.

  12. It's about time us Westerners fight back against these medieval minded people, the sad fact is that we are spoiled think all will go away. All around the world Muslims are creating problems.... and Why ? Because we choose not to be like them, choose not to pray 5 times per day, choose to live in peace, choose to accept modern times......... fuc_king freaks they are annoyed.gifannoyed.gif

    All around the world people are creating problems, the deadliest city in the world by statistics is just across the border of the US... Do you not understand that by going to these middle eastern countries over the years it is kind of making them a little angry? You know, dropping bombs on them, killing innocent people, taking their resources, trying to put in motion a different way to run the show? That is only going to cause problems further down the line, and hello welcome to today.

    • Like 1
  13. ]

    You can't just lump a whole religion of people into a group like that, it is just utterly ignorant and stupid. I know two muslims personally, they both live in the UK. One was born there with parents from Indnesia and one was born in Iraq but her family had to flee due to innocent deaths around the time of the war. Both girls are amazing people and I have a lot of respect for them, more than many people on this site that is for sure. So before you start using such dualistic words to put an entire relgion of people across the world in one boat like that, yes take a look in that mirror of yours.

    You know just two Muslims personally and because they're nice and respectable people, they're representative of all the 'peaceful' Muslims in the world? Okayyyy.

    By personally I mean that I have known them for most of my life and are actually good friends of mine, I have met and talked with many others, spent time with some of their friends and they are just people. Throwing around the word 'muslims' is stupid like I said, there are people who are dedicated to that religion across the world who are very respectable and people from that religion who are not, like with Christianity and Buddhism etc. The US or whatever western country going to war and killing a bunch of people, innocent people in the process as well is still killing people. There may be a 'cause' for it and if you look at why these people around the world now are pissed there are many reasons above this movie. I am pretty sure if I lived in Iraq my entire life trying to get by, I would be fuc_king pissed at the west as well.

    • Like 1
  14. The movie was just as an excuse for the crazies to come out and kill people. If it wasn't the movie, they would have found some other excuse to kill Americans anyway. I really don't understand these Muslims. Everything offends them. Idiots.

    Happily, nothing seems to get under your skin...wow...one word ... "Mirror"

    It's okay to let things get under your skin. It's another to go out there killing people. You do understand the difference right?

    You can't just lump a whole religion of people into a group like that, it is just utterly ignorant and stupid. I know two muslims personally, they both live in the UK. One was born there with parents from Indnesia and one was born in Iraq but her family had to flee due to innocent deaths around the time of the war. Both girls are amazing people and I have a lot of respect for them, more than many people on this site that is for sure. So before you start using such dualistic words to put an entire relgion of people across the world in one boat like that, yes take a look in that mirror of yours.

    • Like 1
  15. I just opened my account and had a joke and laugh with the staff, as usual they were shocked that a farang can speak Thai at a half decent level. Anyway I set up a direct debit and online banking, they said that 2moro they will sms me a password, but what do I do with this password? I got slightly confused with that part. Am I okay to put the details into paypal today or do I have to wait until tomorrow?

  16. Thanks for the reply oldgit, this is Thailand and as we all know prices, laws and all that jazz can change from location to location or person to person hehe. She simply said to me that it would all cost 900baht total to open an account along with a direct debit set up. What is your opinion on kasikorn anyway? I never knew about the annual fee of 200baht, I assume they just take it from your account..

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