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Posts posted by Longtail2

  1. Not that I know anything about this. But the bomb exploded on the 5 year anniversary of the army crackdown on the red shirts in bangkok (10/04/2010), and the red shirts have recently been denied holding a rally on 10/04/2015 to mourn the dead.

    Correct and yesterday messages have been intercepted on social media at 10pm from Surrathani regarding joining together from Red Shirt supporters and against sec 44.

    So some members do some research before dismissing some peoples statements.

    • Like 1
  2. I agree a total mess ! This project was actually the one that started the stricter planning laws years ago as it was seen by someone from the Royal family and they complained. It was going to be removed but it never happened and now it's getting larger crazy !!! Hopefully the new wave of laws will change that !!!

    This along with the new development in Throng Krut should be removed from this beautiful island.

    • Like 2
  3. Tragic !!!!

    So sad what a wonderful guy we have lost. Samui won't be the same without you mate for sure. We will treasure the fun and laughter we always had in your presence.

    2014 has claimed so many lives what a sad time R.I.P. special guy we love you and will miss you. Xxxx

  4. People like Beng make me sick. Lost all your money have you ?? Now have to run the place down . Go back to your home land and good luck you may have a wake up call and remember the good times which you had in the Land of Smiles.

    Leave us here and we will try to rebuild the island and all it's faults which it has many but we don't need your negative comments broadcast.

    Make sure you book a oneway ticket !!!!!!!

  5. Guy's ESB7 as you may have guessed is in Timeshare sales !!!! and if you look on other Forums he has continued to put his case and crazy points forward but what do you expect from these brainwashed people.

    ESB7 i wish you good luck i really do but it will be a difficult unless you change your veiws and attitude .

    I will not be responding any more to this topic as it is a waste of time and has now gone completely of track and i have more contructive work to do.

    All i will say to Black & White is that both countries have an opportunity to make money and invest in but proceed with CAUTION and avoid PATTAYA and Timeshare especially if you have a family it really is not the place to bring up a family.

    It shocks me everytime i go and see that families have been sold a package family holiday to such a place.

  6. The UK property market is set to collapse, once that ijit M King is out the way and the BOE start to tackle inflation your investments in the UK wil fall like a stone....The condo market in Thailand especially Pattaya is booming....I certainly know what I would do

    Pattaya is booming, what a load of ****.

    This has to be the worst place to invest in the world.

    An economy based on bars and bar girls.

    In the words of the great John Mcenroe.

    You can not be serious!!!!


    I totally agree with your comments !!!!

    My advise is to put as little money into this country as possible invest elsewhere and certainly safer to invest more in the UK.

    This country has no future don't waste your money. Come here and enjoy but source your income from investments from outside.

    I have lived here for 10 years and during the last 5 years the country has changed so much it is unbelievable and will never be the same again.

    Sorry to be so negative but i would hate another farang to loose his investments as so many have done.

    As for Pattaya don't even go there !!!!!

    The UK with mass immigration, raging inflation and a huge deficit that will take a generation to pay off has a brighter future than Thailand and the rest of Asia.....you really are living in the last millenium.......When were you last in Pattaya???..........families everywhere, young couples everywhere...just because your favourite beer bar has closed down to make way for a shopping mall or 5 star hotel... and all the chicks gone home to their buffalos, dosnt mean Thailand is finished

    Even with the UK having it's problems which i agree it has i still think the UK has potential especially in the housing market property has never been so cheap so invest now and wait for the market to pick up again which i agree could be some time but it will !!!

    I have lived here for many years and spent a lot of money and made a lot of money also yes i have done well and spent it wisely but if you cannot see the changes that are happening and the constant conflict with under hand dealing and the con merchants which are in all areas you must have your head in the sand or bar and you will certainly be another farang to loose out .

    And your comments regarding the bars chicks etc is crap i am married and have children so i don't need this entertainment so don't generalise in your comments.

    I went to Pattaya on business last week and it has improved very slightly but it is still a place that should be avoided at all cost unless you fit into your above criteria.

    You would'nt be a timeshare sales person would you ?????

    We are not saying Thailand has finished but the glory day's have gone and you need to be careful and watch what you get involved in and with whom !!!!

    This has gone of the topic slightly but when i see reply's like you have sent in and your attitude it requires a reply back because again you are talking crap !!!!

  7. The UK property market is set to collapse, once that ijit M King is out the way and the BOE start to tackle inflation your investments in the UK wil fall like a stone....The condo market in Thailand especially Pattaya is booming....I certainly know what I would do

    Pattaya is booming, what a load of ****.

    This has to be the worst place to invest in the world.

    An economy based on bars and bar girls.

    In the words of the great John Mcenroe.

    You can not be serious!!!!


    I totally agree with your comments !!!!

    My advise is to put as little money into this country as possible invest elsewhere and certainly safer to invest more in the UK.

    This country has no future don't waste your money. Come here and enjoy but source your income from investments from outside.

    I have lived here for 10 years and during the last 5 years the country has changed so much it is unbelievable and will never be the same again.

    Sorry to be so negative but i would hate another farang to loose his investments as so many have done.

    As for Pattaya don't even go there !!!!!

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