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Posts posted by thailandist

  1. visa on arrival

    Most likely you mean a visa exempt entry.

    A visa on arrival is only available to certain nationalities, is good for only 15 days and cost Baht 1000.

    Umm... no. The OP's post asks about visa-on-arrival when crossing INTO Laos not into Thailand. There's a visa-on-arrival service for most nationals in Laos and it's not a visa exempt service.

    He says it's a border run/visa run...

    That seems to imply that he wants to do a turn-around and re-enter Thailand.

    I may be wrong, but that's how I read it.

    A 30-day visa on arrival for Laos is no problem. The problem might be getting a visa on arrival back into Thailand - especially if his passport is full of Thai stamps.

    The situation now isn't what it used to be.

    Good luck in any event.

    You are correct.

    My one year visa expires in a two months, this is my last border run for it. Hopefully I won't have any issues with the previous stamps.

  2. I'm wanting to drive to the Chiang Khong / Huay Xai border for my visa run (will be parking and crossing on foot, not driving across). Have any of you gotten a visa on arrival while crossing into Laos there and how was your overall experience at that crossing?

    Any and all information is appreciated. Thanks.

  3. My phone went 'Mobile Operation not in operation' last week. I moved the SIM card to my old phone. Then I got 'Unregistered'. So I took it to AIS. They asked me to wait 20 minutes. They issued me with a new SIM card [old one 2G new one 3] and my number remained the same. And they asked me to register. This involved writing my name and signing at the bottom.

    It's no coincidence at all that the army comes in all ready to take large steps like having all foreigners and all phone numbers registered. No, it will not be paper registration nor will all documentation they presently gather. There computer system will surely be given to them will rules and regulations, and where to send the funds.

    When a new government, per-say, is placed, it always comes from the direction of the IMF families. Yes the IMF is privately owned as is banks with names like

    THE FEDERAL RESERVE, CENTRAL BANK OF such and such,,,,,every country has one. They want us enslaved and need records to watch and control us.

    It's not the USA, it's the people who are doing the same to them. The people behind the scenes run all governments. 130 countries went bankrupt to the IMF people in 1930, it was then they created the Birth Certificate. The 130 countries promised to repay the IMF people with our labor, without our permission. Other countries have fallen since then and all will.

    Watch what the so-called Alcida (sorry, no spell check for this word yet) will do with the Middle-east over the next 5 years. One new Arab state like the Euro nations. A common Americas, a common Asia, not sure where Russia will fit in or whether there will be a fight or not but the end goal is to control all of us in their NEW WORLD ORDER. We work and they enjoy. By the way,,,there are way too many of us on this earth to keep them happy. Many of us must leave.

    I'm sure many of you know all this but please do educate others that don't.

    Google any portion I just spoke about above.

    Alcida is American CIA which was set up for the IMFs interest...Period...the same goes for the new "privet" army they say will be needed in the US.

    Thailand will never be the same.

    After that entire speech you lead people to Google? ( "Google any portion I just spoke about above." ) Seriously?

    I'm not saying the information you are stating is incorrect, I wouldn't know either way because I don't have access to that kind of information since I don't work for a top level bank or government office, but have you personally verified everything you are talking about by sitting in on top level IMF meetings or new world order think tanks before you try to 'educate others' on it or are you just acting as a repeater for a popular brand of 'us vs. them'? I'm going to assume you watched a bunch of Youtube videos and used Google for your research since you are 'educating' others on Googling this stuff?

    Really, it's just getting exhausting. I mean, it's inevitable that the planet will run out of things and better positioned people, families, countries, etc. will have access to those things that the rest of us will not. Really, the world has always been that way. As I type this there are people starving to death who are already living the reality of your paranoia we are just luckily a little bit further from the disaster than they are. But over time, even with a full global revolution that resets everything, people will most likely end up right back in the same situation...just a little further down the road. That's how a lot of the people in power became powerful in the first place. They were well positioned and made the right decisions when the time was right. That's all.

    As much as I hate to say it, if it wasn't for the global dominating 'they' then most of us wouldn't have the lifestyles we currently have. The game belongs to them, the choice to play is ours....and everybody on this forum is playing. Monasteries are all over the country in the event you want to stop playing they might accept you. But you'll still have to play by the rules of the monastery but I'm pretty sure THEY won't be out to get YOU.

    Seriously, educating people on the IMF, CIA, FBI and every other alphabet combination is worthless unless you are gong to be at the tip of the spear trying to get the party started. Otherwise, you are just like all of us, just another point of view on the internet who will never REALLY stand up to the evils you are trying to educate others about because deep down you know their war machine is a lot bigger than yours and there is nothing you will ever be able to do about it but complain and pretend you have some kind of insight on what's going on behind the scenes. But by all means, feel free to complain, I just had to rant because I'm seeing so much of that stuff lately and it so tiring because most of the people who talk about it are just repeating what they saw on a Youtube video. It's worse when people are trying to 'educate' others on it. Unless you're sitting in on meetings with whoever runs the IMF, CIA, FBI, etc. you really have no idea what's going on and when it comes to trying to 'educate' others about it, you really don't have a pot to pee in, so to speak.

    I was at Dukes in Chaing Mai a few weeks ago and had to listen to some guy bore the people he was eating with to death with this stuff. I've looked into it too and it's all the same thing and everybody talks about it in the same exact way. Quoting what this guy or that guy said. True or not true, who cares. Again, it's 'their' game, we are just participating in it. if you don't want to participate, go ahead and toss out your phone, shut off your internet, move to a remote area of the planet where no one will mess with you (or track you), grow your own food and build your own shelter out of the resources around you. Stop traveling, stop eating spending the money 'they' have created and just check out. Nobody is going to stop you...as long as the area is remote enough. You better get on it too because technology is growing exponentially and 'they' will have full access to your brain before you know it.

    Another thing I love about this stuff is, think of what you could have created or experienced during the time you have spent researching all of this stuff that is entirely out of your control. Isn't that exactly what 'they' want? When you watch videos and use Google you are contributing to the machine you are 'educating' against. I'll break it down for you really quick...when you use the internet, ads get served, server resources get consumed (servers require electricity), bandwidth gets used, your electric meter spins, etc...YOU are helping the machine stay alive. Don't forget you are using a computer you bought with imaginary money (part of the system) that also used precious resources (including the time and energy of other humans) to create. YOU are the very problem you are fighting against. Without you (us), there is no 'them'. Personally, I enjoy sending cartoon graphics on line chat waaaayyy to much to let a little things like tracking and data mining stop me from using my phone. :)

    • Like 1
  4. C - class flares?

    M class and X class are what is happening, why would you believe NASA, NSA, NAZI, its all the same lying con artists that ran the last show, or did you think Werner Von Braun and the 500 familes brought here to take over the US Space program and the CIA, were choir boys?

    People in Chiang Rai should be stocking up on supplies and be prepared to sleep

    outside if they need rescue, and an evacuation plan.

    FEAR is what happens when you do not prepare and your Thai built home is in rubble at 10pm, AND YOU DONT KNOW WHERE TO GO


    I'm not attacking you so don't take this the wrong way but leaving out...

    "why would you believe NASA, NSA, NAZI, its all the same lying con artists that ran the last show, or did you think Werner Von Braun and the 500 familes brought here to take over the US Space program and the CIA, were choir boys?"

    ...will get your message taken a lot more seriously. The main reason is the extreme bias. For example, why is some guy on youtube credible. You don't know who he works for either. Just because he thinks the same way you do doesn't mean he has insider information that is kept hidden from the rest of the world. Credentials or not he is just another guy who COULD be under the same influence as the NAZI controlled NASA.

    Yes, being prepared is smart. Having a plan is smart. Keep the message simple and bias free and you will help more people with your efforts.

    • Like 1
  5. The black list threat seems pretty horrible if it's just based on their "opinion" about a person. I can see that in case of an arrest and evidence proven. Imagine if it happened to you and it wasn't true especially if you are settled with lots of property here. This kind of hard core tactic should be really troubling to ALL foreigners here, no matter how totally legit you think you are. You might think this isn't about you, but to immigration you're just another SUSPECT, and don't forget that.

    If someone has property here I'm guessing they are not going to be foolish enough to run around on a tourist visa.

  6. So now I stay well armed(legal) and have everything waiting to bound and transport/dispose of the next one. For them that haven't been broken into yet it feels disgusting and lingers in the back of the mind. It would be a great thing to catch a creep breaking in and extract full revenge. Good for the mind.

    You should see a doctor and get your rage under control before you hurt someone.

    I guess you will call for help right?

    And you say this guys need to see a doctor, at least he's prepared to fight his own battles.whistling.gif

    Protecting himself and his property isn't the problem. Looking forward to it is.

  7. So now I stay well armed(legal) and have everything waiting to bound and transport/dispose of the next one. For them that haven't been broken into yet it feels disgusting and lingers in the back of the mind. It would be a great thing to catch a creep breaking in and extract full revenge. Good for the mind.

    You should see a doctor and get your rage under control before you hurt someone.

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