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Posts posted by Cordelia

  1. I can understand the need to protect inner BKK, but it's not reasonable to completely disregard the basic needs of the rest of the country.

    If you are going to coerce people to sacrifice everything they have for the sake of a chosen few, at least make sure their basic needs are provided for, at all cost.

    Mountains of donated goods are now left to rot in the old airport. It can't be that difficult to move them upstairs.

    Don't have enough boats? How about asking neighboring countries for some? It can't be that difficult to coordinate.

    "I know you don't like it, and I feel so sorry for you, but please just slowly suffer, watch all your possessions go under water, endure the smell, the diseases, starve, go thirsty, while we deliberately prolong your ordeal, we have no idea for how much longer. Please understand this is for the greater good. Really, watch me tear up, I have so much sympathy for you."

  2. Hi everyone,

    My apology for necroing a very old thread; I'm very new to Thailand, I'm coming here for my second business trip this Friday (15th.) My business ends on the 20th but my company allows me a few days off afterwards to explore Thailand. I'm keen to do an intensive language course but I only have 8 days (21st - 28th)

    Any chance there are short intensive beginner courses I can sign up for? I think I will do better in a small group environment rather than 1 on 1, but given the circumstances I realize I don't have much choice. I will appreciate any info on language institutions in BKK with short courses and flexible dates etc. I know it's going to be weekend/ easter holiday so prefer tutor/ school that will teach on holidays. Time of day should not be an issue. Location somewhat flexible as I'll be on my own to travel and pick a hotel. Though I'm a single youngish woman with next to no knowledge of Thailand so prefer area that's relatively safe and not too seedy.

    Thanks in advance for advices,

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