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Posts posted by jamiewilson

  1. Well well well,

    I just checked back for the first time in ages and was surprised to see how many people have added to this convoluted string.

    It's funny how judgemental a lot of you are, by the way.

    I was imprisoned for an offence I didn't commit, but I don't consider myself unlucky, I did a dumb thing and paid a fair price.

    It would be a very long story indeed to explain why i did this; the short version is i'd seen other people doing it for a long time, and of the 5 or 6 guy's I knew who did this on a regular basis (one guy was going literally every week) none of them had been caught. I was the lucky first of our dodgy little group. There's a chance it could have been big ears fault, as i was caught a few hours before him, and i heard that they were actimg on a tip off when they busted him. Anyway it's hard for me to hold a grudge against that poor barstard since he won't smell freedom again.

    As for the terrorist argument, anyone in england knows that illegal immigrants outnumber terrorists by approximately 1,000,000 to 1, and the people i was shipping these books for were from bangladesh. Also they'd be used to get I.D's so they can claim benefits, but they weren't good enough fakes for travel, so I can say with all certainty that Bin Laden had to look elsewhere for his travel documents.

    Anyway, anyone who ever bought a copy DVD might possibly have been funding terrorist organizations so that's not a reason for me to regret what i did.

    QUOTE "but even the dimmest of people, up2u, would not need a lawyer to tell them that"attempting" to fly out of thailand with 150 fake passports is an act of intent to deceive and certain criminality. "

    An act of intent to deceive????? Speak english boy!!! what i did wasn't technically illegal, which is why I was charged with forgery, if I broke a law, they could've jsut charged me with the crime i comitted, you see??? I spent enough time with the jailhouse lawyer to understand exactly what was and wasn't illegal. As for "certain criminality", you'd think so, wouldn't you, but the law doesn't work on reckoning, it's all written down, and an awful lot of isn't how you'd think it would be!

    And you can call me a moron, based on what I did, but of course you've no idea how clever or dumb I really am; in my experience I've seen some very rich, successful morons, while some of the brightest guys i ever met were inside (albeit a very small number, (1)). Clever people do dumb things, somtimes.

    anyway, i don't know where I'm going with this (I'm such a moron!!!)

    Love James x

  2. he got 99 years, if anyone's interested.

    What's with the moral judgements, anyway; sure he did a stupid thing but isn't it hard not to feel compassion for a guy who's got a hundred birthday's to look forward to with no nice food, no sex and no bed.

    I mean really guys, have a heart, just because he's stupid doesn't mean he truly deserves to suffer like he's going to...

  3. Hung in Public??? Hung in public??? Excuse me but I'm very glad that KhunLouis was not presiding over my case!!!

    Actually I only got sentenced to one year, commuted to 6 months because of my guilty plea. Spent 7 1/2 months locked up because of the general slowness of the process and considered myself pretty lucky, despite the fact that I didn't even break any laws (technically, it is legal to travel from Bangkok with fake foreign documents, which is why they charged me with forgery, despite having no evidence for this case...)

    Life is beautiful now, every night I enjoy my bed more than anyone else ever did, I don't take anything for granted and I'm happy that I had the experience I had.

    The best thing about going to Bangkok Special Prison was that it meant that I was happy to come back to England and to stay here.

    Cho Dee everyone,

    James Wilson :o

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