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Posts posted by lemon

  1. hi folks...

    well about 7 years ago i had an accident out on the bangna-trad highway which basically consisted of me falling off my motorbike at around 70mph...i was injured but not badly - mostly just cuts and bruises and a bang on the head - the strap of my helmet broke and it fell off during the crash...it was after a teaching job at one of the industrial factories around there and luckily for me, as i was pretty dazed and confused the po dtek dteung arrived very sharpish and took me home, along with the remains of my bike which they had managed to haul up into the back of the pickup...

    well i'd just like to say that i'm extemely grateful to them for that night cos without them there was no way i'd have got home that night and certainly would have lost the bike as it could not have been pushed after that accident...nothing was stolen from me - and lets face it - a farang with concussion would probably be considered a prime target if they were of a mind to take something...

    so pls don't give these guys a hard time - they are performing a valuable service in the only way they know how...

  2. somebody sent me this...just had to pass it on :-)))

    A modern day cowboy has spent many days crossing the desert without water. His horse has already died of thirst. He's crawling through the sand, certain that he has breathed his last, when all of a sudden he sees an object sticking out of the sand several yards ahead of him. He crawls to the object, pulls it out of the sand, and discovers what looks to be an old brief case. He opens it and out pops a genie.

    But this is no ordinary genie. She is wearing an AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE badge and a dull grey dress. There's a calculator in her pocketbook. She has a pencil tucked behind one ear. "Well, cowboy," says the genie... "You know how I work. You have three wishes."

    "I'm not falling for this", says the man. "I'm not going to trust an ATO auditor genie." "What do you have to lose? You've got no transportation, and it looks like you're a goner anyway!" The man thinks about this for a minute, and decides that the genie is right. "OK, I wish I were in a lush oasis with plenty of food and drink."


    The cowboy finds himself in the most beautiful oasis he has ever seen and he is surrounded with jugs of wine and platters of delicacies.

    OK, cowpoke, what's your second wish?"

    "My second wish is that I were rich beyond my wildest dreams."


    The man finds himself surrounded by treasure chests filled with rare gold coins and precious gems.

    "OK, cowpuncher, you have just one more wish. Better make it a good one!"

    After thinking for a few minutes, the man says. "I wish that no matter where I go, beautiful women will want and need me."


    He is turned into a tampon

    And the moral of the story?

    If the government offers you anything, there's going to be a string attached

  3. A new species of rodent has been discovered - for sale on a food stall in a market in south east Asia.

    The rock rat - or kha-nyou - is unlike any rodent seen before by scientists, reports New Scientist.

    It was spotted by conservation biologist Robert Timmins in the Khammouan region of Laos.

    He said: "It was for sale on a table next to some vegetables. And I knew immediately it was something I had never seen before."

    Timmins, of the Wildlife Conservation Society, said locals prepare the rodent for eating by roasting it on a skewer.

    Timmins and his team have subsequently trapped the animal with the help of local people, but have never seen it alive either in the wild or in the market.

    The creature looks something like a cross between a large dark rat and a squirrel, but is actually more closely related to guinea pigs.

    It is not closely related to any other rodents and researchers have had to create a whole new family, the Laonastidae, to accommodate it.

    The last new mammal family was created in 1974 with the discovery of the bumblebee bat.


  4. Hi

    I've noticed that the signature has disappeared from my posts...it was actually a link to my site so what's up guys? :o

    i actually only get a few hits every month and its not a serious operation so i don't think any of you fellas have anything to worry about as far as competition goes...wot's the big problem?

  5. yeah brothers in arms was too hard 4 me - tho it does make a nice change from the COD type thing - uve actually gotta do some thinking in BIA!! any1 interseted in buying it might wanna read

    this review...

    btw i reckon need for speed underground 2 is pretty cool as well

  6. Bangkok is already a well-known and much talked about city worldwide...it is famous (notorious) for all the things that make it the experience that we all know and above all as the night life capital of the East...so it's already a 'world class' city. If this is going to be an attempt to further Westernize the city with the Governer trying to tone down everything that makes this city unique with the view that 'West is best' then surely in the long run BKK is going to lose the culture and identity that is what greatly helps bring in the tourist dollars every year...

  7. i totally agree that the last picture has been doctored using photoshop (see my above post) but in the original set of photos that i posted that pic wasn't there...i can't see which 'white boat' you are referring to jai dee but maybe it was moved or used during the fiasco...it is blindingly obvious that the last pic of the second tow truck going in is a fake by the blurring effect (dk what the technical term is for that, sorry)and the fact that it wasnt in the original set of pics but i dont think the rest of them have been - look very carefully at frames 4,5 and 6 - how would you get a pic of the truck at that angle to start with say you were gonna insert it into the big picture :o

  8. Why can't I see the pictures, I only see 'user posted image'.

    This has happened on other websites too.

    Same here.

    its because the original pics i posted were posted through a link to another forum where i originally found them...and the pics have been taken off that site..

    use the link in post above if u wanna see them..:o))

  9. He said some provinces had even banned him from entering their territories because "they said I was damaging their image with foreign tourists". Thai sources said some senior provincial officials had dismissed him as "crazy".

    oh dear dear dear :D surely foreign tourists would have felt reassured by knowing that the locals were fully aware of the situation and well prepared with emergency measures put in place...wouldnt it have inspired foreign tourists' confidence in the thai authorities by their recognition of a risk and them showing that they are ready to deal with a situation instead of this very short-sighted ridiculing of an obviously competent expert and sweeping the whole matter under the carpet... :o

  10. well if this is true, then it seems like it's what we've all been waiting for yeah...personally it's just a pity i left the LoS a coupla years ago and my visa probs was one of the main reasons that we left...i wasnt able to work during the latter years of my stay and was reduced to border runs every 3 months. Until i discovered the Aranya Prathet run, these were eating into our (pitiful) budget in a pretty big way...now if this new 5 year thing sticks, i think it will encourage a lot more expats to go and stay out there...especially retirees maybe?...and thats good for the local economy innit?

  11. A bear walks into a bar in Billings, Montana and sits down.

    He bangs on the bar with his paw and demands a beer. The

    bartender approaches and says, "We don't serve beer to bears

    in bars in Billings."

    The bear, becoming angry, demands again that he be served a

    beer. The bartender tells him again, more forcefully, "We don't

    serve beer to belligerent bears in bars in Billings."

    The bear, very angry now, says, "If you don't serve me a

    beer, I'm going to eat that lady sitting at the end of the bar."

    The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent,

    bully bears in bars in Billings."

    The bear goes to the end of the bar, and as promised, eats the

    woman. He comes back to his seat and again demands a beer. The

    bartender states, "Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent, bully

    bears in bars in Billings who are on drugs."

    The bear says, "I'm not on drugs."

    The bartender says, "You are now. That was a barbitchyouate."

  12. i've often pondered on this topic in the past cos i've known in all about 6 or 7 farang couples out there in LoS during my time there and all but 1 of those couples didn't last more than a couple of years at the most with the exception of a swiss couple -he was expat management at a watch factory and the others were an english couple who had been living in LoS for over 40 years :o when i knew them...the swiss ones flew straight back to switzerland when his 5 year contract was up...with all the others bar the long-staying english expats the main underlying problem seemed to lie in that they found it v difficult assimilating into thai culture, learning the language and thereby learning to appreciate the positive aspects of LoS...i think most of us manage to do this primarily thru our girl/boyfriends, their families and their friends which, of course isnt an opportunity easily gained by couples who come from a totally different continent to the locals, that is, unless, of course, they have a very open marriage :D ...these people tend, over a little bit of time, to become disillusioned because for them the bad things outweigh the good things by a mile...also there's also the point that they're seeing all these mega-fit thai women (and blokes, for all i know)out and about all the time but neither of them is allowed to cop off with anyone when they see all the single expats out having a good time :D:D

  13. i wasn't planning on doing anything George - i just noticed that it said somewhere that blog users could have unlimited space and thought that was a bit strange realizing that of course it would be limited by the size and amount of HDDs on ur servers...

    gd move btw :o

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