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Posts posted by talisman01

  1. 19 hours ago, Adumbration said:

    Thanks. Where exactly did you have the proceedure, here in Thailand or someplace else.

    The procedure was done at Guy's Hospital in London. I'm told that the prostate Aquablation process was first developed is about 5 years ago and has since had a rapid take up in many other countries because of its precision and because it's far less intrusive and, for larger prostates, much safer than TURP. I understand that Bumrungrad Hospital in Bkk now offers the procedure.

  2. My colleague arrived at Heathrow from Malaysia via Abu Dhabi two days ago. He was through immigration in about 5 minutes. Concerned that he had not been asked for any documents or forms or evidence of the vaccinations he'd had in Malaysia, he asked an official where he should present them. He was waved through without showing anything other than his passport at the egate.

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  3. It is very good to see the Royal Lancaster winning this award. Interestingly, this hotel used to belong to the Rank Organisation (as did the Gloucester hotel in Kensington) and was opened in 1967. The company at the time believed that their staff should have the same level of ambience and decor as their customers and so it was behind the staff only doors. The nice paintwork, wallpaper, carpets etc continued in all the staff areas as did the chandeliers. It was one of the reasons why staff liked working at both hotels so much. I organised numerous events which were held in the huge Nine Kings Suite and during this period, 1970-1980s, I got to know many management and staff very well. One of them told me of an incident which almost caused a major fire in the tower. It was during the 70-80s that there was a major influx of middle easterners into London - when Earl's Court flatland changed from being Kangaroo Valley to the Arabian Gulf - and a large family group settled into one of the suites and promptly lit a fire on the floor and began to cook food for themselves. Needless to say, Gulf ways don't translate to London very well and soon the room was ablaze. Thanks to some quick thinking staff and the fire brigade the blaze was mostly confined to the room and no structural damage was done!

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