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  1. Thailand cracks down on shady massage parlors that dont pay tea money
  2. he's putting smoke in his lungs...whats the difference and who cares
  3. misleading article...it aint happening anythime soon
  4. Boy they are reaching now!....of all the hubs they have here...this is absolute lunacy
  5. Chinese spending habits?....sounds like an oxymoron to me
  6. Casinos are the biggest cheating rackets around..we all know they are not in business to lose money...
  7. nuclear power plant in Thailand??...man oh man, is there anyone else out there raising their eyebrows ??????
  8. well you continue to allow Sh*t to enter your country and things start to stink
  9. well...since Songkran is being extended to 3 weeks this year..I guess April fools is being extended as well
  10. 3 weeks?...whose brain fart idea was this?
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