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Posts posted by snapper1

  1. Not American by any chance are you snapper1?

    nope english but living in thailand :o but h.ell who wants to end up a victim?? maybe if one of the 4 ppl recently executed did have a gun they may still be alive today, albeit in jail but alive :D although if the couple at the river kwai had killed the cop then other cops would have executed them, hmmmm maybe guns aint such a good idea...

  2. stamp on the buggers. kill em all, u got mossies get a can of baygon, that crevice spray stuff kills lizards aswell, lizards dont eat mossies so they aint no benifit to any household, just throw that towel at em and stamp the little buggers to death..

  3. the only time u need a driving licence is if u have an accident, other than that u will have to pay the police bribes when they stop u, last time i was stopped going thru bkk on the expressway he said i was doing 120 km, i knew that was a lie, for the whole ride i didnt go under 160km, i tried to keep at a nice steady pace of 180km, but i still had to pay the bribe money, bl.oody thieving gi.ts :o

  4. pat try to be a free thinker, dont copy stuff from the pattaya mail :o he.ll ur half thai anyway, maybe its u doing all the drive by bag snatches :D only kidding admin...

  5. throw a wet small towel at them when they are on the cieling, the fall stuns them and its easy to either stamp on the little buggers, or catch them in the wet towel and throw em outside.

    also buy mossie screens, about 200baht per sq met is the charge and dont allow insects in the house, cos then they got no food and die of starvation, blo.ody horrible things those small lizards, they sh.ite every where.

  6. It is getting a bit worrying all these foreigners being killed in Thailand from gun shot wounds over the last 2 weeks.

    Still it will hurt Thailand where it matters most, and that is in the tourism, maybe then they will learn to police their country properly, although it has been speculated that it was a policeman that murdered the young couple at the bridge over the river Kwai, OH well, it probably will not make any differance in the way Thais think, they quite happily accepted thaskins mandate of street executions for a few thousand drug dealers, so i feel sure they have no interest in a few farangs being executed..

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