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Posts posted by topcrumpet

  1. Thanks for all the new specific suggestions, please keep them coming, the more the better.Never enough resources.

    My friend's children in need of lessons and practice are 9 and 14, only just started learning English 2 years ago.

    My children have learnt 2 languages since birth, and are fluent/flexible in both at age 3 and 5. Nothing like starting young if you can, but this is not always possible.

    Many thanks again for all these wonderful suggestions.

  2. Seriously people, there's a lot of whinging and whining here over a few extra hours.It's not as if any of us are daily commuters and will be soooo inconvenienced by this decision. Why not just read a book, watch the people parade, or stay overnight if necessary? Airports all around the world are overloaded, at least there is a viable alternative for Bangkok with two large airports available.

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  3. '"Sirote Klampaiboon, a human-rights lecturer at Mahidol University and another active opponent of the 2006 coup, agreed with Puangthong, saying that the Army could only make a move if it had support from certain groups.'"

    Support from certain groups is what its all about. With the defamation laws designed to cripple any criticism of these certain groups will see you loose your shirt in a one sided court. The people that need to know who these certain groups are, do know who they are but cannot openly discuss their role in the last 60 years of political instability in Thailand.

    These groups of people have ensured that they retain the wealth of the nation and nobody has opportunities and most received a third class education. Those that suggest that Thaksin was plundering the nation may be correct but what they are not admitting that whatever Thaksin snaffled away for himself is a spit in the Chao Prayha river compare to the money that has been stolen from the nation in the last few decades.

    Its time to rewrite the defamation laws and allow the media to drop a big spotight on some of these power families. Certain laws have been created and upheld to protect certain families. Defamation is not the only such law.

    Who would write these laws? The politicians who have a vested interest in things staying the same.

    Who would enforce these laws? The police who have a vested interest in things staying the same.

    Until you can start in the beginning and instil honour, ethics and morality in people there will always be a me, me , me attitude.

    You need to start at the early days of school and it will take 2 or 3 generations assuming you start NOW.

    Superb observations. The very nature of education and social structure would have to change immensely in Thailand.The rather sad state of mind at present means the majority of people here are not only disempowered but also often believe they are not worthy of attention.

  4. Thanks very much for all these suggestions folks, very kind of you. It is always better to get specific sites from people with experience in using them. Much appreciated. Keep them coming if you have just joined the discussion, I am sure more people than me will like this information-it's always handy!

  5. Hello all-I was wondering if anybody can help with addresses of some free websites where children can practise English skills- reading , writing, and listening.I have been asked by a couple of people with 9 and 10 year olds who have only been learning English for a couple of years. Thanks for any suggestions.

  6. Nice story Chonabot, thanks very much. My turn to share!

    What made me really fall for my darling wife of 9 years (and 2 children) was to see her give some money to beggars as we walked along the street during our early dating days.She did not have much to give either, so it made a big positive impact on me.

    A charitable and kind heart cannot be beaten.

  7. What animals are acceptable for food is cultural. Remember there are many Hindus in the world who consider the majority of western society barbaric and uncivilised for eating cows. Pets that are not able to be eaten eventually or who do not 'work' for their keep are definitely an indulgence of the more wealthy (societies and individuals).

    I believe animals are animals-why draw the line at which one you eat, if indeed you choose to eat them? Be kind to them while they live and appreciate them for food when they are dead.

    As for saying dog eaters are cruel and heartless and don't love animals, what rubbish. Perhaps those who grab dogs from the street for food simply trust that any 'owner' will appreciate their desperate need for sustenance and value the human's life . After all, there are plenty of dogs around. Pets are expendable where malnutrition is the alternative.

  8. It's hard to see why the "foreign 'boyfriend'" bit has any business in an article about the vicious murder of a local seamstress.

    Simple Thais are obsessed with farangs, brainwashed from birth about how glorious and superior they are, I live near a temple and as they ride past on their bikes all I hear all day is Farang this Farang that as they drive past their nosey beaks and necks screwed right round looking at the monkey farang that I am.

    That's right, dance monkey boy, dance!

  9. Thanks for those school links,. DFoes Mataneedol only go to year 6 or do they do High school?

    And I am also interested in anybody who has direct experience of these schools, either as parent or employee. Thanks for your help everyone, online searches do not provide much.

  10. Hi there- we own a house in Khonkaen but unfortunately it is occupied at present. You could start a search with David Thomson at Warrawee Management, he was a very good help to us in finding a tenant, so I am sure he could be of some help. PM me for more details, or just google search Warrawee Management. Good luck!

  11. One of the concerns I have about moving to NE Thailand in a couple of years is that I don't drink , but I do occasionally like to smoke marijuana.I imagine that is a no no if you are a farang in Thailand-instant 'shakedown' potential? One would have to be very subtle. My wife told me you go 'into the bush' to smoke in Thailand, al fresco-and strangely enough I have seen in portrayed twice that way in Thai comedy/soapies- partaking of the herb with a long bamboo bong in the scrub..Any Isaan readers like to share experiences of NE Thai stoners? Thai stick was famous here in Australia in the 70s/early 80s, apparently originating in Khonkaen district? Production booming in the vietnam war years? True?

  12. First thing one should ask, what is the reason for any1 becoming a cop in Thailand?

    1. Too stupid to do something else.

    2. I get to shoot people, which is always fun.

    3. I don't get any salary, but can make a fortune from bribes and extortion, forget about policing.


    1-It's a highly sought after job with stringent entrance exams-and/or family connections.

    2-Yep, they do. And don't forget the bonus of tight, tight clothing.

    3-Salary is minimal to start,, but there is the bonus of "brown envelope Fridays" and remember-the higher up the ladder you are, the fatter the envelope.Oh and shaking down farangs of course.

    My sister in law is a high ranking lady cop-and a champion pistol shot. Nice to be related.

  13. Great article, and spot on for truth. Thaksin is hated by the supremely corrupt old world yellow shirt establishment for his popular achievements during a short time in office. He did more for the lower classes than any previous government had. He established and finished many projects that helped the poorer people. Yes , like all politicians he is corrupt, but he is much more efficient at delivering real progress, infrastructure and reform for Thailand. What has Abbhisit actually done during his time in office? Nothing of any significance for the greater population . He merely manipulates laws and holds onto power desperately, denying the democratic process.He is trying to wind back the clock to when the poor did what they were told and made no fuss. He wants a return to an easy time for the moneyed families with royal and political connections, so they can grow more fat and rich-and deny any entrepreneurs who dare to come from "outside" the closed circle of the "Hi-so" class.

    Remember, it was the old military dictatorships and 'yellow shirt' connections who set up Thailand as the major brothel of the east, and allowed a culture of graft, corruption and cronyism to flourish over the last 60 years.

    And in the end,and on a different note,hopefully all those dodgy English teachers who give a bad name to the profession will be booted out on their arse, along with the predators, pimps and pervs of Pattaya and Phuket!

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