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Posts posted by scorpio

  1. just a question at this point. my wife wants to return to thailand ( she is missing her 2 sons who are still there, uk government refused them theyre visa,s ) anyway we both have a 3 year old daughter and obviously she will need to go to school in thailand. i have listened to some thai people and have got mixed views on thai state schools , some say they are ok and others say they are really bad. what are your views on them and do any of you send your 50-50 thai/farang children to thai state school , and if so what are your expiriences of this ?

    i have looked into this before and it seems that even the standard kindergarden school fees are around 60,000 baht per term . thats a lot of money to us to pay out considering we will have rent /overheads to pay out each month, visa fees etc etc etc. we will also need to open some type of business "IF" we do make the move so that is going to cost us money each month if it doesnt do well.

    as i say its only a question at this point, im not jumping in to anything again without doing my homework as ive lost too much money in the past being impulsive. we are not wealthy and i would hate to make the move only to end up coming home to uk broke after a few years.

    what are your thoughts, one half of me is telling me to use our money in thailand for holidays and send some to support our twin boys in isaan ( they are 13 years old now ) and the other half of me is telling me to take a chance , gamble my money and try to make it work ( im 46 years old ) and at least if everything goes tits up i will come back to uk and start again , making sure my wife and child have enough money for themselves and will not be struggling.

    Don't be daft, keep your kid in the uk.

    maybe after reading a few replies here on tv i think that would be the safest bet. thanks wai.gif and thanks a lot to all those who gave me valuable info , much appreciated thumbsup.gif

  2. I feel chills when I read theses stories because I have a daughter and my heart drops the inocense of a child taken.

    My wife was in a public bathroom about a month ago and written in Thai on the stall wall was a story.

    It read something like this my wife told me.

    "" I am 17 years old my mom died recently and I was a virgin. Then my dad took me to the bar with him and he sold me to another man for the night my father told me I owed him for raising me. And she finished with , ,, I wrote this on the wall because I have no one now to talk to .

    To tell u about me I work in the oil industry with mostly men a lot of tough guys work hard many hours a day pushing steel pipe, bolt ups hard work I am a tough son of bitch.

    But when I read about and hear theses things gets my heart turns to mush brings tears and I think of my kids. So I am not that tough.

    In my prayers today

    Thanks for listening

    nice one william, thumbsup.gif

  3. jbrain less tongue.png lets be very clear about this since you have a major problem understanding, listen carefully ok first off i have stayed with our twin boys since they have been say 5 years of age, if not their biological father then i class myself as their father figure, i care for them kids the same as my own. can you understand that rolleyes.gif secondly , i have never said i will leave them in isaan to continue life without them in pattaya with my wife and daughter. i did say i would leave them to continue state schooling as they are too old now for a private school to benefit them and are well used to state school allready. thirdly just because i have worked offshore in say danish waters it doesnt take away the fact that i am still an eu member or a uk resident / citizen excercising my eu treaty rights tongue.png also i still continue to excercise my treaty rights even though say if i leave the uk to go on holidays 3-4 -5 times a year .biggrin.png

    so ? stay on topic please, its you who is talking a load of balls on this forum from the comfort of your armchair as your reply has proven. you hover around my posts like a bad smell , complete slandering and flaming and your replies are of no importance to me or anyone else.coffee1.gif

  4. good for you scully. its sad but true. happened to me at border crossing about 4 years ago when i was going to stamp visa, in so many words a mother more or less was putting it onto me that her daughter liked me , i know thai children look even younger than they are but the kid looked about 10-11 ish .

    hard to get the head round it sometimes, but yes it does happen.

  5. woman are obviously more romantic than men , men tend to go for the quicker thrill and woman ( i think ) tend to like being wined , dined and swept of their feet but at the end of the day it all boils down to the same thing doesnt it ? ive lost count of how many arguments i have had with farang woman asking me why i went to thailand on hols a lot and why i had to marry a thai lady, what do they go to turkey for ? please dont say culture and magnificent mosques and beautifull white sandy beaches bah.gif

    ive got enough female friends in uk /holland/ russia to know why they go to turkey / caribean and ghana thumbsup.gif

  6. Without reading the whole thread, and with best wishes to the op and family, whats up with the UK not allowing 2 visas to be issued to a mothers own kids? A govt not allowing the basic human rite of a family being kept together. Why give the mother the visa, which she would have stated she has 2 kids, and then not let them stay??...is the government run by space lizards?

    That op and sorry to say is a complete f@cking joke. Way I see it is you worked hard, payed taxes, supported your country, and they spat in your face.

    Id be moving my child out of the UK asap.

    well without going into my personal life too much , i was employed untill i fell ill..but i had worked and live continuously in uk for last say 15 years anyway...they gave my wife an eea visa ( 5 year resident stamp ) so she come to uk and had a daughter to me in uk, she left her two twin boys behind in thailand with her father to care for them , with the intention of bringing her boys over to uk at later stage, then her father died last year leaving no one to care for the 2 twins, 2 twins are now alone being past from pillar to post and no one gives a shit. ukba refused them visa,s because they say "i " a uk citizen and allways worked was not a qualified EU member rolleyes.gif hahaha , what kind of a goon would refuse 2 children a visa to be with their parents ?bah.gif i cant understand why so many other nationalities ( not saying which but you know the ones ) are allowed into uk without job but two 12 year old twins are left in thailand seperated from mother and father ( me ) to struggle with life. not relevant maybe but thats the only reason why we kind of have to go back and make a go of things in thailand, i hope it works, for the childrens sakes . wai.gif

    Because you married their mother doesn't make you the kids father.

    By the way, I thought that in previous topics you said you were working offshore ?

    here we go again tut tut rolleyes.gif i am their father , not biological father but i have raised them when ive been with them for last 7-8 years and i class myself as their father , i care for them the same as any father would. can you understand that ? hmmmmm. also i was working offshore ( not now due to my illness ) i do hope to work again in future, i hope i can get better, can you also understand that ?

    tell you what though <deleted> is your beef w00t.gif if you want really want to know anything else about my private life just PM me for a speedy reply coffee1.gif

  7. Without reading the whole thread, and with best wishes to the op and family, whats up with the UK not allowing 2 visas to be issued to a mothers own kids? A govt not allowing the basic human rite of a family being kept together. Why give the mother the visa, which she would have stated she has 2 kids, and then not let them stay??...is the government run by space lizards?

    That op and sorry to say is a complete f@cking joke. Way I see it is you worked hard, payed taxes, supported your country, and they spat in your face.

    Id be moving my child out of the UK asap.

    well without going into my personal life too much , i was employed untill i fell ill..but i had worked and live continuously in uk for last say 15 years anyway...they gave my wife an eea visa ( 5 year resident stamp ) so she come to uk and had a daughter to me in uk, she left her two twin boys behind in thailand with her father to care for them , with the intention of bringing her boys over to uk at later stage, then her father died last year leaving no one to care for the 2 twins, 2 twins are now alone being past from pillar to post and no one gives a shit. ukba refused them visa,s because they say "i " a uk citizen and allways worked was not a qualified EU member rolleyes.gif hahaha , what kind of a goon would refuse 2 children a visa to be with their parents ?bah.gif i cant understand why so many other nationalities ( not saying which but you know the ones ) are allowed into uk without job but two 12 year old twins are left in thailand seperated from mother and father ( me ) to struggle with life. not relevant maybe but thats the only reason why we kind of have to go back and make a go of things in thailand, i hope it works, for the childrens sakes . wai.gif

  8. Growing up on the streets of Moscow it was the only way to survive, I guess it's hard to break the habit.

    no worse from say belfast or inner city manchester glasgow , new york etc etc i would of thought, for many of us anyway ( i remember i had no shoes and our house was allways flooded but i never stole off the poor . she could afford the flight etc , just pure stupidity - greed - selfishness on her part.

    just after reading about russians who grew up with shortages in food etc under communism, and had to steal for a living.

    hence the edited post .

  9. hi all,

    i have attended some thai lesson courses in the past few years, i admit i did struggle with the language. i am 46 years old now and in the future i would like to make a move to thailand ( i have wife , child and homes plus money invested in thailand ) therefore it would benefit me greatly to get my head down on my next visit and embark on a decent course, i think the ed visa would benefit me. i could go for the married to thai visa and show 400.000 every year in my bank account .

    can someone please give me advise on which schools are best to study at , hours of study , prices and benefits of the ed visa .

    many thanks in advance. also feel free to pm me with details if you wish thumbsup.gif

    PS. the reason i want to get an ed visa is to live in thailand and also to have the option of teaching in thailand if i so wish in the future.

  10. in my view an awfull lot of farang woman are very threatened by thai woman, ive seen it loads of times. i had a farang gf before and left her in uk to go on holiday to thailand , i told thai girls that i had a gf in uk and there was never any problem pulling them . cant see why a thai girl would back off anyway, if farang girl is not in sight then its game on, as they say ...its all about the money wink.png

  11. what do you think will happen to her ??? hope she gets a hard time in jail, not because of her nationality ( i dont like them anyway ) but because of her complete disregard for the thai law and she should know better whilst on holiday in thailand.

    wow....... i myself stupidly have spent a few years in jail myself in my younger days but no way in this world would i ever think about breaking laws in thailand.

    • Like 1
  12. my daughter ( now 3 years old, 4 in april ) spoke fluent thai and english at around 2.4 years old biggrin.png they pick it up pretty easilly. i know 1 thai kid ( 10 years old ) learnt perfect english in about 1 year. another kid spoke a little english before she came to uk but after 1 year she had a very broad local accent, i remember being shocked at this because she had only been in uk 1 year, amazing

    I'm sorry but no child is fluent in any language by 2.4 and nobody learns perfect English within 1 year. I'm sure they are both competent for their ages but that's not the same as being fluent or perfect in a language.

    ok i stand corrected, maybe not fluent at just over 2 years old but certainly very very good english and thai , i remember a swedish kid ( 4 years old ) was standing next to my daughter in a hotel and he was just learning to speak thai and wasnt speaking thai on the level my daughter was, i remember all the hotel staff were amazed at how well our child could speak both languages being so young, i have just asked my wife sitting beside me that someone on internet not believe me that our kid speak good english and thai when she was only 2 years old , wife replies " ok when him not believe tell him come look and test himself " haha ..clap2.gif

  13. thanks ,

    we are waiting on the outcome on my thai wifes PR status hence my questions now, im just asking questions now at this point in order to get a clear view of things, im not jumping in blind . our childs schooling is one of the more important factors needing considered in this whole thing. though i fail to see how my child could end up being seperated from her mother completely ? our daughter was born in uk ( child born in uk cannot be seperated from mother under eea rules )

    anyway as ive said in past just doing homework at this stage and trying to get an idea of what we would be paying out for schooling etc.

    thanks for all your answers guys , i think we have got all the info needed now thumbsup.gif

    • Like 2
  14. my daughter ( now 3 years old, 4 in april ) spoke fluent thai and english at around 2.4 years old biggrin.png they pick it up pretty easilly. i know 1 thai kid ( 10 years old ) learnt perfect english in about 1 year. another kid spoke a little english before she came to uk but after 1 year she had a very broad local accent, i remember being shocked at this because she had only been in uk 1 year, amazing

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