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Posts posted by councilor

  1. Leave prison register and make a speech that will break bail requirements, but incite his red troops. I doubt he would care about breaking bail requirements and just say what he wants. AKA more nails in the same ole coffin.

    Maybe he should have thought about registering and such BEFORE making the speeches, knowing the potential consequences. Or maybe he though he was, permanently immune indefinitely?

    completely bias post as usual

  2. There is no such thing as a "Palestinian" people until they make peace and get their own country and then they will legitimately call themselves whatever they want.

    When this whole thing started, they were mostly illegal immigrants from Arab countries who declared war on the Jews who legally bought land from the owners.


  3. Jatuporn is in jail. The fact that he was given so much slack for so long, and the fact that he wasn't impeached speaks volumes about just how far "free speech" is tolerated in Thailand.

    Freedom of speech isn't tolerated in Thailand that far.What surprises me is that some foreigners apparently relish the prospect of laws, themselves in need of updating, being abused and exploited for political purposes.The argument goes I suppose the law is the law, and must be respected.That's true but when a law is wicked and absurd, such as the example of South African apartheid, it is unseemly for foreigners to exult in its implementation.


  4. Well light the torches and rampage, the mouth is silenced.

    Hard to believe, but then again he knew no sense of moderation and hung himself on his own petard. So one other, Nisit wit, goes with him, and so far other less vitreous voices are still free.

    Will this be the good excuse for reds to go over the edge?

    If so then most Thais will notice and vote accordingly.

    This thread will no doubt fill up to the brim with New Members....

    and all with similar lines of... ac cc chemmm, thought.

    Where did you go to school?

    he didn't

  5. I have always been told that the Army actually runs Thailand. Don't know if this is true or not.

    No they don't run the country, but do take a strong lead in the country's safe keeping. As there is no creditable police force capable of upholding law and order on behalf of the citizens and with judiciary not enforced then thankfully they are there when the scum come calling.

    Kia Kaha General Prayuth for the months if not year or two ahead - King, country and citizens. Kia Kaha.

    haha thats funny

  6. It's a Thai forum !!

    Would '(some/x% of) women in Thailand are dishonest' appease you ?

    Yes, it is a Thai forum. What a perfect conduit for those that find a critique towards every aspect of Thai society and their interaction thereof. More often than not, the punditry tends to be exaggerated to the extreme while the angst of inferior judgement takes it's toll unjustified. Observe any such Thai/Asian expat forum.....the themes are harmonious.


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