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Posts posted by anging

  1. I have just set up internet through my mobile phone using a DTAC PAYG sim card. The cost at present was I think 220 Baht for 50 hours with a bonus 50 hours so all in all 100 hours for a little over 200 Baht. The call centre talked me through setting it up on my Mac to connect via Bluetooth through my phone in less than 10 minutes.

    It is not the fastest but I can surf the net, send receive emails etc.

  2. I understand the total charge is not £18, it is not £23 either as you must pay £4.95 to send you passport to the Embassy, £15 for the admin fee and £8 to have them post it back. The total charge is £28. I was highlighting that the Embassy has not actually made the visa "free" as they try to portray. The "free visa" minus the actual cost of postage will cost £18.

    minus postage 15 pounds

    including postage 23 pounds

    You dont pay the fee of 8 pounds to hull you send off with your passport a return addressed special delivery envelope....ie 2 special delivery at 4 pounds = 8 pounds + 15 admin charge = 23 pounds ok!

    This is why I only ever read the posts and do not bother contributing anything. So often people who posted something relevant and helpful end up in some childish tit for tat where someone just wants to appear superior to the original poster without actually contributing anything worthwhile to the discussion.

    On previous occasions when applying for a visa I have submitted a prepaid return envelope to be used by the embassy. This used to be mentioned as an option in their notes. This has now been removed and they even write on their payment form:


    No reference is made about including a prepaid envelope anymore.

    My point is the visa is not free as I mentioned previously. I am not hear to split hairs as to how you see the total charge incurred. I was merely trying to inform the reader that there is money to be paid, £23 to the Hull consulate which is made up by £15 admin fee and an £8 charge for return postage by Royal Mail Special Delivery. Royal Mail Special Delivery, which is trackable, cost me £4.95.

  3. I Just applied for my "free visa" at the Thai Embassy, Hull Uk. Since the free visa option has been in place the embassy has now introduced a £15 administration charge. Also you have to include a payment for the return of your passport by Royal Mail of £8. Royal Mail has a set fee for this of £4.95 so this in effect is a way to increase their revenue.

    The free visa therefore costs £18. This is about the same as the charge for a border run from Krabi where i stay. The only benefit for someone staying a couple if months is the fact that they don't have to do a border run after 30 days.

    This is not really something that will encourage someone in the UK to change their holiday destination to Thailand.

  4. I am applying online for a visitor visa to UK for my girlfriend of 2 years. This is our first application. I am happy with all my paperwork to substantiate the relationship.

    I am flying into Thailand on August 12th and am hoping she can have the interview the same day.

    My problem is that I have read on here that the time taken to grant visitor visas has increased from last year. I was hoping to be back for a family wedding which is on September 8th. I have included the invite and letter with all my documentation. Ideally I wanted to be flying back for the August Bank holiday leaving about the 27th august.

    Realistically is this going to be possible and, if not, roughly how long should I be expecting to wait.

    If anyone has recent experience in this area I would love to know the time taken.

    Thanks one and all.

  5. Looking for some advice.

    Prior to Tsuanmi I was working as a manager of a dive business for 3 years but due to the circumstances this stopped. I have been back and forth to Thailand many times each year since then. This exhausted most of my savings. I will be returning to live and work as a dive manager in Thailand permanently in October.

    Before then I am wanting to take my g/f to the Uk for 2 months this Summer. We have been together for over a year and i feel I have enough paperwork to satisfy all the requirements except in one area. My bank account does not show adeqaute funds at present. We recently purchased land in Thailand using the last of my savings. I have no more savings, in fact my account is now in the red. I am working here in the UK until late July when I will return to Thailand and hope to bring my g/f back here for 2 months before I resume work in Thailand.

    Does anyone know the best way to get round the funds issue as giving my statements will show a negative balance for the last 2 months. I will work a little when she is here, I know I have enough finances to support us both but I am not the one who needs to be convinced. Apart from this all other areas of the application are fine. What to do?

    Can a family member or friend act as sponsor for her? Do I just put my statements in with documentation? Do I sell a little bit of land to generate funds (last option)?

    Any advice greatly appreciated.

  6. solution: don't drink in luna bar. its an overpriced shi*hole!!!

    Agree with Mr Lob, it's a dodgy old cesspit of a place. As it is the only bar police allow to stay open late playing music it is always going to have drunken incidents like this. I think the Farang got off lightly. If he had acted in that way to some of the other Thai people in the bar then this could have ben a far worse story.

    Anyway definitely way too expensive to whack anyone with a bottle, small heineken sets you back about 300 Baht.

    Use a coke bottle instead, or even splash out 100 Baht and use two for both of the piss-taking fools.

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