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Posts posted by JacChang

  1. No need. Any proof or evidence you think you may have, that can be used against her, will not result in your favor. From your explanation of things, you are the "good person" in this relationship as she feels the need to rely on threats to get things done. As the "good person" here, we want to work things out and somehow win this argument. But the truth is, when you are working with someone like this, the battles never end. Be the wiser one, make actions on your own, and solve the problem. There is no need for any further arguments with her, do what you can, make new arrangements, protect yourself and your daughter. Move to a new safer place, make all precautions safety-wise to prevent any motives of the wife from succeeding. She was not intelligent enough to act before telling you of the motives, but the scarier part is, what she could be doing without telling you beforehand.

    • Like 1
  2. There should be a bad review forum network. If you "need" a bad review in the country you are staying at, another person across the end of the world does it for you. And when they need one, you do the same for them, vice versa.


    Often, bad reviews can get return with threats of defamation and etc. As long as the review is "clean" and honest, without opinions, nothing to be afraid of. "The room was disgusting" vs "There was a lot of dust on the floor, and hair on the bed." "The owner was an ***hole" vs "The owner did not show respect to guests and the tone was not welcoming." Just toning down, can get the same points across but protect you in any case.

  3. The only concern is that it may disturb your wipers somehow. This stuff is amazing especially on 100km/hr+ speeds, the rain literally just slides upwards and the rainwater are just little drops, so basically you don't even have to use the wiper and you can see the road clearly. The use of wipers actually cause a second or two of unclear sight disturbance as the water is all sweep together.


    Now the cons, it may affect some wiper blades, not all. The wiper blades require a certain balance sleekness/friction with the glass to maintain a uniform wipe across the windshield without weird skips/judders/jumps/etc. Most formulas contain some form of alcohol, and the chemical reaction with the wiper blades + sunlight = ?

  4. Get in touch with the Israeli guy, you will find out he got the same message too. And now you both can shut that girl up for good.


    Edit: I mean for a few years. Expect another message from her around 2021+

  5. Hahahaha, won't be the first but hopefully the last for you.


    It's sad, these type of girls exist because there are guys out there that gets manipulated the way she wants them to.


    These type of women, we all met before atleast once but hopefully never again into the same trap. Even when you feel like you have found the perfect angel to spend the rest of your life with, and it all seems so real, but the reality is, how she is to you, is completely different how you are to her. She was your world. But you were just a step on the staircase for her. Now that you look back at those years, it's obvious you were "useful". In return, she may have "tried to keep you happy". However sometimes it felt insincere or fake.


    Every time she contacts you, it's never really about how you are, if you are okay or what not. It's always "hey how are you? I'm at the hospital. " LOL, just try saying those words yourself. So disgusting isn't it? So self absorbed. It's always about them. And of course, after all these years, they felt absolutely no remorse, no apology, no nothing. That right there is disrespect, you are just a light bulb she flickers on anytime she wants, regardless of years passed, regardless if you are sleeping, or the middle of the night. It's always about her.


    Try being selfish, whenever she pretends to ask about you and get a conversation engaging, remember, always talk about yourself. Not a bit care for her. See how it goes. It will end. You are way better and happier now, don't let her abuse your good heart into sympathy and thinking about her again. Not worth it.

  6. Definitely need more successful investors here :D

    If I crash my car so often, I wouldn't say driving or automobiles are dangerous. I would question the driving skills and how one person can improve to become what is known as successful.


    Investing requires the correct mindset, to be able to work with set protocols. Long story short, get to know the fundamentals of the company you are buying, once you have filtered out 100 companies down to 10-15, these are the ones with positive revenue growth in double digits and their respective net profit growths.


    Next is the timing. Often times, many people ask the "pros" which stocks are the "secret must buy stocks". Even if they told you, you would still be losing money. It's when you enter and exit that counts. Even a blind man can make money in a company that has incur losses for many years, as long as he enters correctly and exits in due time. When is the best time to buy? Wait. Just like fishing. I don't care how much money you have, the stock market is the king, you wait. See a falling knife? Be on alert. Usually 3-8 months later, is the golden time to enter. But never catch it, just let it do it's thing, don't set numbers, don't act pro and guess the bottomless pit number. Months after being on your alert list, you will notice that it's just not falling anymore. It might even be secretly climbing up slowly, get in slowly, divide into 10 batches, buy once weekly. Result? 30-50% gains. Risk? 5-10% max. When it's going up, there's nothing you can do, or any self predictions, to pull it down. That is when you know you are in the right boat.


    Would I invest in the SET? Sure why not. Would I listen to someone who doesn't invest? Or failed? Of course not. I wouldn't tell someone to not drive a car, just because I never had a driving license or crashed on my first day of driving. But are there better investment opportunities right now besides the SET? There are plenty, because recent SET companies are not doing as well compared to other countries.


    Is the SET any different from any other stock markets in the world? Nope. Every country's stock market will always have the same people saying the positives and the negatives. The top 500 richest people in each country, are the ones owning stocks in their respective country's stock market. Do they recommend it? Hell yeah. Will there be people saying to stay away from stocks? Always, they exist for thousands of years, and they continue to never touch stocks. Any of them in the top 100,000 richest? Nope. But yet continue to spread the word to stay away.


    Stocks are real, do your research, time your entry, allocate as much as possible. It's better to buy 7-11 shares in 10 different countries as opposed to only in Thailand. Reason is, if corruption does occur, your loss is 10% max for each company. Allocation is very important not to increase your gains, but to limit your losses when they do occur.


    Kurtf, you are a very rich man with your gold :laugh: Recent surge is very impressive. I hold some gold etfs as well, came into good use for the recent months. Let's see how it goes from here on.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Question is, are you active enough? Have you estimated the paths of both ways?

    What are your foreign exchange platforms and fees?


    Looking at the 10 yr chart now, it's already at the lowest. If the answer to the above is yes, then sell out now, wait for the recovery and enter again. If you ask me from the current standpoint, I would say 35 is very likely in 6 months. That is 7% more to lose. As for the recovery? 43 is a safe bet, at 14%+ gains. In about 2 years. That's why there are some people who suggest you to stay at your current spot, you are already late to the game, now you have to ask yourself, how much is there to lose compared to how much you have to gain from the current standpoint. 2016 was the year to exit the pound.

    And for those buying into the pound thinking it's cheap now, hold that thought and observe the market. It's a falling knife right now, never catch that. Let it fall as much as it wants to, if you see it refusing to move downwards 3-6months time frame, that's the safe time to enter bit by bit.


    No currency or stock will ever become worthless unless there's something fundamentally wrong and no one wants to fix that problem. There's the right people and the late people at every trade, the right people sold at 2016. When the price has reached a considerable cheap price, alot of fearful people are selling. When the late people are selling, who is buying?

    • Confused 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, tropo said:

    You should do some re-reading too. My attitude will remain the same about Amway due to their marketing practices. When you push Amway, you're pushing a brand, with all the hyped up propaganda used to promote overpriced multi-level marketed products. Amway is all about brainwashing people to buy overpriced products and they've obviously done a good job on you. Anyone who buys multi-level marketed products is paying ridiculous prices too because it's all about making a profit for your upline. It's virtually a religion. They make it so expensive that you have great incentive to push the costs downline. You have no empirical evidence to show it's better than straight whey products and just suggest we should try it because YOU say it's the best. What specific advantages do you think people who currently use whey protein will get if the switch to your Amway protein?


    I'm not pushing a brand. It's pure WPC or WPI. It doesn't come any more basic than that. I just gave an option of where it can be bought for a reasonable price in Thailand. It comes in 20kg bags from the US and it is transferred to consumer size 1kg lots, with basic labels: WPC, or WPI. There's no hype and nothing is added.

    Fair enough. Just to let you know, I dislike Amway as well, and the people who are among them. Any friends who join Amway, sooner or later, aren't friends anymore. It's just a very uncomfortable atmosphere, when "Amway" people are present.

    But, I only said it, because that protein is actually good, likewise with the ingredient they have stated if it's true.

    I've found Garden of life to be equal to, or better than Amway's, which I've replaced now. As the size is larger and cheaper too, as well as the ingredient list is better.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 5 hours ago, RichardThailand said:


    I agree with you on this but most of the population has lived there lives being educated by advertising from food, dairy and supplement companies into thinking they need additional protein that can only be obtained through buying processed products. Many comments on this thread are very much a reflection of what people have had drilled into them by the media and large corporations over many years.  Reminds me of the advertisements that used to promote the benefits of smoking many years ago. 

    Yea, sometimes the things we believe in or even certain supplement brands we've come to trust, may let us down. Too much propaganda, and so called "research", from what sources? Not the government. Not a reliable source. A few marketing department sets up 10-20 websites on the google search directories. Buyers read them, thinking it's an independent source for supplement information, and goes to the website to buy them. I used to be fully confident in taking vitamin supplements, protein, herbs, etc. Until you get more aware of, that they are not what they claimed to be. Pollution and unwanted contamination in vitamins supplements, protein powders, it's all in the news. How many years have we been taking them without the authorities noticing and informing us? Quality control management on the servings is another issue. Even top companies are unable to provide actual decent deviation for the mg of each nutrition. Some go overboard on each batch, some too less, etc.

    Safest still with natural food.

  10. 6 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    No need at all to use a protein powder, get your protein from food.


    Contrary to what  people commonly  think, there is protein in staples such as rice and bread, and in vegetables - just not complete proteins i.e. lacking 1 or more essential  amino acids but containing many others. You need only a small amount of foods with complete protein to make up for this. 


    If you are a lacto-ovo vegtarian then eggs and milk products (inc yogurt and cheese) will easily fill this gap.


    Even if not, soy and soy products are also complete protein so having that each day will balance you out. (soy milk, tofu etc)


    In addition simply combining foods that contain different amino acids will provide a  complete intake. A good example is  beans  together with a cereal (rice, bread etc). Together, a complete protein.  Even combinations of starches can work: potato curry on rice, fior example, provides complete protein because the amino acids absent in the one are found in the other. Which is why this has been a staple in some Asian countries for years.


    Nuts are also a very good protein source.


    If you are consuming soy products, nuts, and beans - and most definitely if you are consuming any eggs or dairy - you are almost certainly already getting enough protein.


    If you do your own cooking, meat subsititutes made of texturized soy protein are readily available here in all sorts of shoes and sizes. often called here "protein Kaset" because the nutrition dept at Kasetsart university did work on it.  If you eat at Thai vegetarian restaurants, that is what they are using in place of meat in most instances. it is a complete protein. Has little taste of its own but readily soaks up the taste of sauces and spices so does very well in Thai dishes. Also works fine in western dishes like spaghetti and chili. It is especially availabel during the annual vegetarian festival which is coming up soon, but you can usually find it other times on the main supermarket shelves, just not in as many different shapes and sizes.


    What you may need to worry about if you are not lact-ovo  - i.e. don't eat eggs and milk - is Vitamin B12. You might need to supplement that. If you regularly consume dairy and eggs probably OK as both are good sources but if in doubt easy enough to get your levels measured, simple blood test.



    Thanks for the great infos ????
    Being adding large servings of yoghurt to the daily diet recently. Home made yoghurt with just milk and probiotics, no artificial addictive. Way better than the ones bought at the supermarket.

    Natural food will always be the best for the human body. Protein powder like vitamin supplements, will always be secondary supplements to fill up the missing holes of our primary real food diet.

  11. 7 hours ago, tropo said:

    If you're going to lecture us about protein supplements, we could do without the Amway plug. Just the name Amway puts me off without knowing anything about the formula.


    What you should do is explain why you think it's good. What benefits are you getting compared to other formulas you've tried? How do you determine your benefits? "Try it - you'll like it - I guarantee it", doesn't cut it. We need scientific information.


    WPI and WPC are pure supplements made from the whey part of whole milk. Same with Casein which is made from the curds of whole milk.


    Whey protein is one of the best-studied supplements in the world with loads of science to back up its benefits.


    Start here and learn: (there are 45 scientific studies referenced in this article to back up the claims):


    10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Whey Protein






    Go Re-read what I wrote and get your attitude in check. Nobody is lecturing anyone or saying whose idea is better. Life isn't always about competing. You starting the reply with "Just the name Amway puts me off". How's that for ignorance? How is your behavior appropriate? Have you thought about that? Imagine you bringing up GNC, and I just go "Ohhh GNC, alright end of story. Don't tell me further. I don't even care about the ingredient list."

    The post wasn't for you to read if you aren't interested. If you aren't interested in Amway, that's your decision to choose not to know about something. Other readers may be interested and would like to know what the better options out there are.

    If WPI and WPC works for you, that's great. Nobody going to argue with you on that.

    I've been through those as well, finally settle on the two I prefer. Amway's protein is in smaller sizes and more expensive. So I prefer Garden of Life's protein, this I source from iherb as well. Same saying goes, try it, could be the only protein you will buy this lifetime.

  12. Think about your health and how your body takes in those artificial powders.


    Would only recommend Amway's protein and Garden of Life's protein. Perfectly smooth, no sandy texture, guarantee no nasty farts. Ingredients checklist, all natural beans and peas. Changed to these for years, would never ever consider another "sport protein".


    Those who never tried these 2 brands, go try it. Give you a whole new perspective as to what "good" is.

  13. Ride for atleast 10-20 years, it's not about the numbers or the speed. Just human curiosity to reach 200km/h, 300km/h. And? Those who done it, just remembered they done it. Will they do it again? A few might. Most won't. Is it enjoyable? Not really.


    70-100hp bike is more than enough, more importantly I would say is the torque, mainly low end torque. Aim for 60+ lbf⋅ft. You want a bike that is always ready in all circumstances, not hunting for power and struggling. Especially when going uphills. Every bike handles differently as well as the seating position, find one that you love and enjoy. Nothing beats the smile on the face, when you roll the throttle lightly and vroom you get taken away.

    • Like 2
  14. "Rice fields are able to be submerged for between 10-15 days and Chiang Rai Governor Narongsak Osot-tanakorn has said he will declare any area damaged by the operation a disaster zone so that 1,113 baht per Rai in reparations can be provided as per Ministry of Finance regulations. "


    "Farmers to get Bt1,100 per rai compensation for floods caused by cave draining"


    Alright.... who was responsible for the 13 baht.


    • Confused 1
  15. DJ54, we are not able to count how much gains we have acquired in life, or the losses we go through. However, one important thing to keep in mind is, The Direction of Life. Everyone on this forum, will have huge differences in the bank account from a few 100k's to millions upwards. Along the way, some lose 50k and it seems like it's the end of the world, while others lose 50million in the stock market, and keeps moving on fine. Ask yourself at this specific point in your life, what type of a person do you want to be? The one who gets dragged downwards and life gets worse each day? Trust me, things won't get better magically unless YOU, decide to.


    What's being spent is spent. You purchased "happiness" at the price of millions, and it simply had an expiration date of 1-2 years duration. But now you need to make a decision, from this day onwards, what you want in your life, more importantly who will be on this journey with you.


    Facing reality will help you a lot. She has her own life, and her own "true love life", unfortunately that isn't you. You are simply filling the voids in her life and allowing whatever she is doing to become true. No one else will tolerate that. If you truly love her, leave her. By pampering her and being there for her always, she will never learn to grow up and be a complete female human being.


    And for your own good, this can easily turn into a triangular relationship, your life can be taken at any time by her many boyfriends. The life you are going through now, will be the life you will continue to go through 5-10 years down the road. Make a change now, for the better. There is still hope. Everyone deserves a loving partner, including you. Don't waste your life being one of her clothes in her closet that she can use when required.


    Do make your exit plan firm and successful. When you do exit, she definitely will cry and want you back, you have to be prepared for that. These women exists because they know they can use "nice guys" such as you to fulfill them. You will have to be firm and make a decision that only you can proceed with without any other interferences. Good luck

    • Thanks 1
  16. This thing will be a huge success.


    The iTrash will be surrounded by two police officers in the front to prevent any tourists from taking pictures too close and stepping on the iTrash. Two military officers will guard the back to prevent theft of this expensive piece of machine.


    As the weather is too hot and humid, causing fatigue on these 4 human beings. It is agreed, there will be a routing patrol of iTrash in the morning and at night, each once.


    The rest of the time, the iTrash will be recharging at the local police station near you.



    I have no idea why marriage is even brought up. She obviously doesn't care about you or your children. If you send her money monthly, she might pretend to care about you. If that's what ticks your boat. From her viewpoint, you are just something she wants to get rid off, an annoying fly. Why would someone want to bother someone with marriage when it's not even an interest? Marriage is only the start of your problems. Do not do it.


    Live your own life, be happy, and find happiness with what you already have and create even more. Please stop caring about someone who doesn't even treat you like a 0.1mm dirt. Leave her alone. In these 10 years, she'll continue pursuing her many husbands and boyfriends and whatnots. You make the decision today to leave this type of parasite alone, or else it will affect your life forever, as well as your two children.


    Do the right thing. Start living your own life with your children, and build from that foundation.

  18. On ‎6‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 2:27 PM, Oxx said:


    Do you have any actual evidence of this (probably libellous) assertion?

    It's actually not a secret. The original business scope of brokers is to serve companies in providing them with services to increase their capital and their shareholding services. This is their main business, not our little individual investors. You are more than welcomed to visit any brokerage website and these infos will be provided or sent them an email. Any company regardless if their books are financially sound or not, will use the service of the brokers to promote their shares available either to the institutions, mutual fund managers, private placement, or available to the public.

    Ever seen companies doing horribly? Even with broker recommendations report that shows declining eps estimates for the 3 years ahead, yet raising PO and "Strong Buy"? =D

    This is the real world. Make some friends who works in the inside, they'll tell you, no secret.

    The same applies to mutual funds being recommended at the banks. The mutual fund managers of the specific mutual funds, is in urgent need of funds. The bank managers then tell the lower level sales staff to promote these funds and tell customers why they must buy this fund and why it's so good. Same same, but different. =D

  19. On ‎6‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 4:42 PM, kblaze said:



    not property per se, but JASIF

    Kblaze, Good morning. I have held LHHOTEL in the past but this year's Q1 10.95% versus last year's Q1 10.84%, 1% growth seems very risky to me considering we need to be above inflation. JASIF will currently no longer enjoy the 10% growth it did in the previous months, all of the remaining optic cables have been transferred to JASIF. With the data that I have at hand, APR17 9.29%, MAR17 9.66%, FEB17 9.61%. Unless inflation increases allowing JASIF to apply for price hike, we are looking at negative growth at the moment.

    On ‎6‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 6:25 PM, fatdrunkandstupid said:

    I don't hold SIRI.


    But as I noted in my post above, BLS, this morning flagged SIRI as a buy with a target price of 2.30 THB.


    In my humble opinion, the OP, given that he is a new arrival, would do better to stick with Thai ETFs (as suggested by Boiled Frog) rather than trying to pick individual stocks.

    SIRI has declining revenue and net profit since 2015. Brokers recommendations are because they work for the companies involved without care for the little individual investors. When a company requires their stock to be raised, they "hire" brokers to "advertise/promote" for them. Most of the time I find that companies doing horribly always require broker recommendations. And it actually works =)

    SIRI has gained 10% from 2.02 to 2.2 in just less than 2 weeks time. 2.27 seems likely at this stage and achievable in 3-5 days. BUT, what happens after that, are those "important/powerful people" selling their shares and achieving their intent.

    On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 1:04 PM, bazza73 said:

    Yes, you're right. Does not persuade me investing in Thai companies is a good idea. I'll stick to Australian shares.

    It's your own free choice. Good things in life don't require pressuring someone into buying. If Australian shares work for you, that's great. Just missing out on other options. I for one won't discriminate an entire country, I discriminate lousy shares. Every country has them. Been investing globally in every country I see for years. Same with ladies, can't just ban all Thai girls because you feel a certain way towards them. Take the time to know each one, ignore the ones who are bad, and keep the ones who are good.

  20. On ‎6‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 10:11 PM, Destiny1990 said:

    Could u give a couple of examples of some good performing thai property infrastructure funds with atleast a track record of some years?

    There's only currently 4 thai property/infrastructure funds I consider good at the moment out of the 50 I am monitoring.

    BTSGIF 6-7% growth in dividend per year, currently paying 6.9%.

    FUTUREPF 3-7% growth, paying 6%.

    CPNCG 9% growth, paying 6.4%.

    QHPF 5% growth, 6.6%.

    The rest are just horrible or with negative growths. The overall trend with most of these are in negative territory so the above may follow as well, be sure to keep a lookout on the monthly reported NAVs. If the monthly reported NAVs show a decrease in growth, prepare for an exit.

    Now is not the time to buy yet even though all 4 are at low price points, they may look attractive but never pick up a falling knife. As far as I know, many brokers are recommending to sell property/infrastructure funds and large mutual funds are actually selling them as recommended. So let the big trucks dump their shares, once they are done, we little ants can start enjoying the freebies. I have noticed Land and House Bank is taking advantage of this by actually increasing shareholding while the mutual funds are dumping.

    BTSGIF was able to have growth for this year was mainly due to a reduction in costs of operation, not because of price hike or ridership increase. This is very important to be aware of. Unless the ticket price increases or ridership increases, I would not touch BTSGIF yet.

    FUTUREPF and CPNCG are shopping malls and office rentals such as futurepark and central world plaza. Keep note of the occupancy rate and rental hikes.

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