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  1. Left abroad Saturday and the airport around 6 am is super busy. However this time was amazing with the automated system for passengers to leave. Zero queue. I could not believe how quiet it was. Almost deserted. Even hand luggage checking improved. Really well done. The best I have ever seen it. Once they figure out arrivals it will be an amazing experience. Amazing Thailand. It takes time but once it’s done its world class 😁👏
  2. High IQ driver - he will loose his Karma one day or the other - insane how some people anywhere in the world can be so stupid and oblivious
  3. Looks like a 7/xx t-shirt promotion 😁. Some people are really smart - no matter what age - was he on a flight to Texas ?
  4. Sorry but I have no sympathy for people overstaying. There is always a way in Thailand. Been here for 15 years with annual visa at immigration, agents, time and cost involved. Hope they can find more as it punishes all the right doers. Social system in France will be happy to have a new chap on their list.
  5. 4.5 billion $ will stimulate the economy by about 0.6-0.7% - just take some money from the import duty pot averaged at 20% / 58 billion US$. Smart move to keep the people happy
  6. 4.5 billion $ will stimulate the economy by about 0.6-0.7% - just take some money from the import duty pot averaged at 20% / 58 billion US$. Smart move to keep the people happy
  7. It’s just more people who want to get a piece of the cake 😁
  8. Ouch… great insights… outcome is clear now
  9. 500 baht overstay per day max. 20,000 baht what I remember. I would not expect any exceptions even it’s Songkran.
  10. Happens anywhere in the world… drunk, mushroom hallucinations, overweight, heat stroke, mental issues +++ Thailand has toilets literally every 10 yards… A fine would be the least and if he lives in Thailand probably revoke his visa…
  11. I am surprised nobody uses a fire extinguisher… fire gets bigger by the minute and everyone watching calmly… standard procedure? Jump and swim with a life west on and always carry a waterproof bag for the cash and mobile
  12. Section 295.Whoever, causes injury to the other person in body or mind is said to commit bodily harm, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or fined not exceeding four thousand Baht, or both... I’ll go for the 4000 baht 😁
  13. Why are people getting more aggressive these days ? Nothing else to do ? Life is so boring to get others involved ? If you don’t appreciate the life and people in Thailand it’s time to go back. Revoke visa and blacklist person non grata. As a man hitting a women its the lowest of lowest scumbag. Maybe some mental issues… keep him away from society
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