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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. Just go get her passport without him knowing No reason to let him know and just go to the UK

    Its that simple he has not paid for support so f****** k him

    Stop posting on the board here hoping someone will come up with a magic bullet and go to the passport office

    I had a daughter by a thai wife She knew her father but he did not help out so we just went to the passport office got her passport and left the country

    Its that simple

  2. Actually not a bad sentence. Exiled from Thailand and forced to live in another country that does not speak Thai or have any Thai culture. Every day of his life will be spent thinking about the dead cop and his family on the run as well. Such a sad state of affairs for everyone He thought he was above the law.

    • Like 1
  3. I was in a similar situation with my wife of 11 years

    Tearing my cloths of trying to rip my passport up Jumping on top of me and hitting and punching me. I too have never hit her or any other woman and after the 3rd or 4th time this happened I said

    Thats it I cannot take it anymore "I warned you if you punched or hit me again I would divorce you and that is exactly what I did That was over 5 years ago and I have finally found a sane nice woman I can be with

    So all I can say is finish with her. If you are afraid for your safety Tell the local police and lock her out. Send her to see her family by herself then hen she is there call her and tell her you have changed the locks and not to come back to you. Protect yourself I know this insanity

  4. He screwed my girlfriend on a membership and then tried to get more money. So do I believe this report HELL YA.

    If it clucks like chicken Waddles like a chicken and swims like a chicken Guess what ? It must be a chicken

    Do chickens swim?

    I am not sure if they can swim so throw it in the water and if it sinks OOOPS Sorry Mr Levine w00t.gif

  5. Actually when you really think about it, Its not a bad Idea. You kill someone with your car and you go to jail Right ?. What about the family of the dead person.

    So instead make it a rule If you kill someone you have to pay money Hit someone where it really hurts I don't really think jail is the answer for anyone in a car accident.

    The family gets vengeance and nothing else But how about the earning power of a person for life 2 million 4 million or more So why not make that the rule instead

    You know paying money is not the worst thing in the world if it helps to make the family whole again.

  6. Not one single person here has it right as to why condos are much more expensive. This is the fact. Thais think a condo is a good investment. If you watch construction of a condo it starts off at one price and by the time it is finished it is selling for 30 to 50% more that the original price over lets say 2 years for construction. Is it supply in demand. Hardly. Thais make a small down payment then try and rent it out to cover the cost of the mortgage. The problem here is there are now more condos then renters. So what you have here is a REAL BUBBLE" waiting to burst. The tipping point will be a crisis (political or economic) that that will send everyone running and start to walk away from what they can no longer afford to maintain with the banks. Take a look at an older condo 3 to 4 years and look at the number of vacant condos. Or go onto a web site renting condos and look at prices. Rental prices should reflect the true market conditions of the real estate market. But in this case they are reflecting the amount of Debt a Thai has in a condo. So if you can find a rental for a 35 square meter unit at baht 10,000 why would you pay 16,000 for something similar . You would not nor would anyone else.

    Yes we are in a bubble and it will burst Too many condos are being build and the builders are sucking in the Thais that still believe that an artificial price rise is a good. The builder is escalating prices not market conditions That is very dangerous.

    All I can say to the so called Condo Investor is GOOD LUCK

    I don't agree with a lot of this. Thais buying condos here do it with cash or developers installments with the the balance due at completion, just like foreigners. Thais primarily from Bangkok started buying these small matchbox size condos only recently. These prices are pocket change for many of them.

    You do not know what you are talking about according to Bangkok Bank 87 % of condo units are financed NOT Paid with private money I have no idea where you get your facts Probably pulling them from the same people how invest in condos

  7. There is a crack in the Thai veneer. Hint of Sex "WOW" Every one does it but Thais like 2 dimensional characters and not real life This is why there are so many young unwed woman in this country running around with little kids. Because Thais do not talk about it.

    Just a few common sense words and your daughter may not get pregnant. If they can talk about Feminine napkins on a commercial then don't you think its time to start to talk about sex too.

    Education is the best medicine against teen pregnancy

  8. Ok look at it in reverse. Why is it that a lot of Thai woman want Farang Men./ Because Thai men drink, smoke, gamble and have sex with lots of woman. They don't want to commit . Pick any combination of these reasons and you will find most thai men are like this. Then on top of this Thai culture treats woman as second class or that they are like a chantle when married to a Thai man.

    So you are probably left with a very small % of Men that want a Farang Wife And from my experience Farang woman are not subservient. Farang woman are similar to Men from the West. Responsible Honest hard working and usually smart which is not a a desirable trait for Thai men.

    So figure it out Thai woman want Farang and not Thai men. It is clear why . So you are going to have to accept this formula since there is some truth to it

    Sorry for your dilema. I am not saying 100% are like this so go out have fun and maybe you will fine someone to love.

    I got very lucky

    I was in a restaurant and there was this very nice lady smiling at me . I got her phone number and after our first Date we have been together since then. It has been fabulous but then again she prefers Farang Men for the very reasons I outlined

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  9. I have a company here and it is simple You must pay for the days worked. However file a police report and be done with this. Make them pay for what was stolen if you can prove it and then dedict it from the salary and have then sign paper stating that what you deducted from what was owed was from the left

    Get them to sign and have someone witness it and then pay them the balance of what you owe them and be done with it

    They did what they did and it should not consume you Get over it

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