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Posts posted by SteveCNX

  1. Does anyone know if ThaiVisa.com has ever been forced to reveal a poster's real name to Thai authorities under some "court order" (a la Yahoo in China)? What is ThaiVisa's policy on this?

    I would concerned about the potential for retaliation if a comment were to hit a little too close to home and actually impacted the outcome - especially if it supported the side that doesn't come out on top of this power struggle.

  2. Good point El Jefe, opportunities to experience disappointment are abundant but we can be too cynical at times - quick to criticize and slow to praise our hosts. Thanks for adding some needed perspective without being Pollyanna-ish.

  3. Someone posted among these comments, "Thais never expect anything special or to be treated differently." Tell that to any cyclist run off the road by a spoiled 'hi-so' Thai teenager in daddy's BMW! Lesson here: never say never!

    Inconsiderate roadside manner isn't limited to the realm of the rich. As a wise friend recently quipped, "Thais aren't half as friendly as they think they are...or they wouldn't drive the way they do." I suspect large chunks of the legendary Thai hospitality may have been supplanted by prosperity.

    As for the issue of patronage, while it comes with the benefit of stability, this is vastly more beneficial to the 'haves'. The current system ensures they retain the lion's share of wealth and power. Meritocracy would be a better way forward for Thai society in general. After all, if there is no incentive for self improvement then who would bother?

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