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Posts posted by theblether

  1. A few years ago this forum had genuine big hitters. These days I regret to say the intellectual standard has collapsed. 


    Now we have digital scum linking to Wikipedia- a source banned by amazon.com as being unreliable. 


    In that link this digital scum clown forgot to point out that it says " no proof was found." 


    You are surrounded by insignificant, hysterical lunatics. Even Biden's DoJ calls them conspiracy theorists. 


    A brigade of vocal halfwit. A total embarrassment 



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  2. 53 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    They were convicted for the coverup. Happens a lot in big scandals.


    You know you are stretching there. 


    How disappointed you must have been when RM said - we found no collusion. 


    How disappointed will you be when a CALIFORNIAN COURT of all places puts Hunter on trial for tax evasion linked to influence peddling. 


    And, yes, the laptop has plenty of verified e-mail threads that deal with influence peddling. 


    Conspiracy theorists like you and that hysterical guy have forgotten that the RECIPIENTS OF THE E-MAILS  have either verified the contents, in a couple of cases under oath in front of Congressional committee(s), or agreed to testify for the prosecution. 


    People like you are the reason I rarely step into US political discourse. I've seen better behaved toddlers in tantrum mode. 

    • Like 1
  3. I'm not engaging with that hysterical village idiot again. 


    Convicted felon Hunter will be in court in September for tax evasion. The source of the money will be front and center. 


    I don't care what the demented Democrat conspiracy theorists assert here. That court case could not come at a worse time. And if it results in conviction, Hunter is going to jail. 


    And you are truly demented if you think Joe Biden in his second term or leaving office if defeated will allow his son to fester in jail. 


    Zero chance of that, none.



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  4. 3 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Paul Manafort went to the slammer for his Russian collusion and related acts. You know, Trump's campaign manager who handed the Russians confidential campaign data so they could influence the election.


    Roger Stone was convicted for lying about Russian collusion.


    Lots of other mooks were convicted of collusion acts.


    You seem unaware of these facts, so I ignored the rest of your post.


    I am aware of all these facts. I'm also aware that after lengthy investigation under RM as a special counsel, they found nothing. 


    And you - worse than a MAGA conspiracy theorist as you are - are aware why both mentioned were jailed. 


    Feel free to tell the forum what they were convicted for. And a clue - Russia wasn't it. 

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Clearly, there was Russian collusion in 2016, but that has nothing to do with this case.


    And what does Hunter Biden's laptop have to do with how he filled out a form pertaining to gun ownership?


    Delusional and pitiful. There was no collusion. It's shameful that you are carrying this debunked conspiracy theory. 


    Your second question is dumb. The contents of the laptop were used to prove he was lying about his drug use. Jurors have made it clear they knee he was lying from early in the trial. 


    Here comes the real disaster. Convicted felon Hunter Biden goes on trial in September for tax evasion linked to influence peddling. He has two major problems. 


    At least two of his former business partners will testify that he is lying. At least one will drag personal meetings with Joe into the mix. 


    And the laptop is a treasure trove of incriminating evidence. But, in short. Give it a rest with your conspiracy theories. 


    Leave it to that demented hysterical fool that has polluted this forum for 15 years. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 41 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    Obviously, the cases have nothing to do with each other - even if some people try to connect them somehow. 


    And let's see if his father, the president, will pardon him. Joe Biden said he won't do that.

    How would the orange guy react if a family member would be found guilty? We can all guess... 


    Joe Biden will not leave office without pardoning his son. 


    The astounding part of this story is that Hunter has refused to take any responsibility. He had put the judge in a position that he may have no choice but to impose a jail sentence. 


    And while some of you think the pressure will come from MAGA, the real danger for the Biden's will come from the African-American wing. 


    How many young black men would avoid jail under these circumstances? This case has snake-bitten Joe and the venom will flow all the way to election day no matter what. 

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  7. 19 hours ago, Lorry said:

    You can leave away the insult.

    Taking prescription medicine,  especially antimicrobial medication,  without asking a health professional,  is never a good idea. 

    Rural Thais in Isaan may not know any better,  "Amoxi" is sold and taken like candy. But educated foreigners from rich countries should know better. 


    ??? It's over the counter medication


    You started off with a patently false insinuation that Thais don't routinely use anti-parasite medication. 


    You are sent a recent medically supervised survey that stated 67.5% of used it in the past year. And you are still arguing. 


    Give it a rest. 

  8. 44 minutes ago, Lorry said:

    Never knew a Thai doing this.

    (Doctors don't recommend this)

    They give it to their dogs every 6 months. 



    That's amazing as it was my Thai doctor that put me onto it and told me that he takes them every six months. 


    Maybe you should read this recent study where they found parasites in 10% of a study group in Khon Khaen. A study that found 67.5% of Thais take anti-parasite medication every year. 




    3.3. Reason for Self-Treatment of Anti-Parasitic Drugs

    Half of the participants (50.7%) had experienced parasitic infection screening, and from this group, 42% had a diagnosis of parasitic disease. A total of 81% of the participants in this community had the experience of anti-parasitic drug treatment. The most common reason for treatment with an anti-parasitic drug was “Often eat raw food” (37.7%), followed by “Feel uncomfortable stomach” (25.3%), “Self-treatment every year” (15.5%), and prevention from parasitic infection (14.1%). About 67.5% of the participants were treated with anti-parasitic drugs at least one time a year, and anti-parasitic drugs were commonly bought from pharmaceutical medicine stores (40.8%) and drugs sold on street markets (32.0%). More details are shown in Figure 2.

  9. 9 hours ago, sambum said:


    "The core of it" is the unfairness of the whole "frozen pensions" fiasco, which I believe is only applicable to the UK, and no other country penalises their own citizens for living abroad while welcoming immigrants with open arms, and gives billions away in Foreign Aid every year - especially as the matter could be easily resolved. From a House of Commons statement:-


    " BRIEFING PAPER   Number 1457, 8 February 2021   Frozen overseas pensions :-

    16. Reciprocal social security agreements are not entered into solely with a view to paying annual uprating increases to UK pensioners living abroad. They are not strictly necessary for that purpose as uprating can be achieved through UK domestic legislation… "


    There is no unfairness. 


    There are black and white choices. Choose carefully. 


    And for the childish among you. The state pension was never promised as an INTERNATIONAL PENSION SCHEME. 


    And some of you are so thick you can't work out why, so I'll explain:


    The British pension scheme is linked to THE BRITISH COST OF LIVING, part of the triple lock guarantees that the pension keeps up with prices. 


    You leave the UK and you leave that index behind. It's your choice, get over it. 

    • Sad 2
  10. 16 hours ago, sapson said:


    Which parasite cleansing medication is recommended? 




    Praziquantel, Albendazole - common usage. Just ask your pharmacy re dosage. It's part of the daily routine for pharmacies in Thailand. 


    Don't go down the rabbit hole - you'll encounter online obsessives who take things too far. 


    In my case a parasite was picked up during a routine blood screening twelve years ago. Treatment was as described above and it was that experience educated  and encouraged me to join Thais in routine consumption of anti-parasite medications. 


    To clarify re Steady Eddy, the cause is unknown so I'm not saying its parasitic. 

  11. 16 hours ago, impulse said:


    Is there a specification for the parasite medicine, name, dosage, program, etc?  I spent about a week each month in Thailand for the past year or so (and into the foreseeable future), and I'm always nervous about eating in unfamiliar venues.  Especially since I love street food, though I avoid as much as possible uncooked meat, fish and other seafood.  Still...  A little prevention.  No telling what dripped on the food they put on my plate.


    Best of luck to Steady Eddie.  Though I can't say I've met him or I'm familiar with his work...



    Praziquantel, Albendazole - common usage. Just ask your pharmacy re dosage. It's part of the daily routine for pharmacies in Thailand. 

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