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Posts posted by sb1983

  1. Thanks everybody for the replies

    I found our first emails (> 1.5 years ago) and saw that she wrote 'ther' rather than 'khun' sometimes, for example ฉันสามารถคุยกับเธอได้ทุกวัน

    Regarding to 'khun', she told me that it's such type of a joke. She tell it like 'khun Name kha' and smile. Her English is not perfect (mine as well), so she unable to explain it good enough for me. I had previously asked about my another Thai friend about addressing 'khun Name' to me from gf, she spoke English better than me, but she told that she don't understand why my girlfriend call me khun sometimes. Maybe she was jealous because I keep distance with her and love my girlfriend and never cheated her, so I decided to create this topic to understand Thai language better :)

  2. Probably this question arise here many times already but I want to clarify one more thing.

    My girlfriend usually say 'chan rak khun', she speak same when we are alone, or her both kids are near and can hear everything. Is there any real difference between 'chan rak khun' and 'chan rak ther' (ฉันรักเธอ)?

    While we were together with her and her family in the temple, monk ask her about me, she (or her mother, I don't remember) told him something like puan ngan เพื่อนงาน maybe I heard that not correct but that was very similar. Does it mean anything or not?

    Sometimes my friend call me 'khun MyName', for example 'happy birthday khun MyName'. What is it, some kind of joke or what? Maybe she wants to show the distance?

  3. Did anyone tried to buy custom mac configutation in Bangkok or Pattaya?

    I want to buy Mac Mini with 2.7 i7 processor, 8Gb of memory and Engish full size keyboard.

    On apple.com I found few shops and contacted this one http://www.eits.co.th/ They told me that they don't have tax refund and they can order custom configuration for me if I pay 10k THB in advance. Order will be delivered within 10-14 days which is not good since I'll visit Thailand only for 15 days.

    There is a online order available here http://store.apple.com/th/configure/MC816TH/A? and they wrote that they would deliver within 3 days. Did anyone tried to order from this website? Do they really able to deliver in 3 days? I could ask my Thai friend to make an order since they accept only Thai and US credit cards.

    Maybe anyone know some other options how to buy Mac?

  4. I saw many people complaining on this forum about corruption, police and different type of scams. When I came to Thailand first time, taxi driver told me to pay 2500 for the trip from Suvarnabhumi to Bangkok hotel. I knew that taxi meter was working wrong but I was tired after almost 34 hours without sleep and did not want to argue. In Russia trip from airport to center of the Moscow will be almost the same, so I paid him. Few minutes later I found some very friendly Thai people who helped me to find hotel. Motorbike driver took only ten THB (I offered him 100). Later I mention that taxi drivers used to do circles to make more money. There were a lot of different events in Thailand with me, but I see that there are much more good and friendly people here rather then bad people. Anyway anything that happened in Thailand is very far from events in Russia.

    My level of English is far from perfect but I think this is a good idiom for this: who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet.

    Probability that someone will call you '<deleted>' (whatever nationality you are) in Thailand is very small. In Russia it happen sometimes. Maybe it is soviet heritage, when everybody thought that enemies are everywhere, I don't know. I spoke with my English teacher (from UK) who came to live in Russia, he told me that he like to stay here in Russia despite some conditions and events.

    How much of the people who complain about Thais know Thai language at least at Intermediate level? Why do people think that any Thai person should talk with them perfect English/Russian/whatever other language?

    There are two different options: to complain or to do some action. Some people prefer to complain rather then to learn language/go back to their county/commit suicide. rolleyes.gif

  5. I have a friend in Thailand and sometimes I send her small amounts of money to her phone using webmoney (payment system that is popular in Russia). Is it possible to send her 2000-5000 a month and will she able to withdrawal this money? Will it be considered as money laundry or not?

  6. Recently I told my girlfriend that we can not meet anymore because my parents don't like our relationship. She is 35 and have two children. She is divorced and she work in the go go bar. I am 28. I love her very much with my heart and she love me too. She is my first love in my life. I know that she tell me truth all the time and did not lie. This is a long story. She wrote me something in email but Google Translate does not work good sometimes. Please help me to translate this part:

    หลังจากฉันเขียนจดหมายฉบับนี้จบสิ้นลง ฉันจะไปตามทางของฉัน อย่างหนึ่งที่จะขอบอกคุณว่าฉันจะรักคุณมากที่สุดในหัวใจและจะจดจำคุณไปจนวันตาย และจะรักเพียงคุณคนเดียว และคุณคือคนสุดท้ายของชีวิตฉัน ลาก่อน.......คนดีของฉัน

    This is the Google Translate translation:

    After I wrote this letter ends. I will follow my way. One will tell you that I will love you the most in the heart and will remember until the day you die. It's just you alone. And you're a man of my life. ....... Good bye to me.

    Did she wrote that she would remember me until I die? Why she is telling this? She want me to die before she dies? Is this an imprecation or not? I am afraid. And now my heart pains. This is not an metaphor it really pains because I don't want to make her unhappy. She cry every day and me too. sad.gif

  7. Please don't move this topic to 'Job wanted' section, I am not looking for a job right now.

    I am web applications developer currently living in Russia. For two years I have been working as a systems administrator managing a network with 200+ computers, 5 servers running Windows and FreeBSD operating systems. Since 2006 to current moment I was working as web applications developer. I worked at the major Russian and UK, US based companies and also worked from home on company from France. I don't post all my work experience because this post is not for job searching. Currently my salary is about 80,000 Thai baht per month, it is an average salary for Web Developer in Russia. I have learned English in school and my level was Upper-Intermediate at that time, but now my level of English knowledge decreased to Pre Intermediate, so I start to study English again with native speaker two times a week. Can speak and understand English and even Thai English sometimes :) I also learn Thai language with Thai teacher three times a week.

    What salary I can expect with such background in Thailand? I searched for some job offers on monster and other job related websites, most of employers are looking for Thai person with salary about 30-40k. I assume that they are looking a person with average skills for managing some website or something like that, is it correct?

    ps: sorry for my mistakes in English if any exist

  8. annoying, rude Russians. For whatever reason, the majority of them simply seem to not care about others. They have this unfounded sense of superiority and are oblivious to others. Sometimes this works out as they simply ignore anyone that is not Russian that they don't HAVE to interact with. But the rest of the time, they simply act as if they're entitled to do as they wish.

    I've stayed in hotels with a large number of Russians, Indians, Arabs and Chinese and I can say, completely based off experience and not prejudice that the Russians and Arabs were the worst. In terms of being loud and inconsiderate of others, they win hands down

    Hello everybody. I am Russian, I was born in the capital of Russia, Moscow and agree with all have been said by Angelo99 in a quote above. Rude and drunk people acting themselves as an animals is a huge problem in Russia too. Fortunately you don't see most them in other countries because they have no money to go there. Most of the Russians go to Turkey and Egypt on vacation because it is very cheap. For example package tour to Egypt for 7 days including hotel, airplane ticket will cost about $300. Of course not any Russian will behave as a swine, but unfortunately there many people who are not too polite.

    Actually I don't know why there are so many rude and not polite people in Russia. Maybe it's because of the past, I mean wars, communists and so on. Also there is a huge problem - alcoholism. Unfortunately many Russians drink too much. I don't drink alcohol at all, maybe because of that I can see how bad drunk people can behave themselves. There is a category of people who does not understand words, I mean you can speak with them on their native language but until you kick their ass they will not hear you.

  9. Do you give that sort of gifts in your home country too?

    Not every Thai thinks the same.

    Since Thai people love His Majesty King very much, I don't want to be rude or harm their feelings, that is why I asking before doing anything related to Royal Family.

    Some Russian companies put a photo with a president in frame on a wall, so to present a photo with president as a gift is acceptable and some people do this. Government organizations can present their own flags to other organization or person, actually it is not a flag, I don't know English equivalent for this word (pennant maybe is a correct word for that). Here is the sample of such flag of intelligence service.


    There is no any law about disrespect president or anything like that in Russia. If any Russian person will use a photo of president as a toilet paper no one will put this person in a prison.

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