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Posts posted by xandreu

  1. Hi All...

    I'm moving to the beautiful city of Chiang Mai in a couple of months and just can't decide what I want to live in. I have a budget of about 10,000B per month (12,000B at a push) and assumed that I would find a nice 1/2 bed condo for that.

    Recently however, I've been looking on the net at some of the beautiful little houses just outside of the city which it seems would also fit within my budget. As far as I can tell, the only downsides to living in one of these would be location and security. I'm a keen cyclist here in the UK, have been most of my life, and plan on getting a bicycle when I move to CM, so anything up to 10KM or so outside of the city wouldn't really be a problem for me. In fact, I see it as an advantage.

    The only other thing which concerns me a little is security. It's a no brainer that condo's offer much better security, but just how 'risky' would it be to live in a house on the outskirts anyway? I do a lot online, and I would have a fair amount of expensive equipment in the house which I couldn't live without. If I lived in a house on the outskirts, would I be worried every time I left the house that my stuff would not be there when I got back? What about some sort of gated community? Would a small 1/2 bed house in one of these fit within my budget? Can anyone recommend any of these?

    My other concern is internet access, which is essential to me. Is internet access in CM really as unreliable as I've read? I've seen that most condo's offer wi-fi, but how is this usually delivered? Do you share a connection with other people on your floor/in the building or do you get your own dedicated line? If you share a connection, all it takes is for someone else to be downloading large files 24 hours a day and you're stuffed! Also what sort of speeds can you expect in CM? Here in UK I pay for a 16MB connection and usually get speeds of about 8-9MB, which suits me. How far away from those figures would my connection in CM differ from that?

    So, any suggestions on where to live? What do you live in? What are the pro's and con's of it?

    Thanks :)

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