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Posts posted by Crocbait

  1. I had my visit in August and the immi officers only sat on verandah, never asked to look in the house. They wanted 2 x neighbours to come with ID and verify I lived there. 

    Another group photo in front of the house and repeated again 2 weeks later.

    (Refused their offer of help for 2k THB, so I don't think they liked us anymore :))


  2. Hi,

    Applying for a tourist visa for my wife to visit Oz with me next year.

    On application for sub class 600 visa Q. 27 asked do you have any relatives in Australia?

    Does this mean any blood relatives of hers ...which she doesn't, or does it mean relatives from marriage..i.e. any of my family as they are relatives by marriage?

    Bit confused by this as can't find any answer to this question online.

  3. 23 hours ago, Nowisee said:

    Silver Vans of Death strike again.  

    Speeding, texting or DUI.  

    Plowing into the back of a slow moving vehicle requires some effort.  
    Collectively speaking, all of us on here have driven millions of miles in various countries driving various types of vehicles.
    Raise your hand if you've ever plowed into the back of a parked/slow moving truck at night.  
    IF you did, please admit if you were speeding, texting or drunk.  



    I'll raise my hand. When I was young I did exactly that. Unlit winding highway in Australia and was blinded by an oncoming bus and plowed into the back of an old farm truck carrying tomatoes. Truck had no lights on the back. i wasn't speeding, drunk or on drugs! Luckily not hurt, but the car was mess.

  4. 16 hours ago, rockyysdt said:

    Hi T.


    I meant valleys, not gutters.


    The valleys are too narrow allowing rainwater to flow back under the tiles and the valleys.

    I had the same problems with my valleys overflowing inside the roof, I solved the problem by filling in the valleys with a special flexible cement...around 2,000 thb a bag...problem solved.

  5. 1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

    Who would have thought MILK,pure and simple would warrant

    such fervent debate, we have had spelling mistakes,spelling police,

    snide jokes,funny videos,posters promoting their favourite brand of 

    milk, and that's what it is all about personal choice,viva la difference.


    I hope I have made no spelling mistakes in this post,the spelling police

    who seem to have nothing better to do than troll the posts,searching

    for the smallest mistakes,so they can comment,suppose it must make

    them think they are superior,to mere mortals.amen. 

    regards Worgeordie

    Too true..The two Ronnies had a great episode about wurds!


  6. I recently had a small storage room built 7 m x 3 m, 2.7 m high sloping to 2.3 m. Specs similar to what you want. Cost was 3000 thb/m2 including electrics. It was attached to a fence that I had built at the same time. Nothing fancy, 1 double width door and 1 window. Floor slab was pored using delivered premix..  Hope this helps.

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