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Posts posted by caribbeanman

  1. "But it is a job that requires some language skills" Hahaha, You really think the PM in your home country speaks more than one language fluent , please don't think English is awesome....

    The previous Aus PM spoke fluent Mandarin.

    really???? give a link i would like to listen to my mother languages spoken by an ausy;)

    skip through to 35 seconds

    when he was ambassador to China (or something like that).

    wowwww he speaks really nice !!! well done Australia:)

  2. "But it is a job that requires some language skills" Hahaha, You really think the PM in your home country speaks more than one language fluent , please don't think English is awesome....

    The previous Aus PM spoke fluent Mandarin.

    really???? give a link i would like to listen to my mother languages spoken by an ausy;)

  3. They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

    It is a sad day for Thailand.

    If you don't like it then go home. It's called democracy. Deal with it.

    I don't know where your from but this is not true democarcy, You know it as well as any western member on this forum. All the people you seem to support would be in jail already in your country. Take a vacation

    Mr, i am from the west, i would like to hear some examples of those true democracies, cuz till now , i hav not known a single country in he west that you could call a true democracy.

  4. I love how superior all the farangs are on here.

    I am one aswell and don't pretend to be Thai. But, honestly to all the people that think that you hail from a proper democracy yourself is a laugh.

    The richer the country - the more complex the web of lies are.

    Thailands democracy shall remain as false as the rest of ours are.

    Now shut it and go enjoy the sun shine.

    exactly!!! here many farang acuse thai people of ignorants, lazy and i don not kow how many other things, but the truth is that the Thai people has spoken, for those with a complex f superiority: Go home with your true democracy and you superiority complex!!!

  5. Democracy is messy. I wish Thailand the best and only time will tell the story. All these dire predictions are premature. We just have witnessed a convincing election win and need to support the will of the people. Unless you are a citizen, we are all guests of the country and should behave as such. This policy has made my years of leaving abroad much easier.

    very correct indeed .

  6. In this statement I believe they've transposed the subject and object, shouldn't it more accurately read;

    Phuket Customs warns of Thai ladies cheating foreigners...

    Foreigners, that covers a lot of Nationalities, there are some that could teach the Thai ladies a trick or two, were not all from Aus, USA. West Europe

    the problem is that many of the foreigner coming from those countries, very often are so egocentrics that they think that all the rest of the foreigner coming to Thailand are so stupids as they are, but that is no true, i see many Farang geting riped in my country too, exactly the same like in here. I my opinion Thai women are good and very hardworking people, but unfortunately many farang think that all the Thai ladies are like the bar girls ,that very often, they get married with :(

  7. what happenned to the PAD no vote or are they in the undecided group - or did i miss something???

    i think that the problem with PAD is that right now they don't have nothing better to do( the reason for the creation of the PAD, was to protest against Thaksin, i believe), but their leaders wants to continue making some noise so they started this campaign, but i believe that the popularity of PAD is deacreasing day after day, since many of my friends who were yellow shirs supporters now are with the PT.

    But i most to point out that i like the posters that they has putted all over BKK, i think that the monkey and the dog are great :D

  8. Actually I think the attitudes on this forum are very similar to voters. A large majority of TV posters don't have an opinion on Thai politics.

    or maybe they do have an opinion but they don't want to post it ;)

    With 44% "undecided", there are probably a lot of Thai voters in that group that don't want to share their opinion.

    exactly, for example i have a friend, she's a teacher of a vey famous university in BKK, and she support PT but she and many other teachers and students of that Uni. are afraid of saying openly who they support for one simple reason,the owner of the Uni. is a yellow shirt supporter who forced teachers and many student to take part in the yellow shirts protest against K.Thasin, so they( students and teachers) fear retaliation from that guy, and that happens in many other places.

  9. Has there been an opinion poll with less than 30% undecided?

    There was one about a week ago which had 10% undecided.

    I think a lot of undecideds will remain so until they get into the polling booth, then it will be just a decision based on emotional rather than logical/reasoned factors.

    The most revealing thing about undecideds is that they show the extent to which voters' attitudes are not as entrenched and dogged as those on show in this forum, and that large sections of the population simply don't care as much about the issues as the non-voting posters of TV.

    Actually I think the attitudes on this forum are very similar to voters. A large majority of TV posters don't have an opinion on Thai politics.

    or maybe they do have an opinion but they don't want to post it ;)

  10. Should not the government already have the focus and attention of the people by the deliverance of policies and actions aligned to solving the problems of the country?.......is the government now looking to sway the voters by virtue of intention......

    The government has no plan.

    Put it simple, the Thais society is divided in two. A minority who do nothing, call themselves the elite. And the rural poor who are in charge to feed the "elite".

    Then, as this can't obviously work, you have a third party, generation of chinese immigrants who do all the administration work.

    The plan of the democrats is : no change !

    So basically lets focus on Thaksin so nobody will realize we have absolutely no plan.

    dam_n right :)

  11. AH YES! There's a solution.

    Let's just turn Thailand into a province of China with one monolithic dictatorial government, and no one can say a word against it. And behead all who are even slightly corrupt... which should leave around 3 people over age 12 left to swing the axe.

    chinese government and police are even more corrupt than Thais', so that's not an option.;)

  12. If he did his best to fight corruption amongst his cabinet, why did he appoint Suthep as deputy pm, the man that had to stand down as an mp due to conflict of interest?

    More waffle from the soon to be ex pm that should never have held that position anyway, your tenure has been a complete failure and I look forward to the day you are facing a court,

    Dammed right... :ermm:

    Besides that Suthep is far from the most corrupt in the kingdom,

    he also was very good at dealing with the players involved and making deals that worked.

    Yes, he IS old school, and so corrupt, but so are the vast majority of people he'd deal with, on their terms, and there was a pressing need to keep Abhisits fingers clean in the long run, while getting things done in the short term.

    So why Suthep?

    Pragmatism in working within a system that already exists.

    You get more done working within a system than outside it.

    Hmmm your post is very interesting. Let me see : PRAGMATISM=MACHIAVELLISM=LACK OF ETHICS=LACK OF MORAL, very interesting indeed ;)

  13. ah the usual mob, I thought it was quiet :lol:

    Give me an A, give me a B :lol:

    to clarify, I do not agree with a blanket amnesty for anyone and I have never said i agree with that, also maybe the poster would like to clarify what good abhisit has actually done for the country, sure he made a lot of noise about doing things but what exactly has he achieved? the slaughter of unarmed people on the streets, border skirmishes with Cambodia, a too strong baht ruining exports, the needs of the majority only given lip service, the continuation of corruption, in fact an increase of it at his own admittance, and admittance that there was a deal with the army to put him in power, the misinformation about his nationality etc etc etc.

    the hilarious thing is how all his cheerleaders on here behave when he loses his ill gotten power and is rightly investigated and put before the courts, I imagine at that point he will be begging for an amnesty.

    I wonder how many of you will cry when your poster boy goes back to where he belongs, in the opposition hopefully followed by prison, along with suthep. :lol:

    well said!;)

  14. i don't think that 15000 is TOOOOOO HIGHHH since now days a new graduate use to get 10000 to 13000, and regarding to feign investment(something that this country desperately needs) the problem is not the wages, (that even if they really implement this policy is gonne continue far lower than in china) but the policies of protectionism and the lack of polical will for develop this country, i personally know many peole who want to invest here but thy don't because of their country's policies and the political inestability. but anyways we are not going to solves these problems so let the Thais setle them by themselves :)

    A 20-50% increase is too high. Sure, it needs to increase, but through productivity instead of forced minimum wages. If PTP want to raise minimum graduate wages, then they have to invest in the education system to make the graduates worth 15,000 baht.

    abhisit is also offering the same , he's offering a 25% increase in all salaries.

  15. i don't think that 15000 is TOOOOOO HIGHHH since now days a new graduate use to get 10000 to 13000, and regarding to feign investment(something that this country desperately needs) the problem is not the wages, (that even if they really implement this policy is gonne continue far lower than in china) but the policies of protectionism and the lack of polical will for develop this country, i personally know many peole who want to invest here but thy don't because of their country's policies and the political inestability. but anyways we are not going to solves these problems so let the Thais setle them by themselves :)

    A 20-50% increase is too high. Sure, it needs to increase, but through productivity instead of forced minimum wages. If PTP want to raise minimum graduate wages, then they have to invest in the education system to make the graduates worth 15,000 baht.

    abhisit is offering an increase of the 25% of all the sallaries so they should d same too.

  16. i think this a good idea, i mean salaries in thailand are miserables, in china one receptionist in a karaoke bar or in restaurant can esealy make 10.000bat( 2000 yuan) more or less, and the cost o life in china(beijing) is more or less the same that here in BKK, and we don't need to worry too much about it, just think how much is the minimun salary of a new graduate in our home country, and you will see the hugh gap.;)

    A new graduate in our home country doesn't get a minimum salary. They just get paid what the market supports.

    bad for your fellows countrymen they should fight to get some kind of law like that. i think that thailand needs a lot of changes, like for example to facilitate forein investment and boost devellopment, to rise not only the salary of the new graduates but the salary of the worker, they also need to make some reforms in their anti-drugs policies, inmigration policies, women rights etc , but unfortunately nor the Dems neither the PTP mention many of this points in their campaigns.:(

    Do you think there would be more foreign investment if companies were forced to pay wages that are too high for both workers and graduates. Even in the west these days, pay rises are given with matching rises in productivity.

    Sure, minimum wages need to be increased in Thailand, but setting a minimum wage for graduates will just mean that graduates will find it harder to get jobs and that foreign companies will invest elsewhere if they can't get the quality that they are paying for. That will mean even less positions available for graduates.

    i don't think that 15000 is TOOOOOO HIGHHH since now days a new graduate use to get 10000 to 13000, and regarding to feign investment(something that this country desperately needs) the problem is not the wages, (that even if they really implement this policy is gonne continue far lower than in china) but the policies of protectionism and the lack of polical will for develop this country, i personally know many peole who want to invest here but thy don't because of their country's policies and the political inestability. but anyways we are not going to solves these problems so let the Thais setle them by themselves :)

  17. i think this a good idea, i mean salaries in thailand are miserables, in china one receptionist in a karaoke bar or in restaurant can esealy make 10.000bat( 2000 yuan) more or less, and the cost o life in china(beijing) is more or less the same that here in BKK, and we don't need to worry too much about it, just think how much is the minimun salary of a new graduate in our home country, and you will see the hugh gap.;)

    A new graduate in our home country doesn't get a minimum salary. They just get paid what the market supports.

    bad for your fellows countrymen they should fight to get some kind of law like that. i think that thailand needs a lot of changes, like for example to facilitate forein investment and boost devellopment, to rise not only the salary of the new graduates but the salary of the worker, they also need to make some reforms in their anti-drugs policies, inmigration policies, women rights etc , but unfortunately nor the Dems neither the PTP mention many of this points in their campaigns.:(

  18. i think this a good idea, i mean salaries in thailand are miserables, in china one receptionist in a karaoke bar or in restaurant can esealy make 10.000bat( 2000 yuan) more or less, and the cost o life in china(beijing) is more or less the same that here in BKK, and we don't need to worry too much about it, just think how much is the minimun salary of a new graduate in our home country, and you will see the hugh gap.;)

  19. i would like to live in a country where people respect the law and condemn bullys

    then you better move to america or europe B)

    Ummm... exqueeze me but, which america and europe are you referring to? Obviously you've not lived in either or you'd know better than to say such things. I think Bush vs. Gore comes immediately to mind. There are countless other examples. The USA is one of the worst offenders, hence one of the reasons why so many now consider it their ex-country.

    And so, regardless of who does "win" the majority, it doesn't mean that's what will be. It's all about who can pull the strings for whom... but I do hope the Dems win it. They're the closest thing to a real political party in this country. The fact that it would be even close shows the ignorance of epic proportion that exists here.

    it's funny when you most hear people like you(obviously with some special ability)...... i'm american(from Tampas) and i has been in Europe many times(spain,italy,netherland,germany, andorra etc) and i have lots of friends there, and i will not waste my time with you cuz since the moment in which you put america(us and canada) and europe( eu) at the same level that Thailand u r showin' ur level of understanding of our beautiful world. i just don't care who is gonne win cuz is more or less tha same(for me, a farang workin' here). you said the dems(accordin' to you) are the closest thin' to a political party here

    can u explain to us(accordin' to u) what is a political party?

  20. Riding on the fear among the voters, party after party is declaring war on drugs and other evils in society, while one in particular has vowed to declare victory on its "war on drugs" within 12 months.

    If you ever needed proof that politicians are liars who will say anything to get what they want, here you are.

    "Drugs, like many other ills, are a social problem, not a criminal problem. Drug dealing and abuse stem from many factors. From peer pressure to lack of opportunities and unemployment, the very fact that people turn to illicit drugs is a testimony to the fact that they feel they have nothing to lose or that they don't have much to live for."

    If drugs are a social problem, why then does drug trafficking attract the death penalty?

    While I do not want to see a repeat of the alleged extra judicial killings, this article misses the point that drugs ARE a serious problem in this country and that people want something done about it quickly. The perception of many Thais I have spoken to is that the the problem has been getting worse since the coup.

    The author also ignores the fact that people sell drugs to make money - to profit from the misery and death of others. It is said by the locals in my village that it is now easier to buy drugs than to buy paracetamol. The villagers know who the local sellers are, but feel powerless to do anything about it because the local sellers are believed to be supplied by and receive protection from certain members of Thailand's Finest. Cold comfort for the family of the 16 year old local boy who died from drugs just weeks after finishing school last term. The drug dealers gave him nothing to live for.

    It's good to see someone who really understand the problem.

    The eldest brother of a girl at my office used to be a drug addict. Then he got AIDS. He gave AIDS to his wife. Now both are dead and the girl has to take care of their two teenage daughters, the oldest one with serious psychological problems linked to her parents death. I know a number of posters here like to smoke weeds (an explanation for a number of dumb posts ?) and see their life style in danger if the government goes after their beloved dealers. But here we are talking about different drugs, synthetic drugs like Yabaa (Ice) that drive people crazy, destroy families, ruins entire villages in the country side. 1,000 dealers dead is probably more than 10,000 lives saved.

    When, for political reason, people start protecting drug dealers, then we should realize something is getting really wrong.

    i think that what we need to do is to ligalize marihuana and you will see that the comuption rate of all the others druhs is going to decrease, i remember that when i went t the neteherlands once i watched a TV program and they explained that since the legalization of the weed the comsuption of all the other drugs has decreased in a 7% more or less, and also they should decremenalize all the other drugs, cuz drugs comsumtion is a health proble not a legal or political problem, but anyways i don't think that Thai politicians are going to pay any attention to these so, and regarding to what you said about yabaa, can you tell me how many deads dos alcohol provoque per year?how many life alcohol destroy per year?:(

  21. He said it was undemocratic for any political party to threaten violence if it fails to form a government despite winning more House seats than the other parties.

    Abhisit said that in the general election of 1975, the Democrat Party won the highest number of seats but failed to gather enough support to form a coalition government. The party ended up in the opposition. "We did not encourage our supporters to take to the streets or create violence," he said.

    He says such correct and calm things and promises things that are feasible to implement realistically.

    How can that compete with 'pie in the sky' profoundly unrealistic promises, that tweak the heartstrings, but few clear and informed thinkers believe will be possible in reality... Reality takes a far rear seat to wishful thinking here.

    i think that the policies of the dems sound very realistic, but they should make some changes, like for example getting rid of Suthep, almost all the people that i know hate him, why i don't know but if they get rid of K Suthep they will look better.

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