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Everything posted by jethro69

  1. I tried to get my BB Prompt Pay to migrate to a new mobile. As it did not worked out on my first attempt on the ATM with the old phone, I thought let them do it in my local BB branch. Unfortunately, the competent staff that was very helpful in opening the account years back, seemed to be promoted away to higher positions, and it nowadays feels literally like you deal with kids in the Kindergarten. It's probably a issue that can be sorted, if you get the chance to find different staff. However, I was wondering what alternatives are around that working with PromptPay, what literally everyone uses here. I'm feeling that's the time has come not to relying on a single financial provider. My closest thinking was.something like True wallet, didn't look into yet. Line pay, you need a Thai ID, might find a turnaround there. I think in 7/11 they accept AliPay, another thing I didn't look into so far. Can anyone enlighten me?
  2. Just wondering if such a thing would exist. Not that I'm affected in any kind. But I have seen enough to say it's not healthy for the economy. Well loan sharks exemption.
  3. Need to do a visa exempt extension for my mother. She's staying in a hotel, and the manager confirmed that they've done the TM30 as required.(Online) What I have forgotten, do you need a copy of the tambien baan and a signature/ copy ID of the owner from the residence, same as required with a TM30. Or just the form for the extension, a photograph and the 1900B ?
  4. I'm on a new passport issued in my home country. Have been away for 5 months and currently on a SETV. Knowingly, I had a exempt entry in January. How likely is it that this one shows up in their database?
  5. I'm got my e-visa approved today 11th. The ticket I had to submit for the application is scheduled for arrival on the 25th. I booked that ticket to give them enough time to process the visa. I'm actually not planning on using it, so it's fully refundable. The problem I have now is that the e-visa is valid from 24th, what's if I enter b4 that date? Would that cause problems if entering on Visa exempt. Sorry for hijacking the post, but I believe it's a too similar issue to start a separate thread.
  6. Wouldn't be a problem for me. I never wired more than 4000€ ~150K Baht at a time to my account and used up that money until it dropped into the 4 digits range. Nowadays I use even much smaller amounts each time with Wise, as they arrive in my account within seconds. So the 1000000. I won't probably reach anyways.
  7. Although I have already a BB account, I was wondering what is the normal way to go for the visa fund requirements? I could probably manage to keep my balance over 400/800K as required, but just imagine your card get hacked and the balance drops under the required amount. Assume there are better ways, even in Thailand.
  8. I've been quite a lot around these stores. Just didn't pay much attention to such things, as it wasn't required so far. As a home owner you think differently.
  9. Yep, that's coming out if you ask help from auntie Google. English is among others only a 2nd language. Being a Sparkie myself, I had never to deal with residential installations, That's why I'm short of words how to phrase them correctly.???? The two way switch as mentioned in another reply is probably more correct. Meaning switching either from NC to NO. I didn't knowingly came across one. But then in all the buildings I lived so far, they had only a single switch/room. In the worst case hidden behind a door, or even better you have to cross the whole room in the dark because they had the bright idea to place it there.
  10. Just wondering, because on the new build the bathroom would have two doors. And usually electrics are not such a good idea inside a bathroom. How would they usually realize such things? I could imagine an impulse switch, if the toggle switches are not available. In a later stage, I would probably change most of the switches to WIFI-switches anyways, but for the bathroom it might be a bit over the top.
  11. Just wondering, when I look at my current rental, (an basically all other houses I had seen so far), you get your main 30A separator, if anything's blows you put a new (fuse)plate in. In the more advanced installations, you have usually a box with a couple of fuses (20A, seems to e the Standard), and than usually about everything hangs on that 20A fuse, no matter what kind of wire is actually chosen. Doesn't matter much anyways, the common practice is anyway to operate the 3000W table grill from the socket with 2 extensions where one of them has less than 0.75mm2. I got myself now this fancy box, with RCB, 10 fuses, 2 of them with only 10A, that's why I choose it, nowadays with LED's you could light up the whole f....g village with 10A.
  12. Well I know, it might sound funny. However, I'm death serious. I used to work construction, and it was normally to find a reference point somewhere,where all the contractors had to rely on. I wonder how that's done in Thailand? For road construction, the use sometimes optical instruments, I would say for a residential building a normal cross laser is efficient enough. Theodolites I would of course prefer, and I know how to use them. But I guess that's wishful thinking. Guess the old Pythagorean theorem must do. Failed today because I couldn't find appropriate line in sufficient length to get ahead.
  13. Nothing to do with a strong economy, they just are determining to fight the inflation, after all there are midterm election in fall. The US has the most debts of any nation in the world, so this policy with the interest rising rates will end soon, maybe in early 2023, maybe late 2023. It might be in the interest of the FED to kill those Zombie companies, which just stay afloat because of cheap credits, but are doomed to fail sooner or later anyways. The sooner the better for the health of the economy.
  14. Basically, none just that they came up with it by themselves.
  15. When I went to immigration to do the TM30, they said, If I want to stay longer, I could do an extension. I never had an extension in 10+ years, and did mot loose a single word of it. She came all up from herself. And believe me she's locally known as the "dragon lady", and that are still the nice words. 45 days fit in nicely in my schedule, will save me a trip until Feb 23 when I'm flying anyways back to EU for the summer.
  16. The foremost reason is because Bitcoin moves along with the rest of the economy. Soon enough the FED is forced to change there interest policy again when the recession can't be denied anymore and moving back to run the money press at 110%, then you'll also see a hike in BTC as all the other indices. The next halving of BTC is in 2024, that would probably trigger another rally. Until then, I'm quite happy with a side ward market in order to accumulate on the cheap. Personally I see BTC more as a savings plan, and am actually more interested in the value in 8-10 years from now. Even if it's still the same value as of today, I did at least not lost 50% value on my FIAT-currency.
  17. "They include Germany, Portugal, Malta, and Switzerland in Europe and Singapore and Malaysia in Asia." The situation in Germany is only true if your holding your Cryptos for at least a year, otherwise if trading, they are subject to income tax, and the German income tax is the highest in the word. I assume that this one year moratorium will be changed very soon to either 5-10 years. Don't know the exact situation on Switzerland right now, but will probably investigate. Right now you can still buy BTC for 900Euro/daily without KYC. So that might do the tax thing a bit difficult anyways. In my own country, I just figured out that 6 months holding are tax exempt. Most Thais I know, bought anyways at the peak of +2million, so there will little to none tax revenues for this year anyways. Unless there are a few left, who are still fluid, and did the entry in the last 2 months, like myself, but then only with minimalistic figures anyways. Just wonder how they will cash those taxes in, I assume they work then with those few Thai exchanges together.
  18. Well, as I see it, doesn't effect me much, as I have a rental, It's a bit like the national parks, you have a choice to simple not go. However, the genuine tourist is, unless booking over Airbnb or similar, will be affected, and little choice to avoid the charge, unless choose a different country. Honestly, I didn't read the full article, but I understood, there have been discounts to boost the industry. The only means I can imagine where the government can be involved, are tax releases for hotel operators. It's not wrong per se to admit discounted prices during hard times for the locals of a country. However, a dual price scheme has a bitter taste if others find out. If I'm in charge, I would rather give away vouchers to be spent for accommodation, parks, restaurants, or whatever.
  19. "never taken a side in any war"??? Prove me wrong, but during Vietnam war Thailand was one of only 5 who were allies with the US. I think the only good thing that came out of it was Pattaya.????
  20. The last decade, I saw Thailand more often in a state of emergency and/or dysfunctional than the other way round.
  21. Well just looked at the picture I send yesterday, I took it with the front camera of my mobile. Those shots are not very clear, furthermore they come out horizontally flipped. No idea if that's only on my phone or generally so using the front camera. I usually only do selfies when parachuting. ???? Well, took a new shot with the rear camera, nothing flipped, all clear, hope they're happy now.
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