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Status Updates posted by Bargash

  1. Chick-fil-a, Oreos, whoever decides to do the same in the future, please keep your views on religion and stances towards how people should live their lives to yourself and do what you do best.... make things that people enjoy without asking themselves if it's a good thing or not... bunch of idiots.. all of you. And if you're one of those people who goes to one of their appreciation days.... Good job, you're just another mindless slave fallen for their marketing campaign. Go stuff yourself.

  2. Dear Hosting Company, please hurry up already, I've been waiting long enough! Ps. Will send Jack Bauer if not solved within one hour...

  3. Been up all night working on a website... still can't sleep, gotta finish.

  4. Joomla sucks big time, give me Wordpress any day!

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