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Everything posted by ryanwiley

  1. Me too...happened this morning. Used Grab instead...my tacos are on the way!
  2. These tiny little spiders absolutely decimated my bell pepper plants. Oddly, they are in the same pot as a ton of Italian basil, and they don't touch it! Anybody know what these are and how to get rid of them. If I clear out the webs and clean off the plants, they are just back the same the next day! Thanks,
  3. Those are some great shots! The color in some of those birds is amazing! Big fan of the reptiles, too! What mm lens are you using to get those bird shots....they must be pretty far away!
  4. Moving the gear back (up in this case) is exactly what I did to avoid the steam problem...but now I have to get up on a chair to see the screen and frame the shot! LOL ....the flip screen on the Sony ZV-E10 would take care of that problem! (talking myself into buying it) ????
  5. My set up is not that sophisticated...just a basic tripod and some lights. For the overhead shots, I put my iPad or phone on the shelf above the counter and set a heavy book on it! I did just order a boom to try for the overhead shots. I don't have any problem with oil splatter, but I do get a bit of steam coming up into the lens. Was hoping to wake up this morning and have some clarity about the new Sony or the iPhone...still can't decide!!
  6. Too bad no flip screen on the a6000...I really have a hard time seeing what I'm filming in those overhead cooking shots! I visited a couple of the Sony stores (Central RAMA 9 and EmQuartier)...beautiful stores. I think you're right...Sony seems to be getting better, while some of the older brands seem to be a bit outdated. I'm really leaning towards the Sony ZV-E10....does everything I need and not too expensive. I agree that the smartphone option is a good one. I'm really intrigued by the amazing AI software that smartphone makers are putting into their cameras...amazing stuff! The only problem I have with buying an expensive smartphone for the camera is that I'll then be carrying around my nice camera with me everywhere I go--and I'm likely to break it. If I were to go jogging--or bar hopping--and lose or break my old, cheap Samsung phone I wouldn't really care. If I got silly and smashed a 43,000 baht iPhone I'd be pretty annoyed with myself!
  7. Thanks for that info! I'm at Fortune Town now and will hop on the train and head over to Sam Yot!
  8. Not exactly sure what I'm looking for to be honest. I enjoy cooking and made a website and YouTube cooking channel, http://wholefoodplantbasedrecipes.com/. I film all the video and take all the pictures on my 4 year old Samsung J7+ phone. There is nothing particularly wrong with my phone, but I'd like a better depth of field for the pics and perhaps a bigger sensor to capture detail and get a little more creative with focus points and manual controls. I'm at Fortune Town now and have looked at a nice full frame Cannon EOS RP (32,000 baht) body only...and a cheaper Sony ZV - E10 (26,000 baht) with a 16-50 lens (really nice little camera). I also found a used Cannon 800D with a kit lens for 14,000, which is really interesting to me...full feature DSLR but used and not too expensive. I'm just worried about getting ripped off, as I really don't know a lot about checking for issues with a used camera. I'm also considering just buying a new iPhone, as the new cameras are supposed to be really good. Any suggestions? The one thing I really want to have is screen that flips out, so I can see what I'm filming. What model is your Sony--I'm most interested in used gear in good condition. Cheers
  9. Anybody know of a good used camera shop in Bangkok. I know there are lots in Fortune town. I'm looking for a personal recommendation to a particular shop from someone who recently had a good experience with knowledgeable sales staff...good service...fair price prices, etc. Thanks,
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