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Everything posted by BBJ

  1. Once again thanks for the input but I am well aware of quality food which is my main source. I cook for myself. Eggs, fish, Chicken and a ton of veg and some complex carbs. I was asking about powder as it is a good tool for pre workout and in between longer meal gaps. I am not looking to replace what I already rely on. I have what I need. I will stick to the motorcycle section I think!
  2. Took it took the coffee shop.
  3. Took it for a coffee.
  4. As it not been blamed on a weather balloon yet!
  5. Thanks. But usually plant based products are usually ultra processed.
  6. I eat all those. Still need extra protein. Also don't drink from plastic. Filter my own water. Don't eat GMO and ear organic when I can. But that's not what I asked.
  7. Any recommendations for a good quality protein. Whey or whey isolate. I was using fitwhey for a while but noticed there protein grams have reduced. 29, 27 and now 26g I think. One I have now after being sold it is 80% soy despite asking before paying. I am not looking for bulk. Thanks and sorry if this has been covered. Tried in the search but my phone is possessed and does other things
  8. As stated in the post. The shims were changed as it was due to be checked. That is done for a reason. It's not like waiting for the brakes to fail before fixing My bike sounded fine. No issues at all. Valve clearance was too tight that my slimmest feeler gauge would barely pass. Good luck with waiting for your bike. Tight valves are much worse and might sound quieter than lose tappy valves that won't cause an issue so long as within manufacturers tolerance. And to be clear to prevent tit for tat. You said "If it ain't broke". I will leave it there.
  9. Don't check valve clearance? Are you sure?
  10. Not today but early December and a few days ago as I did multiple inspections. Suspected cam chain tensioner was on its way out so decided to do a valve inspection as it is due. Valves were out and changed shims. Checked, and rechecked clearances 3 times. Reassembled and thought all was good. But this time more tapping than normal. Mine also developed tapping when it had been on a run. (common for ATs to tap when cold) As if the AT isn't a pain enough already to strip down. Stripped all the way back down and rechecked clearances. All spot on. I put it back together and still sounded like a late 70s early 80s 1.0 Ford Fiesta. I changed a few things on the way to the valves having done a few ATs in the past. I replaced the harness and a few seal and coolant pipes. Stripped down and found that the Spark Plug boot on the left of the AT which is a very tight boot wasn't pushed all the way down so it was arcing. Didn't need to strip it if I had checked that first! All good. Just waiting for a PSR cam chain tensioner as I originally suspected this was on its way out and it did fall apart in my hand, fortunately. A bit of body repair and painting too. Resprayed all panels and the tank.
  11. 49 and a bit years old. Played tennis a lot but injuries put a stop but I can hit the ball if anyone is interested. Not a Sunday park player. Looking just for the exercise in the Panya Area, near Fashion Island. Singles I prefer but doubles is ok. I am flexible and can play between 10am upwards most days but not weekends. Good for an hour maybe 2 with a ton of breaks! I am based near Safari World. Not looking to travel into the center. Thanks
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